Real-time PS3 game demo (Redwood Falls)

Kuju == Ninty

Unless things have changed in the last couple of months...
Inane_Dork said:
Reminds me of Soldier of Fortune. It's about time someone topped the GHOUL system. Next gen power should be able to make that happen.

EDIT: My one concern is that this thing would be most cool when done on a fairly sizeable scale. That is, if you could do this to 30 or more zombies at the same time. I'm not sure if these systems can handle that kind of load.

I agree, this is like SoF going next gen. What I wonder is if this will really add to the gameplay or just be cool next gen thing somehow...
DeanoC said:
Kuju == Ninty

Unless things have changed in the last couple of months...

They're still independent, no? I mean, they made Eyetoy Play 3, which came out since Batallion Wars ;) The article suggests they may not have a publisher for this, or if they do they're keeping it secret for now.
Creative director Tancred Dyke-Wells shared a demo video clip of the new title at the event. The clip showed what appeared to be an enemy creature being blasted with gunfire. The enemy body reacted realistically to the fire, with positional damage leaving open wounds that exposed detailed innards, right down to the bones. With enough damage, body parts started falling off. Instead of collapsing to the ground from the beating, though, the enemy's body regenerated itself, returning to original form.
I just cant imagine how sweet that would look in motion. Almost like The Mummy Returns? or some other Vampire movie? man, We seriously need a video of this stuff :D
It's just some advanced skin shader technology demo.

DeanoC said:
Kuju == Ninty

Unless things have changed in the last couple of months...
They're the new Climax.

They work for everyone and provide bad games to everyone! (Well except for MotoGP).
Vysez said:
It's just some advanced skin shader technology demo.
I dunno, It just sounds like a bit more than that when you have organs and bones showing with limbs falling off. A Video would sure put my mind at ease, im starting to be a little too wishful i suppose.
Thread pruned

The thread is about some PS3 tech demo, from Kuju entertainment nothing else.

Sorry to the people who got their thoughtful replies deleted.
But you should had known better before replying to obvious off topic, and uncalled for, posts. ;)
Vysez said:
The thread is about some PS3 tech demo, from Kuju entertainment nothing else.

Sorry to the people who got their thoughtful replies deleted.
But you should had known better before replying to obvious off topic, and uncalled for, posts. ;)

Thank you. Current gen yeah right. With these guys talking about this game now, could this mean that the embargo is off for PS3 devs?
The screens are too small to really tell either way... its very likely the demo was created to show off the technology and not necessarily to wow people with it's crazy graphics (it's also likely the final game won't be the most fantastic looking, but could end up being rather enjoyable because of the skin/cell AI stuff).
Let me retype what they are doing.

-They have done lots of software including things like Call of Duty
-Prove Japan ain't the only one who knows what they're doing
-Demo titled Redwood Falls
-Shocked at realism of person.
-Subsurface Scattering
-The more you shoot the more you peel off the layers of the body and where you shoot changes the damage. Shoot in the same spot deeper and deeper you peel.
-Seems to "perfectly" mirror human insides.
-Genhead and Gencroud middleware.
-CEO Says 50% rise in production costs.
-Insufficient expertise will necesitate middleware.
-Genhead takes 2d picture of person and makes 3d head.
-Gencroud alters and modifies the faces (like facial expressions), more so even gender or races can be transformed.

Also this

The enemy body reacted realistically to the fire, with positional damage leaving open wounds which exposed detailed innards, right down to bones. With enough damage, body parts started falling off. Instead of collapsing to the ground from the beating, though, the enemy's body regenerated itself, returning to original form.

Wells would not disclose solid details on Redwood Falls, citing that a publisher has yet to be announced, and the game could end up changing. The theme of the game, he revealed, is not "destruction," but "regeneration." He finished off with a particularly confusing comment: "in this game, the cells of your enemies have individual AI

Now take those quotes and compare them to the crappy resolution of the pics that we have and imagine how great this game could look in motion.

Oh and by the way I think there are lots of great looking X360 games.;)
I think it's a little early to judge the graphics on this one, sounds awfully cool though. I'm sure we'll see more in a couple monthes.
DudeMiester said:
I dunno. That much gore is distasteful even to me. Over the top ridiculous gore is one thing, but hardcore realitic blood and guts? Not unless I'm playing a surgical simulation game, lol.

Hey now, Zombies need surgeons too.

*clicks shotgun*

You never know what to expect graphically out of a game like this. Usually when you concentrate on one aspect of the game then another suffers and that is not so strange, you can not have it all.

A game like GTA or other big city game, with many characters and expansive environments will most likley have the detail of the characters in DOA and thier environments.

Likewise in this game, since they will be modelling not only the surface of the character but also all the "inside" stuff maybe they will not be able to have the best graphics around...
given that PS3 (And X360) have a certain finite but reasonably large amount of computing and rendering power, any graphical expression within their limits is possible. what we see here is just an example.