Tagrineth said:
If Saturn had the memory, it could certainly run Guilty Gear X, considering it can run four animated sprites + animated background all at once in both VS games. Memory is the only barrier Saturn has to running GGX, as far as I'm concerned.
What about the lighting effects?
Another question , are you sure that there won't be bounds such as bandwidth?
And I don't remember any High-res sprites on the Saturn ( GGX runs @640x480 with high res sprites (i 'll look for the exact res of the sprites later))
Personally i think Guilty Gear X is out of the reach for the Saturn's power processing.
Talking of Guilty gear, a lot of people think the First one (Guilty gear psone
Official site) was the better looking 2D games of the 32bits era (nothing less

Sure he used flat poly therefore the 3D acceleration of the Psone, so it's irrelevant to the debate about pure 2D power processing.
Edit: I almost forgot to talk about the fact that GGX is actually a game that use 3D acceleration, wich slims the chance of a saturn being powerfull enough to handle the processing power required by GGX.
Edit 2: I found the specs required by Guilty gear X PC (From the japanese web site
CPU Above Celeron450MHz (recommendation: Above Pentium III 700MHz)
Memory Above 64MB(recommendation: above 128MB)
HDD empty capacity Above 300MB (recommendation: above 750MB)
Display :The 3D accelerator needs AGP and D3D with VRAM16MB
In addition CD drive of 4X speeds or more
The sound card have to be DirectSound compatible
above PIII@700mhz ,128 mo of ram and a 3D accelerated video card with 16mo of Vram.
It looks like saturn would not have the power to run this one.
on a (sad) side note the PC version of the game seems to be incompatible with
PowerVR KYRO, sad if you think about the fact that the original Arcade version runs on Naomi (powered by the PVR2DC)