Resistance: Fall of Man update! BIG READ , come inside!

Nice to hear that. Have they changed so the sticks aren't "loose" at the center making it hard to be precise?
Not sure what you mean, but it moves smooth so that you dont have to keep tapping the analog like the DS2 to get it where you want it to. When playing I suddenly noticed the difference. It seems much more accurate.

BB, do post more impressions about Resistance.:smile:
I'll report back some later, don't want to spoil anything. :)
Seen both, Resistance has a better graphics, or at least a better engine (overall).. in my personal book having very high resolution normal maps and an amazing art department does not suddenly give you good graphics.
What Resistance lacks is some more complex shader and hdr lighting (imho they 'just' have ldr + bloom), but it's obvious that these guys are going to do some great things like they already did on the PS2. And my book Insomniac and ND are still best of the best when it comes down to produce the best technology out there.
Seen both, Resistance has a better graphics, or at least a better engine (overall).. in my personal book having very high resolution normal maps and an amazing art department does not suddenly give you good graphics.
What Resistance lacks is some more complex shader and hdr lighting (imho they 'just' have ldr + bloom), but it's obvious that these guys are going to do some great things like they already did on the PS2. And my book Insomniac and ND are still best of the best when it comes down to produce the best technology out there.

Every reviewer(and i do mean everybody) out there is wrong and someone with your post history is right....

Anyway after gamespy that called it a ps2.5 game,many people on GAF are reporting how mediocre and dated the game looks.
Anyway after gamespy that called it a ps2.5 game,many people on GAF are reporting how mediocre and dated the game looks.

Then imagine what the ps3 games would look like ;-)

Anyway i think Nao was referrng to the technical aspects of graphics, and that might not be the same aspect reviewers are reviewing.
It's not really a surprise for me, I see things from a technology standpoint while reviewers (most of the time) are game experts, not technology experts. That's why they write reviews for a living, while I write 3D engines :)
Then imagine what the ps3 games would look like ;-)

Anyway i think Nao was referrng to the technical aspects of graphics, and that might not be the same aspect reviewers are reviewing.
Yeah,every reviewer is ignorant.They should all marvel at the achievements of insomniac but they just don't have the technical expertise to aknowledge this visual masterpiece(that looks worse than CoD3 or even HL2).

I am sure that insomniac's engine will be the next big thing for ps3 developers and will be used much more than the UE3 ,for example,since it's such a marvelous achievement.
Yeah,every reviewer is ignorant.They should all marvel at the achievements of insomniac but they just don't have the technical expertise to aknowledge this visual masterpiece(that looks worse than CoD3 or even HL2).

I am sure that insomniac's engine will be the next big thing for ps3 developers and will be used much more than the UE3 ,for example,since it's such a marvelous achievement.

You clearly didn't get the point or the smiley..
Yeah,every reviewer is ignorant.They should all marvel at the achievements of insomniac but they just don't have the technical expertise to aknowledge this visual masterpiece.
Nobody in the whole thread said this. Please stop arguing strawmen. (I won't even get into your insinuation that Resistance looks worse than HL2)

Reviewers are perfectly right to judge a games' graphics by the final output. However, that final output is dependent at least as much on art direction and quality as it is on technical excellence. That's why games like ICO can score highly on graphics, and that's the way it should be.
However, Nao is also perfectly within his rights (and qualified) to share his thoughts on the technical acumen displayed by the games' engines. Your personal insults and logical fallacies on the other hand add nothing of value.
Alright, so I got a chance with multiplayer (taking a break from sp for a little). First 5 minutes, I'm getting owned left and right, I find out its because I'm in a unranked server with weapon damage at like 500% or something (meaning one hit kills). Not so fun. :LOL: So I go into the ranked servers, much better! Its really fun. I've been playing conversion mostly, which has to be my favorite next to meltdown. I've played 4 on 4 servers, up to 20 on 20 servers, no lag what so ever. Using wireless bluetooth headset as I said earlier, and it works pretty good. Not bad quality at all.

I think MP has helped me a lot in SP. Getting to know the weapons + controls pretty much nailed down. The story is ok so far, but the gameplay is where it's at. :D
It's not really a surprise for me, I see things from a technology standpoint while reviewers (most of the time) are game experts, not technology experts. That's why they write reviews for a living, while I write 3D engines :)

Whats the point of technically better graphics that don't lead to visually better graphics?

Resistance isn't an academic exercise, so it doesn't matter how technically impressive the engine is if it can't leverage that technology and produce better graphics visually.

Resistance wasn't made to impress people who write 3d engines, it was made to impress consumers who play 3d games.
It's not really a surprise for me, I see things from a technology standpoint while reviewers (most of the time) are game experts, not technology experts. That's why they write reviews for a living, while I write 3D engines :)

I'm sorry nAo, you do write game engines, and you are entitled to your opinion of course... but how does Resistance look better than Gears? Maybe you consider it better from a technical standpoint (then again I don't believe you coded either game or have developed for either engine), but in which aspect do you see Resistance looking better than Gears? I haven't seen anything in Resistance yet (watching a friend play today) that looks better than Gears (about 40% of the way through so far). Its a unanimous decision from the reviewers as well. Also from most players who care to mention one way or the other.

And you're a PS3 dev... I'm not calling you a ******, just suggesting it.

PS: I know Sony abducted your family, and that in order to get them back you have to praise Resistance. I forgive you.
Maybe you consider it better from a technical standpoint (then again I don't believe you coded either game or have developed for either engine), but in which aspect do you see Resistance looking better than Gears?

Cutting through your insults, I would just like to comment that you don't need to develop a game to have an idea of what is going on "on-screen" technologically. Identifying various techniques used for lighting, shadowing, modeling, particles, etc isn't overtly difficult if you have seen many of them in previous games or whitepapers, and even easier if you have worked with them yourself. Obviously it is up to nAo to point out areas in both where he thinks they are better/worse in regards to technology, but stating he and others cannot assess the technology because they did not design it isn't necessarily true.

I don't necessarily agree that R:FoM is technically better or worse, and certainly IMO it is irrelevant in the regards that what ends up on screen is the most important. Besides better art direction paired with the right technologies and asset quality there is also the caveat that better "technology" does not equate to better image quality. e.g. an engine that churns out 4x as many polygons in character detail may be technically better than a competitor, but if that tradeoff is for less detailed normal and parallax maps it could be the wrong tradeoff, especially if the competitor has models that appear to have much more poly detail due to bump mapping techniques.

There will always be tradeoffs, and how one weighs such will often depend on their personal opinion and bias in regards to the end product and art itself. Digging up the miles of threads on HL2, Doom 3, and Far Cry is a good demonstration how different eyes appreciate different things.
So what does give you good graphics?:oops:

I think he has a point, Fall of Man looks like a "Brute Power PS3" game, lots of shit going on all over, while duck and cover Gears of War has it more locked down, fewer things on screen etc. And i guess they used more time on the art direction, while insomniac may have beem putting more time into getting the engine up and running.

Just guessing here..