Senjo No Valkyria (Valkyrie of the Battlefield) : Best Cell shading ever?

Yes, I was hoping you'd respond. Have so many questions but I don't know where to begin. ^_^

I am surprised by the game's depth. It keeps adding new game options and sites for me to level-up Squad 7. How do the personal relationships between the squad members affect the story ? As it stands right now, I am liking the drama. Are there cool weapons later (i.e., Should I save my points to upgrade sophisticated weapons later instead of wasting them on early weapons ?).

I hate to see my trained soldiers get killed by tanks and shocktroopers. I felt compelled to upgrade my equipments and existing squad members as much as possible. However, I am afraid Squad 7 might implode due to my selection of members (Then I have to start training level 1 noobs >_<)

I am still pretty early in the game (somewhere in Chapter 4).
How do the personal relationships between the squad members affect the story ? As it stands right now, I am liking the drama. Are there cool weapons later (i.e., Should I save my points to upgrade sophisticated weapons later instead of wasting them on early weapons ?).

Not sure what you mean. The story is straight forward and you’ll see how the relationship between Welkin and Alicia grows. In the squad barracks each character has a list of people they like. If you go into battle with the same people and perform combo attacks the damage potential is greater.

Upgrade as you go. The later missions gives you much more points for leveling your classes and upgrading your weapons and tanks. You’ll having plenty of points to buy stuff provided that you also play the skirmishes as well.

I hate to see my trained soldiers get killed by tanks and shocktroopers. I felt compelled to upgrade my equipments and existing squad members as much as possible. However, I am afraid Squad 7 might implode due to my selection of members (Then I have to start training level 1 noobs >_<)

The game is not as difficult as it sound. When I first play this I was learning as I go and now on my second play through it’s been much easier because you get New Game + which carries over all the Exp you have in the first game. You get some nice bonuses. I’ve learned to scout rush and rely less on tanks aside from using Orders. But don’t do this in your first playthrough.

Some other tips
-Go to the graveyard and buy Orders from the old man every time he offers one to you. They are very helpful when you get closer to the end of the game. They require Exp points. So do that before you empty all your points to lvl up your classes.
-Level up your classes equally. When your about lvl 10 Elite, start working on buffing up the Scouts, Shocktroopers and Snipers exclusively. They become far more important later on.
Not sure what you mean. The story is straight forward and you’ll see how the relationship between Welkin and Alicia grows. In the squad barracks each character has a list of people they like. If you go into battle with the same people and perform combo attacks the damage potential is greater.

Upgrade as you go. The later missions gives you much more points for leveling your classes and upgrading your weapons and tanks. You’ll having plenty of points to buy stuff provided that you also play the skirmishes as well.

Figured out the system. It looks like we are the only two on B3D playing this game. >_<
What a waste !

The game is not as difficult as it sound. When I first play this I was learning as I go and now on my second play through it’s been much easier because you get New Game + which carries over all the Exp you have in the first game. You get some nice bonuses. I’ve learned to scout rush and rely less on tanks aside from using Orders. But don’t do this in your first playthrough.

Not much time to play. Now, I simply focus on the operation objective to win asap. The game is still very fun in "rush through" mode.

Some other tips
-Go to the graveyard and buy Orders from the old man every time he offers one to you. They are very helpful when you get closer to the end of the game. They require Exp points. So do that before you empty all your points to lvl up your classes.
-Level up your classes equally. When your about lvl 10 Elite, start working on buffing up the Scouts, Shocktroopers and Snipers exclusively. They become far more important later on.

Yap, I went to the graveyard accidentally and learned the "Retreat" command. Will definitely try to pick up more tricks from the veteran.

I am also keeping every one on par (same level... well the sniper is 1 level behind)
Figured out the system. It looks like we are the only two on B3D playing this game. >_<
What a waste !

Demo totally didn't appeal to me and there are such great other games out there and in my PS3 that I haven't felt the urge to give VC more time to grow on me. Don't think it's gonna happen either. For what it's worth, I'm still occasionally reading this thread though. ;)
Well, I'm almost done with the new game+ in VC, so you're not the only two.
Would be my GotY if it wasn't for MGS4 - VC is a truly fantastic and incredibly polished game.
Demo totally didn't appeal to me and there are such great other games out there and in my PS3 that I haven't felt the urge to give VC more time to grow on me. Don't think it's gonna happen either. For what it's worth, I'm still occasionally reading this thread though. ;)

Demo is very bland although it well... demonstrates the core mechanics very well. There are more advance moves in the full game.

Valkyria Chronicles gives me similar trill as Eye of Judgment, but without the hassle and space of setting up PS Eye. EoJ is one of the most addicitive PS3 games for me once the battle clicks.

Because I want to rush through the encounters, I usually adopt risky strategies to barely achieve the mission objective (e.g., rely heavily on 1 or 2 foot soldiers to outsmart enemies while the rest of my squad distract them). It has worked so far. This further increased the tension in the game ^_^

It also allowed me to learn the nuance of each soldier class. Shocktroopers are surprisingly tough.

Well, I'm almost done with the new game+ in VC, so you're not the only two. Would be my GotY if it wasn't for MGS4 - VC is a truly fantastic and incredibly polished game.

Same feeling here. Sega is amazing in this game. I really look forward to the next VC game/DLC and also Yakuza 3 now !

EDIT: Aiight, don't want to overhype this game. Just know that the demo only shows you the moves (like learning how different chess pieces travel), but it doesn't show you the real game. From GAF, some people hated the (repetitive) conversation to reiterate the game development and objectives. I usually just skip through all the conversations quickly. So it's not much difference for me.
Yup, the demo doesn't really tell you much. Not to mention that they only included the first mission and first skirmish battles. Those two alone aren't very exciting and it doesn't tell you anything about the story either.

After you beat the game, there is a few more things you can unlock going through New Game +. I found an extra page in the story book for instance.
patsu said:
Figured out the system. It looks like we are the only two on B3D playing this game. >_< What a waste !
I don't know about others, but the game is in my top 3 remaining list for this year, I just didn't have the time to get around to it yet. The demo cleared any doubts for me - if XCom series wasn't run into ground over and over again, I would have expected it to evolve like something like this.
My BD drive failed a couple of weeks ago. Refused to read any disks. Took 2 weeks to sort out an at-the-door replacement. The refurb I've got is a little bit noisier by my unscientific reckoning. My mate's PS3 died the same way a couple of months after owning his PS3, but he just took his back to the store for a replacement. Both were Euro 40 gigs.
wow I haven't herd of a bd drive failure before. How long have you had your ps3? And what type is it?

The first 80 GB model with PS2 BC, it was a year old. My 60 GB launch PS3 also died after a year, but it did not have the same symptoms. This unit works perfectly fine except the BD drive cannot read any discs at all. I have an RMA box from Sony that I need to go ahead and get shipped out. I also have a warranty through GameStop, but they are just going to give me the latest model without PS2 BC. Sony claims they will repair the existing unit or give me another one of the same model.
GameTrailer review: 9.1 overall.


EDIT: Btw, I just beat Chapter 7. What a depressing battle. I lost 2 soldiers permanently. All engineers retreated. Edelweiss had so little health left that it had to be parked against a wall and remain out of action for half of the game. All except the last of my bases were overrun. Almost got wiped out till the last soldier a few times but the enemy AI was kind to me at the last minute. I made quite a few mistakes earlier on. Skirmish lasted more than an hour. Would hate to repeat it this time round (It was 3:00am :(). Will definitely replay this battle once I finish the game.
The only thing I do not understand is "other game took priority".
It's one of the best games this year, not only on PS3 but in the whole damn business.
I don't see any game that can even remotely "take priority" over that one.
It's one of the best games this year, not only on PS3 but in the whole damn business.

Damn, I didn't realize that I was shirking my duty as a gamer.

I'd explain myself to you, but I don't think I have to. I was in the mood to play something else and I did.

P.S. Yes, it's a great game.
GameTrailer review: 9.1 overall.


EDIT: Btw, I just beat Chapter 7. What a depressing battle. I lost 2 soldiers permanently. All engineers retreated. Edelweiss had so little health left that it had to be parked against a wall and remain out of action for half of the game. All except the last of my bases were overrun. Almost got wiped out till the last soldier a few times but the enemy AI was kind to me at the last minute. I made quite a few mistakes earlier on. Skirmish lasted more than an hour. Would hate to repeat it this time round (It was 3:00am :(). Will definitely replay this battle once I finish the game.


I found a working strategy after a few tries my first time. Basically, I just put two shocktroopers by the ramp where the enemies come down so my shocktroopers can kill them with interception fire. Have a lancer knock down all the ruin walls. When the Batomys fires the cannon, let the scouts rush at the Batomys to climb it and drop a grenade in the radiators. I didn't bother to destroy the cannons on that huge tank since Scouts can make it in if your fast.
How do you give Special Orders in the battle field again ? I wanted to use it in Chapter 7 but forgot how to. :(