Senjo No Valkyria (Valkyrie of the Battlefield) : Best Cell shading ever?

Am in Chapter 18-1. Wanted to finish it last night but I had some urgent matters to attend to.

This is very much my top game this Fall. Very fulfilling. The book presentation doesn't bother me at all. I will start playing the skirmishes once I complete the game.
How very disheartening. Of course, actually advertising the game may have helped sales. But, I guess Sonic consumed most of the ad dollars. Nonetheless, hopefully EU and JP sales are enough to warrant follow up work in the same vein (sequel or not). Well, follow up work that actually reaches US/EU shores.
Archgamer, I am at the last fight
against Maximillian. Since I am swarmed with work, will need some quick tips. Are the towers invincible when they are charging Maximillian ? Do I have to destroy them all in 1 turn ? ...because I noticed that the towers I destroyed came back to full health (perhaps when charging the emperor)
Archgamer, I am at the last fight
against Maximillian. Since I am swarmed with work, will need some quick tips. Are the towers invincible when they are charging Maximillian ? Do I have to destroy them all in 1 turn ? ...because I noticed that the towers I destroyed came back to full health (perhaps when charging the emperor)

Try this
during the phase where you select your units, be sure to load up 3 or 4 shocktroopers. I personally like Vyse and Rosie since their potentials are pretty great (especially the Super Damage) that Vyse can get. You might want to have a sniper in your group as well and perhaps a lancer like Largo.

At the beginning of your turn, use Welkin's Order that awakens all your allies potentials. This is critical!

Now the reason you'll want the sniper is he can take out towers with one shot and this is extremely helpful for ones that are far away. Largo (or any lancer) can also take down a tower if they're at close range. Once the three towers charging Maximillian are down, rush at him with shocktroopers and start pounding away at him. If you group your shocktroopers together so they support fire then it becomes deadly. Add in the fact that all their potentials are 'awakened' and you can stack some pretty useful effects to cause extra damage.

You can finish him off in one or two turns this way! Best of luck.
Archgamer, I am at the last fight
against Maximillian. Since I am swarmed with work, will need some quick tips. Are the towers invincible when they are charging Maximillian ? Do I have to destroy them all in 1 turn ? ...because I noticed that the towers I destroyed came back to full health (perhaps when charging the emperor)

I'm assuming your not at high levels.

In that case Alicia, Rosie and Largo should be seated in the back roll along with a sniper. Fill the rest of your squad with Shocktroopers in the front. You'll start with 12 CP's. In your first turn, have the Edelweiss fire off a smoke round just in front of your squad. Next, end your phase. Maximilian won't see you and won't attack when his turn is up. You should now have a full 20 CP's on Turn 2.

On Turn 2, discharge the far center tower with your sniper. The left and right should be with Shocktrooper. Hopefully your Shocks are strong enough to discharge them in one try. Otherwise it takes 2 I believe. Awaken All and/or All Unit's Attack Potentials are important if you want to take Maximilian out fast. If you have those, use them and line up your Shocks in front of him and do combo attacks. If you can't survive Maximilian interception fire then I suggest firing another round of smoke in front of him as you approach. When you hurt him enough he'll likely move to the back of the stage. This is your cue to charge at him and finish him off before you run out of CP's. Otherwise his health regenerate after each turn and your back to step 1.

Hope that helps. You'll love the ending!
Iam hearing alot of good things about this game thinking about picking up, trying to decide on this Last Remnant or Eternal Sonata.
Iam hearing alot of good things about this game thinking about picking up, trying to decide on this Last Remnant or Eternal Sonata.

Eternal Sonata is the weakest of the three. Last Remnant has some people who love the combat system, but it's a game with big technical issues -- supposedly the only way to give it a playable framerate is to install it. And this is a multi-disc game.
Iam hearing alot of good things about this game thinking about picking up, trying to decide on this Last Remnant or Eternal Sonata.

I suppose this means that you want some opinion on all three games from the people who played all three, so let's give some.
Eternal Sonata is a good solid JRPG, its script is funny, its characters are refreshing and the battle system is not bad. I'd give it 7/10 on my absolute perfect scale of game goodness.
The Last Remnant is just bad, its script is horribly shallow, its characters are just stupid and the battle system is ... better it wasn't there at all at the first place. And I also need to mention that it has a lot off issues with framerate and its looks, thanks to notorious UE3. 2/10.
Valkyria Chronicles gets 9/10 from me, I suppose you've already read this thread to find out why.
Iam hearing alot of good things about this game thinking about picking up, trying to decide on this Last Remnant or Eternal Sonata.

Here's some more data points:

The review is pretty accurate, except that:

* I agree and disagree that the AI is "dumb". I'd say it's _balanced_. Sometimes (not often), individual AI may waste movement points or select less optimal targets. But the overall bad situation, combined enemy moves and monkey wrenches they throw into the battlefield will make the fight challenging enough. If the AI were smarter, this game can get tedious because the enemies will pin you down easily.

* The music scores (and art) deserves more mention. I am seriously looking for ways to pay more to the developer. I don't like plastic models (Will get scolding from wife :)). Gimme me some DLC or Home make-ups.

* Some may dislike the archaic book presentation but it's fine for me.

* This is one game you can complete without grinding. You can get by with strategies purely (Like me !). On top of this, there are many side quests and training/skirmishes you can participate in voluntarily. I haven't even touched any of them yet.
* This is one game you can complete without grinding. You can get by with strategies purely (Like me !). On top of this, there are many side quests and training/skirmishes you can participate in voluntarily. I haven't even touched any of them yet.

I think I found my 2nd gift for xmas :D
Great, thanks for the referer !
Will get the music.

Too bad it's audio-only. Valkryia's water-color world looks stunning on my new big screen. :)
Great, thanks for the referer !
Will get the music.

I suppose the DLC (there were two packs in Japanese) will also come out, but it depends on how Sega did the translation, if they did it in one blow for all the content. Otherwise with the current sales figures, they won't bother.
Finally completed the game. Perrfect ! \ ^o^ /

Thanks Archgamer, I used your strategy and it worked after a few tries.

Had to use a Lancer to destroy the left and right towers in 1 turn each.