Questions about Sega Saturn

Hello there! I'm working to get homebrew sequenced music working on the Sega Saturn, and I was wondering of some of you here might be able to answer some of my questions regarding that.

First, I was wondering about the possibility of expanding the amount of RAM available to the SCSP, thus addressing one of its known core weaknesses compared to contemporaries such as the PS1's SPU (which had hardware ADPCM to make the effective amount of sound available RAM almost four times as much as the SCSP had). One most obvious thing would be to simply swap sound data into the SCSP's RAM from the CD-ROM drive, but of course that comes with equally obvious bandwidth and seek time limitations, not the mention the massive wear and tear that would have on the physical drive itself. As well as, of course, the fact that doing this doesn't expand the actual amount of RAM in any way, which means that anything that's playing on the SCSP at any given second must still fit into 512 KiB of RAM.

With that said, there's also the Saturn's cartridge slot. Which, as far as I understand, can address up to 4 MiB of additional RAM per cartridge. I also understand that the SCSP has access to the cartridge slot via the SCU's "B-bus" that it shares with the two VDPs (whereas the "A-bus" is connected to the two SH-2s).

So my question with that is: does the SCSP have direct access to the cartridge slot via this bus; as in: can it access it the same way that it can access its own 512 KiB of sound RAM, thus effectively expanding its memory capacity to a total of 4.5 MiB? Or, like with the CD-ROM drive, would data have to be swapped such that the SCSP can theoretically read as much data as it wants from the cartridge slot, but only actually use up to, again, 512 KiB of said data at any given time?

There are a number of possibilities that I've been thinking about if the former is true. For instance, if you were to take two Sega Saturns that each have a 4 MiB RAM cartridge attached to them and have the two consoles play in tandem, then such a setup would provide a total of 8.5 MiB for SCSP that would effectively equal — and actually even slightly surpass — the effective amount of sound RAM of the Dreamcast's AICA when its 4:1 ADPCM compression scheme is applied. (Which, relative to the SCSP with its lack of compression, would indeed roughly be 8 MiB.) Such a setup would effectively give you an AICA on Sega Saturn, except arguably even better than an actual AICA because then you would also have the SCSP's FM support, not to mention two DSPs to play with instead of just one (that is, a single DSP each per 32 channels) à la the PS2's SPU2 and its two reverb units (in its case, one each per 24 channels). Meanwhile, even a much smaller 2 MiB expansion cartridge attached to a single Sega Saturn would result in a total of 2560 KiB for SCSP that would surpass the effective amount of sound RAM of the PS1's SPU when its own 32:9 ADPCM compression scheme is applied! (Which, again relative to the SCSP and its lack of compression, which would roughly be 1820 KiB.) Meanwhile, even in a scenario where sound data must indeed be swapped from the cartridge slot, then if you were to again take two Sega Saturns that both have 4 MiB RAM expansions attached to them and have the two consoles play in tandem, then that would again provide a total of 8.5 MiB for SCSP. And in this case, one could theoretically simulate the Model 3's SCSP setup including its 64 total sound channels, dual 68K processors, dual DSPs, 1 MiB of total sound RAM, and — most critically — roughly half of its 16.5 MiB sample ROM.

However, one concern that I do have about all of this is the necessity using the SCU's B-bus to shuffle sound data around. Indeed, given the proportion between the SCSP's small pool of local 512 KiB of sound RAM and the as much as 4 MiB of cartridge RAM, it's very likely — and almost certainly if one is trying to push SCSP to its absolute limits — that the B-bus is going to have sound data shuffled across it almost literally all of the time. Which means that if the SCU has to shuttle VDP data to another part of the system or stream graphical data from the CD-ROM drive (or in the case of homebrew, wherever the game data is coming from, like perhaps the Video CD slot), then wouldn't that create the potential for bus contention? And if so, then wouldn't that be a problem if you wanted to implement this solution in an actual game (versus, say, just playing said music in a sequence player where presumably almost nothing intenstive is going on with the VDPs)?

As for the second thing, I'm looking for some solid information about the SCSP's DSP, which seems to be somewhat scarce. From what I have found out about it, the SCSP's DSP can execute up to 128 steps of instructions written for it, doing so in an exact order with no looping, conditions, or repeats. It's also apparently programmable to at least some extent, with effects running on there as "modules" that are essentially mini-programs that run on the DSP. All of this seems to differ significantly from what I know about the PS1's SPU, which on the contrary appears to have only a reverb unit that's effectively a "fixed-function DSP" of sorts, in the sense that it's logic baked into the SPU itself that does nothing but calculate reverb coefficients and can't be programmed (easily) to do anything else.

Meanwhile, AICA supposedly inherits a similar if not identical DSP. I've heard some rumblings that there have been some changes made to AICA's DSP versus that in the SCSP, but I don't know about any documentation that exists about what said changes actually are. In any case, I'm assuming that at least inherits the same effects that its SCSP equivalent does?

As far as official SEGA documents go, "SCSP/DSP Effect Module Specifications" (ST-069-121693) provides a list of the DSP modules available as standard on the SCSP. The document describes said list as "tentative" with the values outlined within supposedly subject to change, but it also appears to be the latest reference released that I'm aware of. The DSP modules mentioned are listed below (with conversions of RAM usage for each from the provided kilowords to kibibytes):

DSP module name = Steps usage for module / RAM usage for module
= 34 steps / 30 KiB
Early Reflection = 100 steps / 26 KiB
Echo (Delay) = 20 steps / 52 KiB
Pitch Shifter = 64 steps / 30 KiB
Chorus = 22 steps / 2 KiB
Flanger = 20 steps / 4 KiB
Symphonic = 21 steps / 2 KiB
Surround = 23 steps / 30 KiB
Voice Cancel = 36 steps / 0 KiB
Auto Pan = 4 steps / 0 KiB
Phaser = 22 steps / 4 KiB
Distortion = 20 steps / 0 KiB
Filter = 5 steps / 0 KiB
Parametric EQ = 5 steps / 0 KiB

So based on everything that I've read in those documents and elsewhere, it appears that you can use any amount and combination of the DSP modules listed above — including more than one of the same module — on any of the SCSP's 32 hardware voices as long as the total number of "steps" spent executing them doesn't exceed 128 and the total number of modules used doesn't exceed 16, is this correct?

Some more questions: are these DSP programs above built into the SCSP itself (as in, any game running any sound driver can access them) or are they only available via certain SEGA-provided sound drivers (as in, the DSP is effectively useless by itself without explicitly giving it code to run)? Also, would the programmable nature of the DSP mean that it's theoretically possible to write custom DSP programs that can do whatever you want, as long as it can be run within the DSP's 128 steps and without exceeding the available sound RAM? (See: ST-228-R1-030596, a "dAsms User Manual" where dAsms is apparently assembly for the DSP.) And how would any of the above be different, if at all, for AICA on the Dreamcast?

Finally, [/I]I was wondering about the possibility of reverse-engineering the official sequenced file formats for Saturn-based music such that custom music can be written to them[/I]. I'm specfically talking about SEQ/TON, which I presume is roughly equivalent to the PS1's SEQ/VAB in that SEQ is a relatively small MIDI-like series of note events and such while TON is a relatively large collection of raw sample files and instrument definitions that the SEQ file references. As well as to Dreamcast's MSB/MPB, for that matter (a somewhat more obscure format from my experience, as far as readily available information about exactly how they work). The closest thing that I could find for documentation of Saturn's SEQ format is a MIDI conversion program by CyberWarriorX named "seq2mid" (currently maintained by Misty De Méo on GitHub here). Meanwhile, TON has an official overview for it in the form of "Tone Editor User's Manual Addendum: File Formats" (ST-235-030795), and some of kingshriek's old Python conversion scripts such as "toncnv" might also be of use. But what I would really like to find out is how close SEQ is to SMF MIDI format 0, which according to certain people in the PlayStation scene is extremely close close — if not practically identical save for a few minor changes — to both PS1's SEQ format and the PS2's SQ format. If it helps, an official MIDI converter specification does exist for SEQ on Saturn (ST-066-121593). And with that in mind, how trivial would it be to use something like a DAW or MIDI sequencer (à la FL Studio or Logic Pro) or a tracker (à la Famitracker or Furnace) to create custom SEQ/TON files that can be played back on a real Sega Saturn like any other sequenced OST?
Just wanted to point out the effects on the DSP seem a lot like the EMU10K1 DSP chip used in sound Blaster Live cards
I was reading the book The Rise and Fall of Sega and I find it ironic how Sega partly created the Playstation.
Both Sony and Sega were developing a 2D powerhouse with 3D capabilities as the additional feature. The reason? 3D hardware was expensive to produce and didnt want to take the risk of selling something that was not affordable or was sold at a loss.
They didnt want to become another 3DO.
According to the book, Kalinske noticed that Sega's Virtua Fighter created super high expectations for advanced dedicated 3D graphics for the next gen console.
Even model 1 was too expensive back when they were planning their next gen console. So he came up with tha amazing idea to approach one specific company for a joint product to halve the risk.
That company was Sony. Their proposal was brilliant for Sony. Kaliniske proposed that they would share the hardware costs but Sony would get 100% of the profit from their games and Sega would get 100% from theirs. Sony wanted to be able to license games themselves since the inception of the Playstation as a SNES CD Drive. It was a win win situation for both.
Sega of Japan rejected Kalinske's idea. But the meeting gave also Sony the hint that the next gen should be all about 3D. Ken and his team designed the console around the initial discussions with Sega of America.
So Sega shot their foot multiple times:

They indirectly created the design foundations for the Playstation that would have otherwise benefited them, since the PS ended up being a 3D powerhouse.
They took full responsibility of hardware costs.
They did not anticipate that Playstation would have been so powerful that they would have to redesign their own 2D dedicated console in a short period of time to make it comparable to the PS.
They did not aknowledge Sony's expertise and financial power from which they would have benefited from in marketing and R&D.

And they kept shooting theirselves on the foot. When Sega of Japan saw the specs of the PS they went in panic mode. Kalinske went to the SGI company that designed the PS to get a hardware proposal. They had the know how, they had already the foundations for a 3D affordable console because of the PS.
Sega of Japan refused. They went through all the trouple to make a complex hardware design that required assembly language and programmers were not familiar with.
The hardware SGI designed for Sega of America, migrated as a proposal for Nintendo.

So many opportunities missed. Things could have been Godly for gamers if Sony and Sega stayed together

I know this is a super-late reply xD but I've been having fun reading through the thread. Heck, my reply at this point is probably not even new info, considering how long it's been, but anyhow...

It's true SEGA were developing a 2D-first system with some Model 1-level 3D as an added bonus, but Sony ALWAYS envisioned PS1 as a 3D system. Maybe when it was still the Play Station (the add-on to SNES/SFC) it would have been more 2D-centric considering the abilities of the host system. But Ken Kutaragi always saw the PS1 as a 3D system that would've had enough horsepower to also do 2D, so on that front they weren't on the same path as SEGA.

If you're basing "3D" off the ability to perform actual Z-buffering then by that notion you can claim both Saturn & PS1 are "2D" systems, but out of them only the Saturn was explicitly designed with a focus on 2D in the way consoles back in that day handled 2D. Hence the dedicated sprite hardware and things like VDP2's feature set.

I'm not sure what Kalinske actually proposed to Sony, but that would've been to the SCEA side, while the Japanese side was busy working on the actual hardware. TBH the book you read has a heavy Kalinske slant and he has certainly embellished claims to bolster his profile, so I wouldn't take everything mentioned there to heart. Since then, actual SEGA of Japan people involved during the Saturn era have given accounts that discredit a lot of what Kalinske's put out there.

Quite frankly, Kalinske's take doesn't line up with reality considering it was the PS1's spec reveal that made SEGA of Japan panic and rush a redesign for Saturn. But why would a PS1 design SEGA of Japan'd had already known about due to Kalinske notifying them, and then SOJ having a demonstration of that same tech....surprise them when Sony revealed the spec and cause them to rush a Saturn redesign? Logically it just makes zero sense.

That said, SEGA did have a bit of a hand in getting PS1 to market, because higher-ups at Sony weren't confident in putting a 3D system on the market until they saw the success of Virtua Fighter in Japanese arcades. So VF helped give them confidence to put the PS1 out onto the market, even if there were others at Sony (including Kutaragi and Ohga) who were fully confident in pushing the hardware & releasing it. Virtua Fighter helped get some hesitant Sony Japan high-level suits to give approval for the system's launch and give it a marketing push. c
The 99% of the specs listed on Sega Retro are BS. Someone went around and cherry picked stuff from different sources to try to come up with the most impressive sounding stuff, without regard for whether or not it's right.

Like with the Dreamcast, the wiki claims that it supports hardware multitexturing. It does not. The funny part is that the source listed for the DC's hardware multitexturing capability flat out states that the DC doesn't have multitexturing hardware. It also says that the Naomi's GPU is twice as powerful as the Dreamcast, then copies and paste's the DC's description with all the numbers doubled. It doesn't, it has the same GPU as the Dreamcast, just with double the RAM. You can verify this by just LOOKING at the games, that kind of difference would be incredibly obvious, And the whole point of the Naomi was that it was cheap, using the economies of scale that come from using mass produced home hardware. Having a custom GPU defeats the purpose.

Yeah, I mean Sega Retro is useful for some things but it's also very clear they go out of their way to glaze SEGA hardware specs and seemingly gloss over or downplay PlayStation system specs by comparison.

At least they provide citations, but then when you read a lot of the citations they don't match up with the way numbers are presented on the Sega Retro system descriptions, or where they're doubling number listings to make some systems seem more capable than they actually were.

They're a useful resource but absolutely use them with discretion and always check other sources to see if Sega Retro's numbers actually line up.
Curious btw. Not sure if it was addressed and this is a long thread.
PS1 had a 33.8688 MHz CPU.
The Sega Saturn had 2 processors 28.6 MHz.
Theoretically, if games could use both processors shouldnt have there been cases where the Saturn was performing faster?
But there seems to be a weird relation between the two processors. For example for VF each processor was used for each character. It didnt seem like the two were operating in a manner where complex workloads would be allocated on each efficiently. We know a lot of developers didnt bother to allocate between VDP1 and VDP2. But I am curious about how they handled the 2 CPUs

Games could use both processors, but since they were in a master/slave configuration you couldn't actually use them in true parallel as a symmetrical mulitprocessing config. The slave SH2 was always going to be dependent on the master SH2 for data and commands, as well as whenever it could be the bus master.

Because of that realistically you probably got 1.5x the speed out of using both efficiently, and Yu Suzuki said as such way back in 1995.

Ok I am just amazed by what the community has been creating on the Sega Saturn after all these years.
They even create mods and improvements on old games.
There is barely anything with such dedication in the homebrew scene with Playstation 1 besides a few tiny creations.
There is more passion on the Saturn

Well TBF, there is certainly an underdog bias in favor of Saturn that fuels many of these homebrew developments, similar with Dreamcast. People love exploring alternate timelines and seeing how far systems that were heavily ignored in their commercial heyday could actually be pushed.

It's just important to keep in mind that it doesn't inherently mean other systems i.e PS1 were fully pushed, either. They very likely have less to reach for to hit their ceiling due to being so prolifically supported, but that doesn't mean they don't have juice left to squeeze. It's just the homebrew scene isn't as interested in exploring such things.

The Saturn was fully capable of streaming data from the disk during gameplay. It did this in games like Panzer Zwei, Panzer Dragoon Saga, and the Shenmue pre-beta video for Saturn. I'm sure there were others. On Mk 1 Saturns you actually had an access light so you could see when the drive was being accessed - particularly interesting for games where the sound was chip generated (like the two Panzer games above) and bosses etc were loading in as you flew along.

From looking at the developer docs I downloaded a bit back, it appears that the Saturn CD unit could be told to go off and preload files into its 512KB dedicated memory. The CDROM drive, its SH1 and its firmware handled this on their own when instructed by the game. Then, when requested you could DMA from this 512KB CDROM dram into either main memory or directly into the video ram. You could do this irrespective of the RAM cart.

But ... the ram cart used the same bus that the CDROM used. And this can't have been a slow bus, as the MPEG Video CD expansion unit was on this bus too, and had to transfer uncompressed video frames and audio over it. So I reckon you could tell the CDROM drive to load a file into it's CDROM RAM, then the Saturn to copy that data to an address range that was on the RAM cart. From there you could copy it to main ram or vram whenever you wanted.

I think it's almost certainly the case that the Saturn could DMA required pages of animation from the RAM cart to vram on demand, and in time for the next frame if the transfer was sufficiently small and properly timed. I think this is how the 1MB RAM cart allowed for enhanced animation.

I can see no reason you couldn't interleave transfering data to main ram / vram from the RAM cart for animation, with loading the next level / fighter's data into unused memory on the 4MB RAM cart. I think the speed and capacity would have been there, and that this is the behaviour you're seeing in games like Xmen vs SF.

View attachment 8098

Looking at a Saturn memory map I found online, I think the max size directly addressable for a cartridge was probably 32MB, but that's just me naively converting hex addresses to decimal and dividing by 1024 twice. Large sizes like this would have been ideal for arcade version of the Saturn - The Titan - that used carts.

Yeah and I'm feeling pretty good in saying that's how Saturn utilized the 1 MB and 4 MB RAM carts; the RAM on those were too low on bandwidth and too high in latency to actually serve as direct memory. But as a fast hot-swappable off-chip cache? Absolutely useful, and would have been much faster to utilize than drawing the data from CD (even with its 512 KB buffer).

In hindsight I guess you can consider the RAM carts as analogous to the PS5 SSD.
I know this is a super-late reply xD but I've been having fun reading through the thread. Heck, my reply at this point is probably not even new info, considering how long it's been, but anyhow...

It's true SEGA were developing a 2D-first system with some Model 1-level 3D as an added bonus, but Sony ALWAYS envisioned PS1 as a 3D system. Maybe when it was still the Play Station (the add-on to SNES/SFC) it would have been more 2D-centric considering the abilities of the host system. But Ken Kutaragi always saw the PS1 as a 3D system that would've had enough horsepower to also do 2D, so on that front they weren't on the same path as SEGA.

If you're basing "3D" off the ability to perform actual Z-buffering then by that notion you can claim both Saturn & PS1 are "2D" systems, but out of them only the Saturn was explicitly designed with a focus on 2D in the way consoles back in that day handled 2D. Hence the dedicated sprite hardware and things like VDP2's feature set.

I'm not sure what Kalinske actually proposed to Sony, but that would've been to the SCEA side, while the Japanese side was busy working on the actual hardware. TBH the book you read has a heavy Kalinske slant and he has certainly embellished claims to bolster his profile, so I wouldn't take everything mentioned there to heart. Since then, actual SEGA of Japan people involved during the Saturn era have given accounts that discredit a lot of what Kalinske's put out there.

Quite frankly, Kalinske's take doesn't line up with reality considering it was the PS1's spec reveal that made SEGA of Japan panic and rush a redesign for Saturn. But why would a PS1 design SEGA of Japan'd had already known about due to Kalinske notifying them, and then SOJ having a demonstration of that same tech....surprise them when Sony revealed the spec and cause them to rush a Saturn redesign? Logically it just makes zero sense.

That said, SEGA did have a bit of a hand in getting PS1 to market, because higher-ups at Sony weren't confident in putting a 3D system on the market until they saw the success of Virtua Fighter in Japanese arcades. So VF helped give them confidence to put the PS1 out onto the market, even if there were others at Sony (including Kutaragi and Ohga) who were fully confident in pushing the hardware & releasing it. Virtua Fighter helped get some hesitant Sony Japan high-level suits to give approval for the system's launch and give it a marketing push. c
I believe that it can still line up. Yes it is true the Kutaragi always envisioned to offer 3D gaming. But what was the initial target for 3D? What did they believe was attainable? Kutaragi was impressed by Virtua Fighter which was state of the art as it was for everyone. Which was still running on a super expensive board.
The discussion with Sega of America likely raised the bar even higher and helped Kutaragi convince his boss to dedicate even more silicon and much higher than the capabilities of the Model 1.

Now about the suspected contradiction between Sega of Japan and America. There isnt necessarily one. Aiming for state of the art 3D home console at a cost effective price, seemed to everyone in the industry at the time like an impossible dream. Sega of Japan, like everyone else, would have never expected Sony to create such a powerful 3D dedicated console affordably alone. And there was always a tendency from SoJ to underestimate Sony's ability to create a good console.

Therefore when Sony revealed the console the whole industry was left speechless and in awe by the capabilities.
I believe that it can still line up. Yes it is true the Kutaragi always envisioned to offer 3D gaming. But what was the initial target for 3D? What did they believe was attainable? Kutaragi was impressed by Virtua Fighter which was state of the art as it was for everyone. Which was still running on a super expensive board.
The discussion with Sega of America likely raised the bar even higher and helped Kutaragi convince his boss to dedicate even more silicon and much higher than the capabilities of the Model 1.

Well, keep in mind Sony had 3D hardware internally as far back as very late '80s...they had the System G which ended up being the basis for PS1's 3D hardware. IIRC System G was made available in 1989, which is 4 years prior to Virtua Fighter & Virtua Racing. While I don't think Namco's 3D stuff pre-Ridge Racer was probably too much inspiration, they did have stuff like Winning Run available in arcades since 1988, which I'm sure Kutaragi got ideas from as well.

Unfortunately there's very little documentation on the System G, so we don't know what it was capable of. It's closer to things like the Amiga Video Toaster or SGI workstations, so it wasn't intended for real-time 3D. Still though, it being a wholly internal design from the ground-up (tho not from Sony's gaming division...the gaming division didn't exist for hardware R&D in '89 and I don't even know if Sony Imagesoft existed yet either), I'm pretty confident it was a very massive influence onto the specs for PS1, to get that System G hardware condensed into a cost-effective home consumer console by the mid '90s.

Again, I do think Model 1 influenced developments with the PS1, but the PS1 whitepaper was released around the same time Virtua Fighter came out in Japanese arcades IIRC. So if Model 1 were in fact a massive influence in terms of the final specs, I don't see how SEGA could have believed Sony's claims then considering the timing; they'd of had very little time to build out prototype chips to even test the claims. I'm more of the opinion that Model 1's influence on PS1 was in convincing reserved board members to actually back the project financially and support its release to market.

Because prior to that, Kutaragi only seemingly had Norio Ohga on his side. Ohga's position was huge at Sony during the time, but chances are PS1 wouldn't have had the backing it did from corporate without other board members signing off, and Virtua Fighter/Model 1 was a major component in Kutaragi proving to them a commercially viable market for 3D did in fact exist.

In a way I guess that shows how big a deal Virtua Fighter was at the time; first 3D games in Japan with serious revenue power.

Now about the suspected contradiction between Sega of Japan and America. There isnt necessarily one. Aiming for state of the art 3D home console at a cost effective price, seemed to everyone in the industry at the time like an impossible dream. Sega of Japan, like everyone else, would have never expected Sony to create such a powerful 3D dedicated console affordably alone. And there was always a tendency from SoJ to underestimate Sony's ability to create a good console.

Therefore when Sony revealed the console the whole industry was left speechless and in awe by the capabilities.

Well, that part's definitely true. I wonder if SEGA of Japan knew about the System G at all, or really how many in the industry did at the time. The System G did exist, but it wasn't even in volume like SGI workstations, let alone Amigas etc. If they did, maybe the PS1's spec reveal wouldn't have been as much a shock, as maybe they'd of assumed Sony would've tried getting that hardware's performance into a home console design.

Here's some links about the System G if you're interested:

The last link has someone confirming it was in fact a real product commercially available, but seemingly only to Japanese broadcast television stations (probably why it's so hard to get info or access to it).