Samsung Entertainment Unit?


How would you guys/gals feel about Samsung entering the gaming market? Would a US/EU 2014 fall launch be too late? What type of services and functionality would you expect in/from the unit? What reasonable type of hardware and OS configuration would you want within a $399 sku?
Just wondering out loud.... been hearing lots of chatter in my circle about Samsung's heavy investments in Cloud gaming for both Mobil and living room purposes. I'm betting they will, but more so in a Trojan Horse fashion... integrating "it" within their LCD-TV space, not so much a separate unit.
Would a Trojan Horse model/approach work?
I feel Samsung's best angle would be a steambox. A dedicated console takes a huge first party commitment and I can't see developers getting excited about the prospect.
I certainly don't see them entering the gaming business with the introduction of another console any time soon.

What I see as a possibility though is that if the rumours are true and they are investing a considerable amount of money in cloud gaming they might be thinking about partnering with the likes of Microsoft or Sony -if they didn't buy Gaikai- like they did in the past when the X360 was launched and they offered the console with their TVs.

I for one bought a Samsung HDTV in 2007 because of that partnership, andit turned out to be a good TV after all.
Samsung is going to need to acquire some software talent before they take any steps into the living room gaming arena. I love my TV, but the UI is awful.
Samsung should attack in the middle of the lifecycle of two new consoles, ~2016-2017.

for new comers, I don't see how having newer hardware and more power will help them espcially both system has established a solid ground by then. Would need some kind of gimmick to sell or even get ppl to look at their stuffs, but I felt like that gimmick boat has kind of sailed already. Maybe if their mobile chip has develop powerful enough by then and allow high end games to run on their phone, all that require users to do is buy a samsung proprietary controller and hook their phone or tablet up to TV and play the same kind of game on the new consoles, along with exclusive. But nothing would stop Sony from doing the same with the Gaikai service.