Resistance: Fall of Man update! BIG READ , come inside!

1up review

Pick up the controller for a shooter these days and you're bound to wind up drawing comparisons to others you've played. Not even shiny new hardware can help Resistance: Fall of Man for the PS3 escape a similar fate. In fact, it happens early and often. Walking through a war zone of bombed-out mid-20th century buildings rendered in soft sandy hues, wearing Army-issue olive drab with a trusty carbine in hand heavily channels Call of Duty 2 -- all of this before you even fire your first shot. That is but one of many similar shades that haunts the game to its very end. And though Resistance is an excellent experience throughout, it never manages to completely exorcise those influences and establish its own unique identity.

I have a great deal of trouble trusting 1up's reviews. They are so far off so many times, in my opinion (and even when compared to their own readers -- if you look at reader averages, they vary a great deal sometimes). I generally tend to ignore their reviews, because they have so many bad reviewers (che - although he's not there anymore, parish, garnett, etc.).

Doesn't seem outlandish to get an 8.5, but it seems more like the exception at this point. 8.5 is still a pretty solid score for "just another fps".

Pretty excited to play this game -- gears has kind of gotten me in the mood for another shooter.
It's not about your personal preference for Resistance. It's the context your statement was in. You were talking about the IGN review specifically, and then said the gameplay is not it's strong point when the review itself suggested otherwise.

No that was just your assumption, I'm basing my opinions on gameplay I've seen, as well as the video review which I watched. The 1up review seems to echo my sentiments exactly.

btw: those quotes you gave were 2 weeks ago, watch the latest 1up show and they are much less positive about Resistance.
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No that was just your assumption, I'm basing my opinions on gameplay I've seen, as well as the video review which I watched.

If it was my assumption then it was 5+ other people's assumptions; you were talking about the IGN review specifically.

You quoted Avon_Implosion's post in your original post...
fortunately, the review was superb ;)
Specifically referring to the review, no?

btw: those quotes you gave were 2 weeks ago, watch the latest 1up show and they are much less positive about Resistance.
So let me get this straight, a game is fun "two weeks" ago, but not the same today? C'mon scooby. :LOL:
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So let me get this straight, a game is fun "two weeks" ago, but not the same today? C'mon scooby. :LOL:

:???: It happens all the time. Aren't there games which you could not be payed to play over again? Not because they are bad games but because you dont think they would be "fun" the second time through?
Am I the only one who thinks 8.5 is a good score. Reading the review they seem very positive about it. 8.5 is outstanding according to them.
Come on, there's nothing shocking or awful about a release title on one platform not being better than the star of a competition's second gen titles! It's natural and expected.
:???: It happens all the time. Aren't there games which you could not be payed to play over again? Not because they are bad games but because you dont think they would be "fun" the second time through?

Nah, I'm talking about his statement, its not even the same guy doing the review. The question was about the game still being good a year from now. All of a sudden that statement is discredited? ;)

Anyways, I've gone into what I thought about 1up long before their review and their statements that were said 2 weeks ago, so don't think I'm trying to downplay them or Scooby because of their recent review.
:???: It happens all the time. Aren't there games which you could not be payed to play over again? Not because they are bad games but because you dont think they would be "fun" the second time through?
And here's where I too think that that 1up review is a bit iffy. IGN gave this game a 9.5 for lasting appeal, and yet these guys got bored of it in 2 weeks? Oh well, can't wait to play it!

Anyways, I personally see enough difference in gameplay to make this game very different to what COD, or any other shooter, has to offer. The original weapons alone make this a very appealing game to me. Insomniac strength, no doubt, and helps separate if from COD. If you can't see that, then you're really only looking for what you want to see, which is anything that may resemble other shooters...

But check this out. What I don't understand is, how can someone go gogo's and gaga's over Gears, totally ignoring the Kill.Switch similarities (rip off?), and then dog this game because it gives them a "huge been there done that vibe"?!? Colour me confused!:?:
But check this out. What I don't understand is, how can someone go gogo's and gaga's over Gears, totally ignoring the Kill.Switch similarities (rip off?), and then dog this game because it gives them a "huge been there done that vibe"?!? Colour me confused!:?:
People are going ga-ga over gears because it's a well made title (you play it yet?). A simple game play mechanic such as using cover is not the reason. (Besides, Kill.Switch wasn't the first.)
People are going ga-ga over gears because it's a well made title (you play it yet?). A simple game play mechanic such as using cover is not the reason. (Besides, Kill.Switch wasn't the first.)
No doubt it's a well made title, all I'm trying to say is this: GOW is a Third Person Shooter with gameplay mechanics that's been done already, but it does enough things differently for it to be it's own game, and not get lumped together with the other TPS. The same thing applies to R:FOM. It's a FPS, but packs enough of that special formula for it to stand out from the rest, so people should just quit this whole "it's just another shooter", because according to the reviews, it's clearly more than that!
No doubt it's a well made title, all I'm trying to say is this: GOW is a Third Person Shooter with gameplay mechanics that's been done already, but it does enough things differently for it to be it's own game, and not get lumped together with the other TPS. The same thing applies to R:FOM. It's a FPS, but packs enough of that special formula for it to stand out from the rest, so people should just quit this whole "it's just another shooter", because according to the reviews, it's clearly more than that!
Honestly, my opinion is that the production values of Gears is through the roof. This is what sets it apart. Based on videos, I think the variety of weapons and multiplayer in Resistence set it apart, and while the production values seem solid, they don't seem spectacular. Though the one review kept comparing it to Half-life, so they are doing something right...

But yeah, I get your point; a game should be judged on its own merits, not on what came before it.
Honestly, my opinion is that the production values of Gears is through the roof. This is what sets it apart.
Well, I always believed it was their UE3's flagship title, so yeah, they threw everything including chainsaws into it! Weren't they showing screens of the game as far back as 2003? Well, the monsters at least.
makes me believe 1up expects more from ps3 in the future. Like, when they gave 9 to PDZ. I dont know about you guys, but the difference between PDZ and GoW ain't just 10%, more like 40% but they gave 9 to pdz and 10 to GoW.

if Ps1 and PS2 taught us anything, is that Launch games shouldn't pass 9 barrier, imo. Later games would just blow off the scale or make the early games really over-scored

my personal view on the Worst thing about this game: - was to leave mouse + kb users in the toilet. With gamepads i can say goodbye to the 15ms reaction time it took so long to gain since UT99!
They said they wanted the game to be balanced, so no mouse+KB! i respect the idea, but....
pick a gamepad FPS gamer with 5 year experience and put him against a 1 week gamepad gamer! now thats a slaughter!
A 5 year experienced gamepad gamer with a 5 year experienced Mouse+KB user, that would be balanced!
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God I love this picture.


I think the graphics are somewhat undermined by the fact that Insomniac has only shown the more human like levels. The more alien the game gets the sexy the graphics get.

This game looks nothing like COD2 in this pic. To me it looks more like Half-Life 2.