Ram errors


Ok I have a somewhat weird situation.
I have 512MBx2 Geil sticks of ddr500MHz ram in an Nforce4 Mobo.

The strange bit is that it worked perfectly for about a year, then a few weeks ago started acting weird so I ran memtest on it and had tons of errors.

Then I took out the sticks and ran them one at a time and neither one had errors when I left it to run for 24 hours. Not any errors. Then I put them both back in together and ran memtest once, it said things were fine so I figured good. However then it had more errors so I ran memtest overnight and sure enough it had errors again, though less than before.

What do you think is the cause? Is the mobo dying? Do you think the ram is not getting enough voltage or something? Perhaps the power regulating components oin the mobo are dying.

Anyway any suggestions?
Try it in someone else's PC, that would be the fastest way. Really, there are like 1000 possible things which can cause that.
I do not think it is overheating. The reason is that hte case isn't hot, summer is over the room is cooler than before.

So you are suggesting I test the ram in another machine? I am not sure exactly why. Or are you suggesting that I try it in dual channel mode in another board? That might actually make sense, but I doubt I will get anything from it.

I think the mobo is having issues running two sticks, but I don't have two other sticks to test to mae sure.

It seems that I am bascially screwed until later theb :p
Well I just relaxed the timings by one from 7t to 8t and the ram works in a pair now. Weird in that before it worked at 7t in a pair. Oh well what the hell do I know :p