Remote game services (OnLive, Gaikai, etc.)

I just want to know what it means. Maybe the game plays itself -- if the user is about to get splattered because he's operating on data from 80ms ago, well, give the benefit of the doubt. :D "Whoa, how'd I dodge that truck?! I'm awesome."

ahhaah that made me lol hard

back on topic - i am not really positive about this "platform" it will probably not end well
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At the start of October 2009, x264 was completely unsuitable for this use-case. Its handling of tiny VBV buffers, especially without the RC-lookahead (which we’re forced to turn off), was disastrous. And the latency added by threading was completely intolerable in many cases, especially considering that we want to use as much of that 200ms as possible for the VBV buffer. None of this was surprising, of course: low-latency is a use-case that requires very specialized features that most encoders don’t have. In short, x264 needed a miracle.

Fortunately, there was a startup–which has requested not to be named–that saw the potential here. With a few features, x264 could be turned into the most powerful low-latency streaming platform in the world. So, in October 2009, we began work.


No longer does 200ms seem out of reach. If anything, it’s now far more than we need. Because with –tune zerolatency, single-frame VBV, and intra refresh, x264 can achieve end-to-end latency (not including transport) of under 10 milliseconds for an 800×600 video stream. And it’s all open source. Furthermore, CELT provides the perfect open source low-latency audio equivalent for x264’s video. We already have multiple companies building software around these new features.

Videoconferencing? Pah! I’m playing Call of Duty 4 over a live video stream!
That's very cool ! In essence, game developers can write once and run everywhere now ?

It looks like we can integrate any game (or multiple games) with a community seamlessly since it's "just" a video stream ? e.g., Embed a live game right in this post, or integrate them into your favorite virtual world.
...and it will be interesting how the games could/should cope with packetloss/high ping situtations both which will be alot more likely given that you`re clogging a HD-Stream through your connection at the same time.
Games have various ways of dealing with high ping/packetloss, so you dont run off a cliff if your connection has a short hickup, and you will still be able to move around even if the game will then "correct" some of your actions to be in sync with the server. No good compensations will be possible anymore with the game running remotely somewhere else.
Anyone else get an invite today? I was sent a link to a performance test and after running it was immediately invited into the beta. My username is BradGrenz in the service if anyone wants to add me as a friend. Confidentiality agreement prevents me from saying much more, I'm afraid.
Anyone else get an invite today? I was sent a link to a performance test and after running it was immediately invited into the beta. My username is BradGrenz in the service if anyone wants to add me as a friend. Confidentiality agreement prevents me from saying much more, I'm afraid.

Cool, I haven't received an invite, but it's nice to hear that somebody here was able to take it for a spin. Have fun with it.

Tommy McClain
...and it will be interesting how the games could/should cope with packetloss/high ping situtations both which will be alot more likely given that you`re clogging a HD-Stream through your connection at the same time.
Games have various ways of dealing with high ping/packetloss, so you dont run off a cliff if your connection has a short hickup, and you will still be able to move around even if the game will then "correct" some of your actions to be in sync with the server. No good compensations will be possible anymore with the game running remotely somewhere else.

A lot of high ping problems these days are because of P2P games. If the games are server based, then the provider can control that experience (to a certain extent) by choosing the location and coverage of their server farms. It's a very expensive proposition but people like Google, Microsoft, Apple, and others are already heavily invested in this area.

Didn't pay attention to Gaikai before, but OnLive and Gaikai seem to be on a collision course now, even though Gaikai's delivery frontend is a browser. The ability to embed a live game inside say... WebKit is interesting. I wonder if they would expose a JavaScript interface to the Gaikai plugin. ^_^ (e.g., Query who're in the game instance).
you know if you had 200 watts of power draw going for one year, it would cost more than an XBL subscription. they are leasing the servers but I still don't really see how they can make it cheap/efficient enough to be profitable just on vanilla digital distribution alone unless it has some pretty insane subscription costs.
Same way all telecom, ISP companies work. They're going to sell that 200W to 100 subscribers and count on not having all of them online at the same time.
Reminds me web hosting. For a decade now they have oversold resources with the statistical odds being most could not use them ... and it was always a disaster when a box got a handful of users who DID and BANG. Dead server.
Well... roads, banks, hospitals, all telecommunications work on that principle; relying on it doesn't guarantee failure all by itself.
Right. Even with web-hosting, it's not necessarily a disaster.

Still, don't people play games at around the same time each day? Gaming news is littered with stories of companies (vastly) underestimating demand. Maybe it'll be like cable, they'll degrade your experience somehow when under heavy load, so you'll have people logging in past midnight to play games optimally. :D

orig review here

The games were running at 1280 by 720, and the expected issues became reality. "The input lag on UT3 was so noticeably bad with the mouse and keyboard that I would call [the] game simply unplayable. I often found myself overshooting the mouse movement by half a screen, moving well past my intended target because the cursor didn't stop when I did."

not sounding like fun to me. has anybody been able to participate in the beta yet? if so whats your take on the service so far
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not sounding like fun to me. has anybody been able to participate in the beta yet? if so whats your take on the service so far

How did you take that out of the article? The guy wasn't actually a beta member, was outside the service area, and the service itself prevented him numerous times from connecting because his internet connection was junk.

It was only after he was able to finally get a 'passable' stream that the system allowed him to connect: and then he complains of lag?

What a goober.
How did you take that out of the article? The guy wasn't actually a beta member, was outside the service area, and the service itself prevented him numerous times from connecting because his internet connection was junk.

It was only after he was able to finally get a 'passable' stream that the system allowed him to connect: and then he complains of lag?

What a goober.

well he states it was only 1 day he was having trouble connecting and that the lag was worst with FPS which is all im interested in. maybe i should have elaborated my concerns but that is also why i provided the link so we can make our own interpretations of his review
This is the reason I made the note above about the location of current beta testers; there were even a couple of times when my Internet was particularly sluggish where the client would not let me connect to the service AT ALL! (Note that this only happened on one single evening where my cable provider was providing 1-1.5 Mb/s downstream as opposed to the normal 20-25 Mb/s downstream.)

and i do understand that he is outside of the intended beta service area thats why i asked if anybody here has experienced the service first hand
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And it makes absolutely no sense to draw any sort of conclusions based upon his experience due to the reasons stated.

In short, somebody who shouldn't have had access to a service because they didn't meet the requirements for the service experienced problems with the service.

How any conclusion other than 'Well, duh!' can be drawn from that data set is beyond me.
Hi numbers might be a bit off being he says:
I also did a quick check to see how much bandwidth the OnLive application was using it its current form. The short answer: about 1 Mb/s.
which is 1 megabit
And in the image it reports Onlive recieving at 700 kilobytes, which is actually 5 megabits