Resistance: Fall of Man update! BIG READ , come inside!

GameInformer review:


Aliens invade before World War II, which changes the course of history and mankind
Not only does this game look fantastic, it has perhaps the most on-screen action I have ever seen in a first-person shooter
The soundtrack is good enough to make most Hollywood movies pale in comparison
Nothing terribly new in the gameplay department, but it does it all well
The story doesn’t develop as well as you would hope, but the online multiplayer options are outstanding

There’s a good reason why Master Chief has been looking pale these days. Sony just dropped a bomb down his pants. No matter how you cut it, Resistance is PlayStation’s answer to Halo. It bombards you with relentless action, opens your mind to new gaming possibilities with its inventive selection of weapons, and offers a multiplayer experience so deep and dangerously addictive that your hands may permanently form to the contour of the controller. Insane 40-man online battles, weapons that can shoot through walls and around corners, having to violently shake the controller to free yourself from an alien that has latched onto your neck – there are few experiences in gaming that are this exciting, and thanks to the development muscle of Insomniac, this finely polished and balanced. The only blemish that this game has is the uneventful finale to the single-player campaign. Outside of this, Resistance pounds you into submission with its remarkable gameplay. Without question, it’s worth getting a PS3 just for this game.
Who is this Game Informer? They are not credible, because hey they actually liked the graphics alot.

Are you saying Resistance doesn't have good graphics?

I think the point was that the game looks good considering the amount of action going on in screen at once.
Come now... You've been here long enough to know mckmas by now. ;) I think he was taunting scooby by proxy or something.

Why me? I never said anything remotely close to this game being ugly, or that all reviews that say the GFX are good are not credible. Mckmass is just upset so many people have been calling teh reviews non-credible, but the fact is GameZone and GameBrink are not credible sites, so I'm not sure why he's so sensitive.

In my books Game Informer is an extremely credible magazine, so it sounds like it really is a great FPS.

p.s. - Sankari if you couldn't tell that was sarcasm, there's something you should be blaming...and it's not the internet ;)
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I got a call from EB last night saying I can still pick up my system on Friday. :)

BTW does this game have online coop? Or can two people from the same console play online?

Those are two of a the few things that PDZ got right that I'd like to see standard in all future FPSs.
Why me? I never said anything remotely close to this game being ugly, or that all reviews that say the GFX are good are not credible. Mckmass is just upset so many people have been calling teh reviews non-credible, but the fact is GameZone and GameBrink are not credible sites, so I'm not sure why he's so sensitive.

In my books Game Informer is an extremely credible magazine, so it sounds like it really is a great FPS.

p.s. - Sankari if you couldn't tell that was sarcasm, there's something you should be blaming...and it's not the internet ;)

Sorry, my sarcasm meter is off while I'm in the internet. Its tough, but I'll survive...I hope.
BTW does this game have online coop? Or can two people from the same console play online?

No online coop. Split screen same console story mode(offline).Online mutilplayer like Halo with you and a friend at your house?I don't know. Good question. Anyone?
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No online coop. Split screen same console story mode(offline).Online mutilplayer like Halo with you and a friend at your house?I don't know. Good question. Anyone?

No it doesn't. Only split screen coop, I think thats the biggest minus in this game but overall it looks good.
Who is this Game Informer? They are not credible, because hey they actually liked the graphics alot.
Game Informer is the site that gave CoD2 9.75.

Anyway i can't wait for the gamespot review.For me gamespot(from U.S media) and Edge magazine(from european media) are the only reviews that really count.
Game Informer is the site that gave CoD2 9.75.

Anyway i can't wait for the gamespot review.For me gamespot(from U.S media) and Edge magazine(from european media) are the only reviews that really count.

The credibility of Gamespot went down miles after the review of Dark Messiah of Might and magic for PC. Seriously, I know the game isn't anything insane but 6.7? After that I haven't really even cared about gamespot reviews.
In other news, I got a call from ebgames yesterday saying I can pick up Resistance this afternoon. :D
Yeah, I hope I get the same phone call: "Yes sir, you are still good to pick up Resistance...

 mutherf***'n MARCH!!!!":devilish:

Damn you SONY! And the rest of you 'Amewicans' better not start any "I just got my PS3 today" threads either...they're banned! ;)

*goes to cry in the corner*
The credibility of Gamespot went down miles after the review of Dark Messiah of Might and magic for PC. Seriously, I know the game isn't anything insane but 6.7? After that I haven't really even cared about gamespot reviews.
Why? Shouldn't you blacklist the reviewer? I mean, if it's apparent that the site has an agenda or bias, then yes. But if it's over one review, then start by ignoring the reviewer and work your way up from there.

And yes, I'm also eagerly anticipating Gamespot's take on R:FOM! Any day now fellas. Put the damn controller down and write about the game already!
The credibility of Gamespot went down miles after the review of Dark Messiah of Might and magic for PC. Seriously, I know the game isn't anything insane but 6.7? After that I haven't really even cared about gamespot reviews.

DM is currently a 1 in my book. It took them over 2 weeks to fix a bug that didn't even let me play level 2. A 6.7 is far from insane. If they had my game and my computer they would have given it a 0. It's the buggiest game I have ever owned. I haven't played it since picking up Final Fantasy XII because if the new patch doesn't work I might smash the disk in bits.