Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 [XBSX|S, PC, XGP]

Impressive, but... "in-engine". :-? You can render at slow 15 FPS and then double it and play it as a smooth 30 FPS video, and other stuff. I'd like developers to show us true real-time stuff. I don't like to wonder how much of that will be seen in real-time.
I think if I recall correctly; they stopped doing real-time performances on stage demos after all the snafus and weird bugs that can crop up. I'm not sure if you recall some of the issues with some UC4 E3 play throughs where they crashed at opening the door and needed to reboot. I believe that was the last time Sony ever decided to go with a real time demo.

The 'in-engine' trailers you see for both Sony and MS are running real-time on the hardware, but then recorded and likely edited (perhaps scene reversals, timing of audio, trailer/order changes) to ensure that it runs flawlessly and on-time for the time slot they are given.

I think there have been a great deal of many moments where people were in disbelief that it was running in real time; but I think all/most of them came through.
I just completed Hellblade on my Switch earlier this week. A game that absolutely should be played with headphones on, so it worked well playing it on Switch portable. Im rather jealous that the new Xbox will be getting the sequel exclusively. Who knows, Microsoft has had a good relationship with Nintendo lately, so perhaps the sequel will get ported to the Switch successor down the road.
I think if I recall correctly; they stopped doing real-time performances on stage demos after all the snafus and weird bugs that can crop up. I'm not sure if you recall some of the issues with some UC4 E3 play throughs where they crashed at opening the door and needed to reboot. I believe that was the last time Sony ever decided to go with a real time demo.

The 'in-engine' trailers you see for both Sony and MS are running real-time on the hardware, but then recorded and likely edited (perhaps scene reversals, timing of audio, trailer/order changes) to ensure that it runs flawlessly and on-time for the time slot they are given.

I think there have been a great deal of many moments where people were in disbelief that it was running in real time; but I think all/most of them came through.
God of War E3 2016 demo was running real-time, controlled onstage by Barlog himself. Even the orchestra was playing the music live during that demo.

direct feed capture of the trailer



They're presumably using UE4 again. It's pretty awesome that visuals like this are in reach on day one with talented devs like NT.

Not to be a Debbie downer here, but I believe that Phil mention this game was in early Alpha. It'd be great if it was a launch title, but I'm think it won't be ready for launch. Actually, I'm hoping it's not a launch title. I want Ninja Theory to have the time to finish the game how they envision it rather than being rushed to meet some arbitrary console launch deadline.

Something like the new Flight Simulator is more likely to be a launch title. Likewise a new Forza title.

Thinking about it, the Xbox Series X reveal could be hinting at the launch titles. Forza (started with a car in a canyon), Halo (ended with MC running up to a cliff), and there was something else shown in the reveal that I can't recall off hand.

Not to be a Debbie downer here, but I believe that Phil mention this game was in early Alpha

He did introduce it as early in development. I was thinking more that the core tech has been available to them and others for a reasonable amount of time. Launch games should all be able to boast high levels of detail and effects. They're already in UE4.
I think the same situation here. Also having to watch this directly after watching the Hellblade 2 trailer; yea I can see how someone would say that; but I don't see any downgrades.

Hellblade 2 steals the thunder, can’t unsee those gfx. Those games should have come 2018, i’l wait for a prebuilt ms pc this time around :)
Those games should have come 2018

Games should have been released in an unfinished state in order to look relatively more impressive than a finished game releasing 2 years later on next-gen hardware?

In that case, Hellblade 2 should have been released on the SNES in order to look relatively more impressive than Final Fantasy XC when it releases on the PlayStation 7.
The 'in-engine' trailers you see for both Sony and MS are running real-time on the hardware, but then recorded and likely edited (perhaps scene reversals, timing of audio, trailer/order changes) to ensure that it runs flawlessly and on-time for the time slot they are given.

I'm not convinced that's the case. If cinematics ran in real-time, things like costume changes would persist. That's rarely ever the case.

This game might be one of those rare instances. Or, it may be like TLoU, wherein the cutscene graphics, being pre-recorded and in-engine look a fair bit better than gameplay. Not night and day, and not even noticeable unless you're looking with a critical eye, but still better.

Either way, this is going to look great. Just maybe not as great, in-game, as the pre-recorded in-engine trailer.
That what looks to be fluid sim smoke on that volcano is what impresses me the most, along with the photorealistic terrain rendering. In comparison, the Unreal Rebirth demo only featured billboard smoke so this is even beyond that!
Hellblade 2 steals the thunder, can’t unsee those gfx. Those games should have come 2018, i’l wait for a prebuilt ms pc this time around :)

All I saw was a cinematic. In engine maybe, but still. While with tsushima, some scenes looked like gameplay at least, it impressed me way more.
I wouldn't put much money on the volcano dust cloud though. That could very well just be a very long high-res flipbook animation pre-rendered offline. SSD baby. Stream high-res video like it's no biggie.
It certainly belongs to the 8th generation of consoles by the looks of it. Hellblade on the other hand has next gen graphics, well atleast if that would be real ingame graphics that is, we will have to wait see if the final game looks like that.

The environment/ground in that part looks very PS4/Xone generation to me. Kinda bland almost.
Hellblade is a cutcene running on a 2080ti. That clearly will look better than some gameplay running on a Pro.