Rogue Galaxy (new game by level5) info + trailer + pics


Important Note: This is a "current gen" game, so no need to bash based on your hardware preferences ;)


Rogue Galaxy is the next big release from level5, the developers of Dark Cloud, Dark Chronicle and Dragon Quest VIII. What's interesting about it is that it's the first big budget, epic/cinematic "final fantasy style" RPG by the company. They recently released the longest trailer in console RPG history (AFAIK) for it -- nearly 8 minutes.

I wanted to include some shots I made from the trailer in this post, but the new forum software's image limit didn't agree (WTF is up with that?). So you can see them here. Say what you want, these guys really know how to do cell shading. To reiterate: SHOTS HERE! :D

Some highlights include:
  • ZOMG! You SEE all of your characters running around!!11one A small step for mankind but a huge leap for console RPGs.
  • In a similarly great break from tradition, enemies seem to be visible outside of battles! Oh the humanity!
  • Great, fluid combat animation.
  • Very well done, detailed cell shading - but I already said that.

It all looks even better animated than in my screenshots, so if you have some bandwidth get the trailer. (133 MB, 7:48, widescreen)
This is a direct download link that's pretty hard to find, but it allows you to just grab the .wmv without any streaming or similar crap.

I for one am very much looking forward to this, I really enjoyed Dark Chronicle and I like FF style RPGs.

Subbed trailer (pointed out by BlueTsunami, translated by Faceless, thanks!):
Video quality is slightly lower than the above.
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YAY! I love Level5 and I love DarkCloud (which in the screenshots, seems to have the similar style of DarkCloud). The visuals are breathtaking....especially the ones in the woods. downloaded the whole trailer in exactly 1 Minute 10 Seconds...I love how with Flashget...I can get downloads of up to 1.3MB/s O.O
I'm about 2:53 Minutes into the trailer....and I have to Level 5 has outdone themselves with this game. The Cell shading thing is their staple (with the DarkCloud Series)...but the way it was implemented in this game...its so fluid..and the detail?!

The visuals are also..mind boggling. This looks like DQVIII (visualy) on steroids. They also showed a quick flash of the different characters of the game..and i'm totally loving the character designs.

This...has surpassed my anticipation for any other PS2 game (surpassing FFXII and DQVIII). Sony was really smart in acquiring Level5...and I also didn't know that this was their FIRST big budget game. You could sorta tell that the DarkCloud games probably didn't have a high production budget (fun games nonetheless)...but I guess where seeing Level5's true potential here.

OffTopic: Looking at the characters...i'm also reminded of Dragon Ball Z for some reason. And I started to wonder what DBZ Budokai on the next gen systems will look like O.O
Flying Pirates - Check

Numerous World to explore - Check

No Random Battles - Check

Excellent Developer - Check

No Loadings - Check

Fast Paced Action Battle System - Check

I'm buying it at launch - Check!
This game has a major plus (for me) that very few RPGs have: widescreen support! Gaming on my HDTV looks so much better in widescreen. As of now, I think Star Ocean 3 is the only RPG ever to support 16:9. Not even Jade Empire had it.

Go Level 5!
Shark Sandwich said:
This game has a major plus (for me) that very few RPGs have: widescreen support! Gaming on my HDTV looks so much better in widescreen. As of now, I think Star Ocean 3 is the only RPG ever to support 16:9. Not even Jade Empire had it.

Go Level 5!

Yeah, Star Ocean 3 was 16:9 AND it could display in 480p (which by the way, looks AMAZING with all the vivid colors). I'm excited about the widescreen support..and I hope it has progressive scan.
Vysez said:
No Loadings - Check

Fast Paced Action Battle System - Check!
I forgot to mention this. Quoted for truth!

This was confirmed in a Famitsu interview, here is the translation from RPGamer:
This title will be Hino's, and Level 5's, biggest challenge to date. This is because the company has decided that it will be trying to develop an RPG with zero loading time. Though the game will be loading from the disc, Hino hopes that they will be able to get rid of any noticeable loading when entering buildings and traveling between planets. He mentioned to Famitsu that while he understands how hard this task will be to accomplish, he always wanted to give it a try.
The full article with more details:

I guess Faf was right when he said that load times are mostly a function of developer skill/effort.
No load times...YAY!!!! I wonder if they pulled if off?!

Also...I got this from gamefaqs :insert blush face smiley"

Subbed Rogue Galaxy Trailer

Basically the same trailer, but with english subtitles (its good to know what there was subbed by someone on the "Rogue Galaxy" gamefaqs board (yes I visit gamefaqs, filter out the crap...and you usually get some informative this video). Heres a link to the persons thread (have to give him/her props of course)

Faceless42001's Rogue Galaxy Subbed thread

PS: I don't know if theres a policy about giving links like this, if theres an issue, let me know and i'll delete the post (or someone does it for me).
I hate to sound stupid but here it goes.
A. Does Sony own Level 5?

B. If so are they more of a second party dev like Ninja Theory or are they a first party dev now?

C. When did Sony acquire them?

D. And is the fact that Sony acquired them the reason that this is their first HUGE budget game?

And if this is true then I can't for a PS3 game from these guys.
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Level 5 equals awesomeness. Although did anyone else get a Star Wars meets Final Fantasy feeling during some parts of the trailer? :)

And when is it comming out? It seems like the PS2 is getting some crazy RPG lovin' during the next 9 months or so at least.

I hate to sound stupid but here it goes.
A. Does Sony own Level 5?

B. If so are they more of a second party dev like Ninja Theory or are they a first party dev now?

C. When did Sony acquire them?

D. And is the fact that Sony acquired them the reason that this is their first HUGE budget game?

Since they made DQ8 for SE, I assume that they're just a second party dev and not owned by Sony (although Sony probably owns the Dark Cloud/Dark Chronicle ip).
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oi said:
Level 5 equals awesomeness. Although did anyone else get a Star Wars meets Final Fantasy feeling during some parts of the trailer? :)
I got a Skies of Arcadia meets Star Ocean (1) meets FF feeling, which is infinitely better ;) -- I'm pretty hyped about this game.

oi said:
And when is it comming out?
The japanese release is slated for December 2005, no announcement yet for NA or (God forbid!) EU localizations AFAIK.
Vysez said:
Flying Pirates - Check

Numerous World to explore - Check

No Random Battles - Check

Excellent Developer - Check

No Loadings - Check

Fast Paced Action Battle System - Check

I'm buying it at launch - Check!

have you checked tales of symphonia (gc and ps2) - it has all the above checkmarks except 'flying pirates' and 'buying it at launch' ; )
darkblu said:
have you checked tales of symphonia (gc and ps2) - it has all the above checkmarks except 'flying pirates' and 'buying it at launch' ; )
No flying pirates. No buy! :devilish:

I already have ToS for GC. ;)
mckmas8808 said:
I hate to sound stupid but here it goes.
A. Does Sony own Level 5?

B. If so are they more of a second party dev like Ninja Theory or are they a first party dev now?

C. When did Sony acquire them?

D. And is the fact that Sony acquired them the reason that this is their first HUGE budget game?

And if this is true then I can't for a PS3 game from these guys.
Sony does not own Level 5. They are an independent third party developer. They are like Ninja Theory and Insomniac Games in that, Sony publishes their title(s) but they are not owned by Sony, and can develop for whoever they please. I don't know why this is their first huge budget game, although, I'd assume that Dragon Quest VIII must have had a huge budget as well.
EpicZero said:
I don't know why this is their first huge budget game, although, I'd assume that Dragon Quest VIII must have had a huge budget as well.
Agreed, but to me DQVIII is not really a Level5 game, since they presumably had to follow stringent specifications regarding gameplay etc. when developing (implementing?) it.

[Edit] Additionally, they probably worked on DQ8 concurrently with this game, since they state in some interview that RG has been in development for nearly 3 years.
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