Hmm, looks very similar to 32x's 2d games, like that hummingbird game.
the hummingbird game was kolibri, IIRC. tons of sprites onscreen at once. it's important to remember that the 32x was very much a stripped down saturn, having about 80% of the clockspeed of saturn's sh-2's and missing VDP2. the genesis was used to render backgrounds, HUD's (like in doom), and various 2d elements. in some cases, like MKII for 32x, the characters were extreamly detailed, well animated and full color, but the backgrounds were palleted, dithered messes.
Very useful. A lot of developers used this to create floors/roofs on 3D games since the apparence hadn't the lack of perspective correction and it was nearly free
the perspective correction, combined with some simple line scrolling and hardware transparency made for some nice effects. check out the water effects in panzer dragoon zwei, for example. an exaple on how this was used to enhance a 2d game would be rockman/megaman x4, the second stage if memory serves. there are buildings buring in the background. on the psx it's pretty much a static, unanimated background, while on the saturn they used a waving line scrolling technique to make a heat warping effect around the flames.
in some games, i would even swear VDP2 had bilinear filtering. shining the holy arc comes to mind, the wall behind the priest in the church (any of them) had a very filtered look to it, with much higher detail than the standard wall textures