Resistance: Fall of Man update! BIG READ , come inside!

3.25 for graphics?

I have to agree. Remind me more of HL2 than "next gen." For the record, HL2 graphics are still great, just not as good as it could be. He's also coming fresh off Gears (from the sounds of it) so that could also have influenced it more. A reviewer is just a person, at the end of the day :)
I have to agree. Remind me more of HL2 than "next gen." For the record, HL2 graphics are still great, just not as good as it could be. He's also coming fresh off Gears (from the sounds of it) so that could also have influenced it more. A reviewer is just a person, at the end of the day :)

They gave an Xbox port Gun a 4.5 for graphics :LOL: So are Wii games going to get .25 for graphics. I don't care what game he just played a 65% for graphics is idiotic.
Not a bad review, they put up some good points. The video review made me want the game about 10x more. :) Can't wait to play it.
Did you read the review or just glance at the score? 8.6 = a great game on their scale.

You would think a game that, according to Gamespot, marries the best of the best first person shooters in recent times would be more than good :p Maybe even the 'great' they label it as! Otherwise there'd probably be something wrong with the genre altogether..

GameDaily have also posted their review:

Though not without its minor problems, mostly resulting from co-op not being everything it should be, Resistance: Fall of Man easily ranks as the must-have entry in the PlayStation 3 lineup. The chaotic battles and creative weaponry help make its single player campaign among the most intense experiences in recent memory, a rare trait to find in a launch game. Meanwhile, the variety of options and modes in the well-designed multiplayer, another rare trait for a launch game, guarantee the formation of a dedicated online community. While justifying, let alone affording, a $500 or $600 PlayStation 3 may be a questionable affair at this point, games like Resistance provide a solid reason for the eventual purchase.

4.5 stars / 5
Did you read the review or just glance at the score? 8.6 = a great game on their scale.
I read the review and if i compare what they gave to resistance to other fps ,it's obvious that they consider it a good game and nothing more.Both F.E.A.R and COD3 outscored it on gamespot very recently.
Thats why I read the reviews as well, scores I find dont reflect what they write about a game in some cases. I remember when IGN gave Deus Ex like a 6.5, it was still an awesome port of a great game that didnt deserve a low score, and the actual review pretty much said the same thing. An out cry on the boards forced them to add a follow up review to shut people up.
Though not without its minor problems, mostly resulting from co-op not being everything it should be
That'd probably lose the sale of this game to me if I were in any position to buy it. I either want in depth solo RPGs or co-op action games, which are unfortunately few and far between other than two players playing a mostly single player game.
PDZ > COD3 > F.E.A.R > Resistance? I wouldn't mind some of Gamespots drugs :LOL:
CoD3 definately looks like a better game in everything(at least the 360 version does).F.E.A.R at least brought something unique to the fps genre with the A.I routines and the extremely good slow motion gunplay.PDZ,i won't even go there,i'll just say that the only problem i had were the semi cartoony graphics.

What does resistance have to distinguish from other fps??The 40 player multiplayer??The graphics are good but not amasing(according to IGN,Gamespot,1up which are the 3 biggest videogames' sites),the enemy A.I is nothing special,the setting is generic(WWII-like backgrounds with ...aliens,like a RTCW clone just more open ended).

Why should it score more than COD3 for example other than it is the flagship launch game for the ps3??
CoD3 definately looks like a better game in everything(at least the 360 version does).F.E.A.R at least brought something unique to the fps genre with the A.I routines and the extremely good slow motion gunplay.PDZ,i won't even go there,i'll just say that the only problem i had were the semi cartoony graphics.

What does resistance have to distinguish from other fps??The 40 player multiplayer??The graphics are good but not amasing(according to IGN,Gamespot,1up which are the 3 biggest videogames' sites),the enemy A.I is nothing special,the setting is generic(WWII-like backgrounds with ...aliens,like a RTCW clone just more open ended).

Why should it score more than COD3 for example other than it is the flagship launch game for the ps3??

Well I own and have played PDZ and the SP game was very weak in my opinion. CO-OP though was fun as well as the MP. The graphics are not that good as well as the art design. I personally would not have given it a 9. Maybe an 8.0.

Are we looking at the same reviews here, because all the reviews that I've read say that its is a great game. The lowest so far is an 8.5 which is either great or outstanding depending on the site. It definetly doesn't mean "nothing special".
CoD3 definately looks like a better game in everything(at least the 360 version does).F.E.A.R at least brought something unique to the fps genre with the A.I routines and the extremely good slow motion gunplay.PDZ,i won't even go there,i'll just say that the only problem i had were the semi cartoony graphics.

What does resistance have to distinguish from other fps??The 40 player multiplayer??The graphics are good but not amasing(according to IGN,Gamespot,1up which are the 3 biggest videogames' sites),the enemy A.I is nothing special,the setting is generic(WWII-like backgrounds with ...aliens,like a RTCW clone just more open ended).

Why should it score more than COD3 for example other than it is the flagship launch game for the ps3??

Call of Duty looks like a better game in everything?.... but not according to the scores of 2 out of the " 3 biggest video game sites" as you pointed out ;)

A 9 in graphics is bad? I must have missed something.

The only problem you had with PDZ is the cartoony graphics :LOL: . Your probably the only person I have ever spoken to who agrees that game should have got 9+ at any site. It easily had the most inflated game scores.

F.E.A.R was good. I own it but Resistance is said to have good single player as well. It would take almost nothing to have better multiplayer than F.E.A.R

So according to you it has graphics good but not amazing, unimpressive A.I. and a generic setting.

According to....

Gamespot said:
What helps to distinguish Resistance from other first-person shooters is the quality of its weapon design, its enemy artificial intelligence, and its presentation
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