I kind of lost hope that this sort of thing would ever happen back at SIGGRAPH 2001. A few minutes in discussion with David Kirk, and the moment I spoke my mind that a transition to raytracing hardware would be a necessity in the long run, he pretty much blew his top and screamed bloody murder at me as if I'd shot his wife or something. All in all, leading to his evangelizing the idea that shader hardware will ultimately evolve to the point where it will do everything that ever needs to be done from raytracing to helping you lose weight.I'd imagine that Saarcor will be bought by either Sony or Nvidia, or a new partnership will be announced. whereas Cell was a CPU partnership between Sony-IBM-Toshiba, a new GPU partnership could be formed between Sony-Nvidia-Saarcor, to produce a new Ray Tracing Processor. the first major implemention will be for PS4.
In any case, it's not really wrong on nVidia's part to want to perpetuate the same IP they've been pouring so much money into, but an attitude like that makes me wonder if an nVidia buyout of the saarcor IP wouldn't be one meant to squelch the concept in the same way Alpha was bought out in order to kill it.
ATI's Orton took a more rational approach in my mind. He at least admitted that there would necessarily have to be some sort of paradigm shift, if not to raytracing specifically. He at least seems to think something will subsume both raytracing and rasterization. Maybe someday we'll do everything volume rendered, but I think I'll wait for video cards with 512 GB of RAM first.