Is it not the nature of this kind of job?
Well lets change the math so that would make it 38 days if they have 300 members on the team.
If they provide well for their employees, like Kojima sent everyone on paid leave for months n vacation after crunching to finish MGs4, then it makes it a bit better. But having gone through it multiple times and lost quite a bit of my health due to it, my views are pretty clear about it. When I was the lead for a DVD version of The Jungle Book, my first priority was : no overtime for my team! I managed it such that we finished it in time and except for me n one compositor no one in the texturing, lighting or compositing team had to work overtime. Its do-able. Of course, the management did not think I achieved anything special. Their project got done, one way or the other.
Crunch times are part of this industry, but displaying them as badges : it was okay when teams were smaller, comprising of self driven core creators. But now studios are big establishments and it doesn't take long to turn into a sweat shop.
Hence, my views about the overtime. We did have that ugly R* episode too when wives had to put an open letter on the internet to bring the injustice to the fore as artists kept slogging fearing loSing their job.