Retro games - Do you still enjoy playing them?

The biggest issue facing modern games is the barrier caused by animation. Today's games you have trigger an animation that takes much longer than it should. I absolutely hate that. I'm a quick reacting person, I love feedback right away. That's why I love Super Mario World (and why New Super Mario Bros. had MAJOR issues). You get instant reactions. You don't seem to be limited by the game but rather by yourself, and then you can push yourself. It feels like you're in the game, not you're controlling a game. Big difference. Games with tight, instant controls draw me in big time.
Those of you still playing the old games (psx/n64 and before) do you still enjoy the games? I recently bought a snes wii controller so I can play the snes games like back when I had my snes. Now I've been playing some old snes games on my wii (homebrew channel ftw) and im kinda unsure on whether I like it or not. Some games are still cool, like mariokart. Also harder than what you have on DS/Wii and after some getting used to its still a very playable game. Same goes for the donkey kong games. But some other games kinda piss me off. Im now playing castlevania and its so aggrevating that you have things like time (why is that there anyway?) when I dont know where I need to go and you cant search everything, button presses that dont seem to get registred properly etc.

I suppose some games stood the tooth of time alot better than others. How do you feel about this?

Heh, retro-games all the way. A couple of days ago I beat Super Castlevania IV for the upteenth time. Right now I'm listening to the Sonic soundtrack. I always have Mario Kart 64 available because that's one of the few games I can play with my SO.

Nostalgia? Pff, simply great gameplay!
I'm now playing castlevania IV but im like stuck :') Im in the forth level where you get those stone walls moving up. I keep going up because I want to reach the top but I doubt you can so I keep running out of time and I dont look further because I keep getting squashed by the stones lol.
I'm now playing castlevania IV but im like stuck :') Im in the forth level where you get those stone walls moving up. I keep going up because I want to reach the top but I doubt you can so I keep running out of time and I dont look further because I keep getting squashed by the stones lol.

World 4-4 with the floating stone walls? If so you'll have to keep moving to the right until you find the second "elevator shaft": time your moves correctly to be able to drop down a bit and continue to the right, you should now see three purple spiky trap-thingies that fall down, keep going right until you reach an orange staircase. Follow the staircase to the boss. The whole thing should take you no more than 60 seconds if you ignore the enemies.
Still playing, yes. C64 games (Wizard Of Wor and such), Amiga (Turrican..), MSX (Nemesis I-III, Salamander). I even have real A1200+FPU+Mem+HDD here!

Not playing: most of british C64-MORE-SPRITES-AND-FAST -games :D
Yep! whilst not as retro as most, I've been playing Chrono Trigger on DS for the past couple of days... its great, I love it, one of the best games I've ever played. Puts most modern games to shame (and is longer then them!) but thats not saying much considering the trash to treasure ratio of modern games.
Yep! whilst not as retro as most, I've been playing Chrono Trigger on DS for the past couple of days... its great, I love it, one of the best games I've ever played. Puts most modern games to shame (and is longer then them!) but thats not saying much considering the trash to treasure ratio of modern games.

Do you really think the trash to treasure ratio were better 13 years ago? I know this is subjective, but do you have any numbers to back this up? For example, in 1995 out of the 500 games published that year 100 were "treasures" while in 2008 out of the 1000 games published only 50 were "treasures".

I think the gameplay level has increased quite a lot in recent years, an example of that is to try and play MGS1 after you played MGS4. Quite a shock actually....
I doubt you'll find any numbers for that. The farest your gonna get is probably nintendo's Snes era policy that devs were only allowed to release a certain amount of games each period. So the treasure to trash ratio might be lower there. Than again, its hard to say what could pass as a treasure back than because most of the games that were considerd treaure in that time probably are far from that if you'd play them now.
Do you really think the trash to treasure ratio were better 13 years ago? I know this is subjective, but do you have any numbers to back this up? For example, in 1995 out of the 500 games published that year 100 were "treasures" while in 2008 out of the 1000 games published only 50 were "treasures".

I think the gameplay level has increased quite a lot in recent years, an example of that is to try and play MGS1 after you played MGS4. Quite a shock actually....

I don't think it was better 13 years ago, but what I was trying to say that it is better then a lot of the current generation games imo but thats not saying much because a lot of them are shit.