No one is saying that Saturn was hard to develop for because a magazine said so, that is entirely your straw man. You haven't made any arguments to support your assertion that it's as easy to develop for as PS1 (particularly for 3D games). I gave several reasons for why I'd expect it to be more difficult to develop for, but your only rebuttal seems to be that a biased gaming press asserted it and therefore it can't be true.
You're the one directly comparing Sony PlayStation hardware and Sega Saturn as if they HAD to have console parity features while ignorant my mentioned "PSX has GTE"
You keep insisting that "Saturn renders distorted sprites" when even PlayStation with GTE does the SAME damn thing.
Neither console system, were truly designed to render real polygons and both are different designs.
You're arguments on Saturn games simply diminish any effort made on Saturn in general...ambient lighting, sounds and complex layers by use of VDP1 and VDP2 are a lost cause to talk with you because you keep pointing to PSX.
What was the first confirmed source that stated Saturn as being hard to program for?
What was the first source that mentioned the Sega Graphics Libraries initial release?
What was the purpose of the Sega Graphics Libraries?
Did successive revisions to Sega Graphics Libraries still not make a difference in making Saturn development more comprehensive or are you still going to say PlayStation hardware is better because it's easier and use endless redundant tech jargon to diminish or dismiss all the work that real 3d engine Saturn developers did?
I never read a print magazine comparison between these two games. This is purely my own opinion.
What do you mean a bit more playable? Soul Edge was one of the best weapons based fighting games if not the best at the time. Please stop with the hyperbole fanboyism.
Tekken 1 was a great game. If you prefered VF1 over Tekken1 or if someone prefers Tekken1 over VF1 is all personal preference. Personally I liked Tekken 1 over VF 1 for reasons beyond the number of characters and endings.
Toshinden was more impressive than Tekken and VF when it was released.
No they werent different games.
No there was nothing more playable on the Saturn
I dont even know where you get these arguments about "detracting from the gameplay just like Soul Blade". What on that a serious argument?
Imply? I imply nothing. Its very clear what I said. Its games that I wish I could own. Its a compliment for these games
Not the magazine argument again. I dont argue platform superiority based on magazines. I argue platdorm superiority based on games and personal experience
Sorry but I must have missed that issue. I remember experiencing and loving SF 2 before the release of the Saturn and the Playstation. I also remember the SF EX franchise getting less praise than the SF Alpha series or SF3 despite being released exclusively on the more popular Playstation
Yet the N64 had a very low market share. And come on. It had some pretty good games too. Super Mario was a smooth experience for its time.
I have no idea what you are talking about.
You are the one coming up with ridiculous statements. You insist that the Saturn failed because of media bias and Bernie Stolar and you ignore the real reasons why Saturn wasnt getting the praise you demanded.
I actually remember multiplatform magazines giving good praise to Saturn games WHEN they deserved it. But such opportunities where obviously few
Sega wasnt the only ones making "new arcade machines" werent they?
I cant remember someone explaining me how to play arcade games. Sega games or not.
I remember many Sega arcade games being very popular at the arcades regardless. If you are talking about VF not being as popular as Tekken, as I said earlier it's all because of Sega's failure with the Saturn
Whatever Die Hard Arcade was in the Arcades is irrelevant for the home release when the console is doing badly in the market for so many reasons. Marketed or not the Saturn was going down and DHA was an ok game that wouldnt have saved the Saturn. There was nothing to write about compared to the other aces that were being released at the arcades and consoles at the time
Throwing the blame to Stolar is an amusing argument to this day.
1: thanks for revealing what you missed and your stance...also you are in a different region...the U.S. available print magazines have wording which makes mention of other games.
2: you statement on how pretty Soul Edge may have been to you and glowing reviews does not validate the serious gameplay flaws that were dropped and removed for Soul Calibur. Pretty games back then were much highly forgiven when there was some one sided hyperbole fanboyism writing the perception.
Seems your perception lacks a lot of information being how late you got into that console your situation.
You have dismissed and diminished the home port of Die Hard Arcade and made claims like as if I indicated "it was supposed to save SEGA" as if the game has no technical aspects worthy of praise beyond "ok"
I mean here is one of my most memorable examples. This particular issue was my first gaming magazine when I joined the 32 bit generation.
Regardless it had an interesting interview with one of most favorite third party devs from Sega Saturn fans. And here is some of the things Capcom said:
They were finding Resident Evil difficult to port on the Saturn. We all know how that version looks and it repeats what was said here.
View attachment 1545
Here they find making Star Gladiator for the Saturn very difficult
View attachment 1546
Regardless they did make Cyberbots exclusive for the Saturn. And not because the PS1 was having difficulties with 2D. Because marketing and profitability
View attachment 1544
And here is their general opinion about each console's capabilities in 1996
View attachment 1547
In other words, no it wasnt Magazine bias. It was how things were
So since PlayStation was your first system back then and Capcom was your favorite developer why do you insist on using those rather ignorant questions to back up your claims?
Biohazard/RE was made with PSX as base hardware, since you're the Capcom expert when did Biohazard/RE Saturn start development and shipped?
Star Gladiator...was made as a System 11 Arcade hardware game...your implied reasoning of a technology analysis is laughable if not insulting.
Cyberbots was a CPSII Arcade game...again since you are the Capcom expert, please explain why Capcom chose Saturn for "profitability"?
Finally...Capcom lagged behind Namco when it came to "3d technical showpiece" even back then...they were definitely way behind Takara during the 1994-1996 timeframe.