Lazy8s said:You're the one who missed it, then.
It was this way - the PS version ran flashier, the Saturn version ran smoother - as it was with more than a few games that appeared for both platforms.
No, no, no, no. WO was pretty solid 25fps on PS, on Saturn there was a definite juddering to the screen updates. Not to mention the pixellated explosions and engine trails, oye vey!
and many others.
Oh, I'm surely converted to your side NOW! "Many others"! Let's just forget the awkward, bumbling design of the hardware itself with its multitude of processors (six in total, as I recall, though I might easily have missed one or two! ), I think you'll find a lot more games ran much better on PS than the other way around.
Apart from the HORRID texture warping, which was always much less prominent on Saturn, there's not much in that machine's favor in comparison. Well, more total memory, but then it didn't have 4:1 hardware sound compression, so that evened things out and then some. It might well have more total integer processing power even considering it has no hardware geometry transform capabilities, but you'd both have to be able to divide your tasks amongst all those separate processors (which requires a smart programmer), which apart from main SH2s were ALL different by the way, and have a task that suited itself to being divided up (not all are).
The system's custom titles most often excelled for their consistent, higher framerates
Uh, come again??? Custom titles' higher framerates COMPARED TO WHAT? Those same custom titles running on PS? I didn't play all those you mention (I guess Saturn died quicker over here), but Nights was a fairly pedestrian 25fps at the most, as was the more complex PS titles I might add. I actually thought Panzer Dragoon 2 beat the pants off Nights in both graphics and gameplay departments, Nights was a confused, uninspired Mario64 knee-jerk response that used way too much purple in it graphics design. PD was simple to say the least in its gameplay, but it executed what little it had with lethal precision. Awesome shooting game for its time! Nights was just tired and boring IMO.
Many top developers felt that the Saturn was more powerful than the PS when both machines were taken advantage of
Strange then that so little of that was reflected in software, don't you think? I mean, you know of ANY Saturn game that beats for example the Crash Bandicoot series in the graphics department? Those polygon rates are seriously wicked for the time!
Snowblind's core team and founders, who previously founded Lobotomy Software, learned the Saturn inside and out and felt this way.
Well, there's always going to be personal preference. Some people are just wired differently, that's only to be expected. Naughty Dog seems very fond of Sony's current hardware for example, which according to many on the net is the weakest hardware this gen yet we have Jak2 producing some seriously nutty tri-linearly filtered visuals.
Their games were great on both systems, but were able to be more advanced on SEGA's.
"Were able to" is putting value statements into your sentence. It's not proven they couldn't have been at least as advanced on PS, all we know is that the programmers CHOSE to make Saturn version better - according to you. I never played any of their games so I don't know, I just take your word for it.
Of course, such a determination always exists in a subjective realm depending on which aspects of graphics impress you most.
Exactly. Also, I take it you're a pretty big Sega fan overall, so it would follow you're somewhat more forgiving about their hardware platform. Hey come on, you can admit it. I'm probably the same way re. Nintendo, hehe. Some SNES games may have had more slowdown than their Megadrive counterparts, but instead being more colorful, for example.