Sega rally deformation demo.

In lighting, textures, and damage I think DIRT is better but Sega Rally has a ton of AA plus the deformable terrain so that could be what reviewers like about this game.
They would be wrong ,imo Motorstorm is still off road top dog.

I think I agree. Nothing in Dirt is like the lighting on the Coyote Rage track, for instance.

Sega doesn't look appealing to me at all, but I guess I'd have to play it. Until then, I reserve my judgment.

EDIT: I want a rally game with GT4's handling like the gravel on Grand Canyon in the Subaru, which was just awesome, and with next-gen version of WRC style looks with the real tracks, CMR style damage, and GT4's force feedback wheel support. :D
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The game is really growing on me now. Even getting the hang of it in 3rd person view. the graphics when played at night with my back lit HDTV (rather than midday in my bright living room) really came to life. Good AA, colors are vibrant, textures look good... the mud on the track that splatters and cakes on the cars is very cool looking. the jungle and water looks great. the deformable tracks look great, work great and add a nice dimension.

also there are several other environments not shown in the demo so the reviewers have the perspective of having played them all when judging the graphics as the best. (I LOVE the look of the deep rims and the dust when sliding in 3rd per view) :cool: I can't wait to play in the snow levels.

Most of all it is FUN!

If you are into sim racing at all... then run far away from this title and your comparison to road racers. If you miss the gold ole days of SEGA arcade racers, then this demo looks like a winner.
lots of new screen shots and another 9/10 at 360 gamer

IGN UK 8.8/10

7.0 Presentation
Menus consist of a series of photographs, which aren't particularly special. Plus, there are no stats for cars.
9.0 Graphics
Gorgeous. Absolutely Gorgeous. A great contrast of locations, giraffes and not a hint of slow down, even in the thick of it.
7.5 Sound
A pumping soundtrack that certainly adds to the excitement but feels little over-the-top. Meaty sound effects are nice though.
9.0 Gameplay
It's got classic SEGA Rally gameplay stamped all over it. And although the AI's a bit tricky, the deformable tracks are a brilliant addition.
8.0 Lasting Appeal
Single-player is over a little too quickly but there's a decent online multiplayer and split-screen mode for those who like to kick it old school.

(out of 10 / not an average)
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The deformation tracks aren't just for show. Once the grooves are formed the track gets quicker and quicker each lap. This is clearly evident in the demo.