Replacing 40Gb HD with 320Gb HD, want opinions

Looks good. I own a 250gb WD myself and have no problems. I can't vouch for the 320 gig though, but close enough. ;) Do they make a 10,000rpm variant?
is your MB able to handle large HDDs? like over 130gig? you might need a bios flash if you run a old MB.
Replacing 40Gb HD with 320Gb HD, want opinions
An opinion? You're ugly and your mother dresses you funny.

(Ignore me, I'm just suffering thru HD envy *WINK* )

EDITED BITS: Oh, and I guess I got the 200Gb version of that drive running in my PC right now happily with an 80Gb IDE drive. NF7-S rev 2 running XP and it's been a fantastic drive in all regards. :)
karlotta said:
is your MB able to handle large HDDs? like over 130gig? you might need a bios flash if you run a old MB.

How can I tell? I have an nForce 3 150 GA-K8NNXP AMD 64 mobo.
I have an nForce2 mobo and it sees mine just fine, I think you'll be alright Kruno. ;)

(He's talking a lot older than your mobo)
One question, is your current 40Gb an IDE or sATA?

If this is your first time with sATA you might want to make sure you don't need additional drivers for your mobo to recognize it, I had a rather embarressingly bad time the first time I tried to install my sATA drive since I had never bothered to screw around with the floppy to install the sATA drivers when I built the system, "because I knew I'd never use a sATA drive". :LOL: (<-Laughing at meself, I can be such a dorkmo at times! :LOL: )
Yes this is my first time, however this isn't my first time that I needed additional additional drivers for Window's to detect a drive.

Windows XP setup will ask you if you need additional drivers, insert floppy and it will auto-detect and install the drivers.

However I'm not going to format immediately. I will install the drivers from Windows, partition my drive in several sections and then back up what I need to from my main drive.

After that I will format.
Heh, you're a braver man than I...I'm still running XP on one of my 80Gb IDE's partitions, I just have the 200Gb sATA as a huuuuuge arsed databay. :)