Shouldn't one practice, what one teaches? Isn't God supposed to be love?
There are very few "qoutes" from God himself in the Bible. His most well known, said to Moses in response to Moses's questioning of who He is, is:
"I am, that I am."
Growing up in a Catholic household, we were told that the passage meant that He is everything: the Sun, Moon, stars, universe, grass, birds...everything. Everything, it seems, except emotions. It always felt like we were told God had two emotions: Love and Scorn. "You have to pay for your sins. You must repent! God is kind, but you will BURN IN HELL!" Um, yeah. Sure.
My mother, who is Prodestant, always said "God is love." Yeah, that's nice...then how do you explain the story of Noah? Or for that matter, Moses and the Ten Commandments? If He is just "love", then why so many conditions?
I believe the passage to mean that He is everything, love and hate included. Humans were supposedly made in His image. If we were made in His image, then wouldn't it stand to reason that he is
at least all that we are?
My take on religion is this. I believe in God. I believe in Jesus. I just don't believe that Jesus was the only one He sent down here to spread the word. It doesn't make sense...why only allow a fraction of the population to know about Him? I don't think there is any such thing as a "chosen race"...I think that came about after humans interjected their own biases into the writings on which we based our modern religions. If there is a "chosen race" why have all other races? Just to make them feel bad? It's a retarded thought. I don't think people will burn in hell, b/c I don't believe there IS a hell. And when you break it down, almost every major religion is the same at the core, even religions with multiple deities. The catholics have saints they pray to...where's the difference between praying to the patron saint of agriculture or praying to the goddess of the fields? There is none, an idea that royally pissed off my 4th grade catachism teacher! Had to say 20 "Hail Marys" for that one.
I think that anyone in any religion, no matter how whacky it seems to us, is viewed in the same light by God. They are trying their best to show their faith to Him. But I don't think you have to pick a religion to do this. I have a very strong faith. There is nothing anyone can ever say to me to make me think for one second that there is no God and we happened on Earth by accident. Yet, I chose not to belong to a religion. I don't think I'm going to suffer an incomprehensibly bad post mortem experience just because I choose to believe in God in my own way.
*returns soapbox to the closet*

Still a little bitter about my childhood, I guess