Senjo No Valkyria (Valkyrie of the Battlefield) : Best Cell shading ever?

I bought this at your recommendation Patsu, it cost me $91, so it better be a good xmas pressie to myself :D
Good. ^_^

If you like strategy games, you will like Valkyria Chronicles. The only negatives I have seen people posted are the book-style presentation and somewhat tedious dialog (Need to press X). But these are not the meat of the gameplay for me.

Would be interested to know your opinion of Chapter 7.
Yeah, I am pimping this game in Home like nothing else ^_^
It worked ;) (although on some other forums they are also very positive)

I'm justing waiting for game/gamestation/ to get it back in stock for (hopefully) 19 pound. Here in Belgium they ask > 69 euro's (80 dollars) for PS3 games which is just ridiculous.

It's great living in a euro country for the moment with all other valuta's seeming to drop. I have bought Fallout 3 CE on the 360 , Resistance 2 an Farcry 2 for about 70 euro's :D
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I've got this game now. When I first saw it I really wasn't interested in it, so I haven't been following it like I usually do. It wasn't until someone was going on and on about how good it was on a small website, that I decided to try the demo. It really surprised me how good it was. I've gotten bored with more traditional RPG's, but this one is really refreshing. So far I've been loving ever minute of it. I'm at chapter 6 now, and doing well so far. One question thought, is it normal to consistently get a C rank after the first time you play a mission?
It's normal for me because I figured things out as I played the missions. Even when I made mistakes, I didn't restart and usually could recover after some hard work. I have some Ds too.
One question thought, is it normal to consistently get a C rank after the first time you play a mission?

I got quite a few D and E ranks myself. It's normal unless you play fast and reckless.

That's also my big gripe with the ranking system: it rewards speed and speed only. You can send squad mates to their deaths as much as you want and you still get an A ranking if you finish the mission within the set turn limit.
I got all my A rankings on the new game+. A squad at level 15 or higher can really obliterate the enemy.
Once you figure out the route....
Position/start your shocktroopers at the center of the map. Send 3-4 shocktroopers to ambush the vehicle when it stopped at one of the junctions. They will all fire at the same time. The armored vehicle should be toasted in 3-4 attacks.

I only moved Edelweiss once to block the first junction.

While Valkyria Chronicles was universally critically acclaimed in both Japan and America/Europe, the title wasn't commercially well recieved in the later territories. However, it sold over 200,000 copies in Japan, and it was announced earlier that Valkyria Chronicles has made the "PlayStation the Best" line up, the Japanese equivalent of the Greatest Hits titles.

The Best version of Valkyria Chronicles will be out in Japan in March, one year after it's original release. It will include the extra downloadable mission, and will sell for about 3,900 yen.
Selvaria DLC in Japan

Sega is now hinting at more than one DLCs in their latest blog entry:

Attention, soldiers of Gallia! It’s no big secret - Valkyria Chronicles is awesome. Really awesome. Awesome enough that lots of our own staff are addicted to it, and that the author of this blog post thinks it’s one of the best games he’s played in the last few years.

The best news - there’s even more in store for Valkyria. Soon we’ll be announcing a date for the first batch of Valkyria Chronicles downloadable content

And welcome Kittonwy to the world of Valkyria. @_@ (Muahahaha ! Took me about 1+ months to complete it))
38 and a half hours and it's finally completed!
There was a lot to like in this game and we don't have too many turn based strategy games on consoles, so it was a welcome change. The game definately has some issues as well, but all in all I really enjoyed playing it. The missions were quite varied and there were only a few that I didn't like, mainly because some of them didn't really leave any room to make strategies, like the one where you had to blow the radiators of that big tank, or the one where you had to steer that "large thing" to a different course. Many other missions also had clearly a one right way to go, but it was still fun.

The story was relatively interesting, although I personally didn't like Welkin all that much and would have liked to see him gutted on a few occasions... Leveling up and upgrading equipment was good, although I would have liked to see the tanks having a bit more room for the enhancements. I hope we get more turn based games in the future.

some of them didn't really leave any room to make strategies, like the one where you had to blow the radiators of that big tank, or the one where you had to steer that "large thing" to a different course. Many other missions also had clearly a one right way to go, but it was still fun.

Hmm... the missions you highlighted do allow you to use different strategies :)

Also, not sure about clearly one right way to go because I have seen people using totally different strategies and soldiers to complete the levels. There is a way to speed run the game, but if you don't use it, there should be several strategies to complete the game.

For Batomy, some did not blow up the turrets because they wanted the computer to exhaust the command points with the weaker weapons. Some use Edelweiss to block Selvaria while some hide their Edelweiss totally. Some use a Sniper but some don't.

For race against Marmota, I have seen some people deploy fewer characters to speed up the pace. They gave us 6 slots. I used 5 but someone used only 3.

For clearly one right way to go, are you talking about using Alicia after buffing her up with special orders ?
For Batomy, some did not blow up the turrets because they wanted the computer to exhaust the command points with the weaker weapons. Some use Edelweiss to block Selvaria while some hide their Edelweiss totally. Some use a Sniper but some don't.

For race against Marmota, I have seen some people deploy fewer characters to speed up the pace. They gave us 6 slots. I used 5 but someone used only 3.

For clearly one right way to go, are you talking about using Alicia after buffing her up with special orders ?

In Batomy you still have to shoot those walls down and destroy the radiators, Sylvaria's arrival is scripted and not in relation to time, but the condition of the Batomy. The radiators appear only when Batomy fires those walls, which is odd, if he fires Edelweis, they'll remain hidden, the game has many such "features"

The race for Marmota was very stricted, all you have to do is to go forward and shoot those ragnite barrels, I had the full squad in every mission, but I don't see how that really mattered in that mission, unless Marmota's advancement was accelerated according to your progress, which imo would be slightly retarded.

I think scripting in relation to time, would be in many occasions better than in relation to events. for example that one mission, Where you had to secure the mid camp to make the mortar blasts end, but if you occupied that with your last action on a turn, you'd be in big trouble as the enemy reinforces appear at that time with no warning and on my first play Edelweiss got busted...

The mission where two heavy tanks appear on both sides of the map was slightly annoying and relatively hard at first play also, because like in many other missions, the computer gets to cheat when getting reinforces, but on my second try, I just drove my tanks to both ends of the map and waited to capture the enemy base till my tanks were at an ideal place for their appearing reinforces. I took that base on my first action of that turn, and their tanks and soldiers then appeared and I had a full turn to crush them and I was already behind them in the beginning of the turn :) I think there were few too many times when you could get unfair advantage due to scripting. I still loved to play the game, yet I got surprisingly pissed if my tank/lancer/sniper missed an easy shot :LOL:
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In Batomy you still have to shoot those walls down and destroy the radiators, Sylvaria's arrival is scripted and not in relation to time, but the condition of the Batomy. The radiators appear only when Batomy fires those walls, which is odd, if he fires Edelweis, they'll remain hidden, the game has many such "features"
Yeah, the battles are scripted for the most part. The enemies will only react to you by following some predetermined AI (e.g., calcuate line-of-sight to Edelweiss). But rest assured that there are many strategies to complete the game.

In my case, I hid my severely damaged Edelweiss due to some early bad decisions. I found others used Edelweiss to block Selvaria, and some parked it near the end of the level to keep enemy soldiers in check.

The race for Marmota was very stricted, all you have to is go forward and shoot those ragnite barrels, I had the full squad in every mission, but I don't see how that really mattered in that mission, unless Marmota's advancement was accelerated according to your progress, which imo would be sligtly retarded.

The Marmota chase level is the most limited.

Depending on who's in your squad, your movement speed is different. I completed it 3 turns before Marmota caught up. Fewer units are more risky but also keep things moving faster (absolute time-wise). It's just something some of us decided to go with (or without) :)

In my case, my engineer had to be retreated in the minefield due to my carelessness. In the end, I simply bashed through using the tanks (but one was falling apart :LOL:).

I think scripting in relation to time, would be in many occasions better than in relation to events. for example that one mission, Where you had to secure the mid camp to make the mortar blasts end, but if you occupied that with your last action on a turn, you'd be in big trouble as the enemy reinforces appear at that time with no warning and on my first play Edelweiss got busted...

I am indifferent. There are cases where scripting to event may make sense. There are also cases where scripting to time may penalize some slow-starting strategies unnecessarily.

The mission where two heavy tanks appear on both sides of the map was slightly annoying and relatively hard at first play also, because like in many other missions, the computer gets to cheat when getting reinforces, but on my second try, I just drove my tanks to both ends of the map and waited until that moment to occupy the their camp on my first action of the turn, then those tanks and soldiers appeared and I had a full turn to crush them and I was already behind them in the beginning :) I think there were few too many times when you could get unfair advantage due to scripting. I still loved to play the game, yet I got surprisingly pissed if my tank/lancer/sniper missed an easy shot :LOL:

Yes, once you have learned their strategies you can take advantage of them. For that level, I took them out the proper way :) (Charge in one turn behind the tanks and blow up their radiators). Some send their Lancers to hide in the grass instead.
Yes, once you have learned their strategies you can take advantage of them. For that level, I took them out the proper way :) (Charge in one turn behind the tanks and blow up their radiators). Some send their Lancers to hide in the grass instead.

I was actually doing quite good on my first try, but some enemy scout managed to occupy my base, and up until that moment, I hadn't even realised that they try such manouvers, so I wasn't really protecting my base, I had already blowed up the southern heavy tank and had some troops already handling the baddies in north, but then that friggin scout got through...
And at that point in the game I wasn't really using mid-level saving either.

I just couldn't stop myself from taking advantage of the scripting in that level after I saw those tanks popping up in vulnerable locations and their juicy radiators begging me to blow them up. :smile:
Ha ha ! Same thing happened to me. I was p*ssed. It took me 4-5 tries to complete the level. They got my radiator twice. :(

Once their AI found a weakness in my defense, they would usually exploit it relentlessly. At the same time, they left some holes in their strategies for us to attack too. But sometimes those "weaknesses" are just traps. Some turn of events would force me to improvise.

I hated the snipers at the cliffs and the soldiers for storming the base wave after wave.

One thing I didn't try earlier on is Potentials. The GAF folks mentioned that if you use Hector and his Tank Slayer potential, you could kill a regular tank in one shot, and General Jaeger's tank in about 3 shots. I wonder how many he need to kill the Tank Destroyers.
I didn't use potentials that much either, and in most cases I was able to sneak behind the eneny tanks with a lancer or just drove with Edelwais and shot the radiator. I LMAO when I saw Jane's potential "sadist" though...I'm sad myself that she had to fall... In total I think I lost four soldiers.

In general I used the Edelwais a lot and I pretty much always had a engineer accompanying it and used them to fix it quite often.
Shamrock didn't get much action though, because it was way underpowered/inaccurate compared to Edelwais
A fully upgraded mortar blast did some serious damage to all soldiers except to lancers. Sometimes it was possible to take out four enemy soldiers with one mortar, and Edelwais gave good firing support in the missions that had trenches, allowing to shoot behind corners etc.

I did use all the ground units also a lot, as most of the levels were kind of built to support each class talent, although I think that the Sniper soldiers were not very usefull until their weapons got upgraded to be accurate. Scouts were pretty good even in fighting at the beginning, but soon became too weak, but once they got their rifle grenade they became usefull in combat again. I really liked the Troopers! Plenty of firepower and good defense, and despite the limited range they really were at home in the middle of a battle. Lancers were good "mini tanks" :) and very usefull to finish off a tank or a turret while spending only one movement point.
Then your play style is similar to mine except for the Lancer deployment. I don't use Lancers except for very specific targets (
like the towers in the last battle and Marmota's heat dispensers

I also treat Shamrock as a decoy/bullet sink only, but I have seen someone prefers Shamrock exclusively since it's expendable compared to Edelweiss

Towards the end, I trust my snipers the most, followed by shock troopers and then Alicia. It seems that people in GAF prefer scouts, especially a level up'ed Alicia (using special orders). I didn't find out about the scout's grenade launcher until the last chapter :LOL: