Resolved: anyone using thunderbird email client ?


I've been using it on Linux for a while and it works. So I've decided to give it a shot on my windows box at work... i've download ot only to find out that the images of the buttons on the toolbar are sort of corrupted (i.e. they don't display properly) :(

Anyone experiencing this too ?

Resolved: the latest nvidia drivers (56.xx) resolved the issue
Can't help you - I have the full Mozilla and all the mail buttons/icons seem fine.
i dont use thunderbird yet.
I'll wait till its gets renamed thunderfox :)
I still use Moz mail, but FireFox finally dragged me away from Moz as a browser.

Thunderbird works, but its bloated and slow right now, imo. Of course, its only version .5,
Simon F said:
Can't help you - I have the full Mozilla and all the mail buttons/icons seem fine.

yeah, well the full mozilla works fine for me too (lucky me :D )

but the standalone thunderbird email client seems to not like my computer at work...