Anyone using PS3 DLNA?

Patsu what are you referring to when you speak of network stack overhead ?, To my knowledge the stream will be served using “httpu” Http over UDP sounds to me fairly slim regarding overhead on that network layer.

I’ve tried to figure out if the server needs to demux the file or if it just sends it straight from disk byte for byte (in a none transcoding situation.).
I am thinking it's not a straight copy. The server will need to understand the basic movie structure to rewind or fast forward to the right point in time. It is not a low-level network file system protocol.

The logic happens at the application level (so all decisions travel all the way up to the app and then down to network layer). This is necessary to keep audio and video streams in-sync. The CPU may also need to turn over large volume of data (from disk to memory and to network) as it coordinates and copies the streams.

Not sure whether the embedded CPU (and memory size) are optimal for it. If the movie file is larger than 4Gb, it may need 64-bit atoms and math to calculate the size too.

This is just a guess. I have not written a DLNA server before.