Quantum Break [XO] (by Remedy) *large images*

Because in the end you'd probably have better lighting/shadows/etc anyway. Resolution seems overrated, and a shame to take up so much processing power if you think about it. Half the picture is blurred by DOF these days

Once you learn how the rasterization of triangles works you will see why having higher sampling sizes matter in realtime computer rendering, especially when in motion.
Once you learn how the rasterization of triangles works you will see why having higher sampling sizes matter in realtime computer rendering, especially when in motion.

Still, the idea that previous frame information should be used to improve the next frame is a nice step forward to improving the visual output while keeping performance in check. I'm curious to see what the PC version of the game is using, perhaps four 1080p frames to create a -up to- 4k output?
Doesn't a 4xMSAA 720p render targer actually have more individual samples than a vanilla 1080p one? At poly edges at least?
I ended up buying this digitally. I couldn't find the right retailer pre-order, even though I prefer discs for resale and lending ability. See, I wanted to keep open the option of picking up my disc at midnight, even though I wasn't sure I would bother. This meant my options were limited to Gamestop (assuming they're even doing a midnight launch)/Wal Mart. Wal Mart that I stopped in at least doesn't even seem to do pre-orders (I thought they did these days? Maybe it's YMMV). I was also tempted by the big digital countdown on the Xbox buy page. It says I can play at 12 Eastern which is 11 PM my time. Only an hour difference but still a semi-big deal to me, since I wont have a ton of time to play tonight anyway an extra hour is precious.

QB has downloaded even while I play Destiny online, which I wasn't sure if games did that. 47GB Progress seems slow but that seems expected when online gaming as well. It's 47% done in I dunno, a couple hours maybe.

One thing that confuses me is I dont know if I'm supposed to DL 75GB for the TV show or what (IIRC GAF thread talked about the 75GB of TV). The preorder only said 47GB like a normal game. If there is 75 GB MORE, then digital is definitely a mistake on this game. Maybe you can stream it or something, or skip it which I probably would...

i havent got the PC code yet, I'm assuming they will send it to my XBL email. I realized my plan of giving it to my brother may not work because it'll probably be tied to my MS account?...
Game is a lot of fun so far , it looks friggen beautiful at some points. The pc copy unlocks sometime today so I started on the xbox one. Apparently progress syncs between the two
I really love the junctions and the way they show what the community picked. The first junction 70% of the community agreed with my choice and the first junction brings you to the first live action video.

The gun play is a little clunky for me but I have to say this is one of the more interesting games I have played in quite awhile. this is really making me want another alan wake and sequal to this and i'm no where done !
Fell asleep after work and woke up at 1am, so what else am I gonna do but start playing Quantum Break?

Visuals ... I still think the game looks great. There are a lot of artifacts, so it can be a mixed bag, but overall I think it works. Lighting is very cool. Definitely has a unique visual style. On PC it's probably going to look amazing.

The sound is really awesome. Not much else to say. The way time powers affect sound is neat.

Gameplay. I've only done up to the first episode, playing on hard, but the gunplay is pretty solid. There is no hip-fire, which I think they could have made good use of, and you can't switch shoulders by clicking left or right stick (I don't think). Otherwise, the way the enemies move, attack and react to being shot is great, and the time powers are pretty fun. The contextual cover works well, despite the complaints I read in some reviews, but you really are better off moving. On hard the enemies flank and throw a lot of grenades. Haven't tried normal to compare. The shooting feels good and the game is responsive. I'll have a better idea when I'm further in the game and fight the enemies I've seen in previews.

Story. It's very b-movie sci-fi. Hoping it has some weird remedy turns. It works for what the game is. It wouldn't win any awards, but the dialog isn't too bad. You have the odd cheesy line, but mostly it's along the lines of Remedy's previous games. I'm hoping for good radio and tv shows in the game. I miss "Lords and Ladies" from Max Payne. But mostly I just want some of the freak-out weird moments of their previous games.

TV. The first episode is ok. My expectations were pretty low. If it were a tv series on its own, I wouldn't watch it, but it seemed to tie into the show well, and it tells a part of the story that would be hard to tell in the game. There are quite a few characters in the episode. The quality is not that bad. People watch stuff that's infinitely worse on tv.
You can switch left/right view by clicking the stick.

Stayed up till 0.01am to play this game. Until the first junction point (whatever that is). Want to play more!!!
the video was 75GB... let's say the game sells 1.5 million copies...
That's a few petabytes of data downloaded just for 1 game :D

I am actually thinking of buying an Xbox One for this game, it might drop to 199 euro in Holland
Fell asleep after work and woke up at 1am, so what else am I gonna do but start playing Quantum Break?

Visuals ... I still think the game looks great. There are a lot of artifacts, so it can be a mixed bag, but overall I think it works. Lighting is very cool. Definitely has a unique visual style. On PC it's probably going to look amazing.

The sound is really awesome. Not much else to say. The way time powers affect sound is neat.

Gameplay. I've only done up to the first episode, playing on hard, but the gunplay is pretty solid. There is no hip-fire, which I think they could have made good use of, and you can't switch shoulders by clicking left or right stick (I don't think). Otherwise, the way the enemies move, attack and react to being shot is great, and the time powers are pretty fun. The contextual cover works well, despite the complaints I read in some reviews, but you really are better off moving. On hard the enemies flank and throw a lot of grenades. Haven't tried normal to compare. The shooting feels good and the game is responsive. I'll have a better idea when I'm further in the game and fight the enemies I've seen in previews.

Story. It's very b-movie sci-fi. Hoping it has some weird remedy turns. It works for what the game is. It wouldn't win any awards, but the dialog isn't too bad. You have the odd cheesy line, but mostly it's along the lines of Remedy's previous games. I'm hoping for good radio and tv shows in the game. I miss "Lords and Ladies" from Max Payne. But mostly I just want some of the freak-out weird moments of their previous games.

TV. The first episode is ok. My expectations were pretty low. If it were a tv series on its own, I wouldn't watch it, but it seemed to tie into the show well, and it tells a part of the story that would be hard to tell in the game. There are quite a few characters in the episode. The quality is not that bad. People watch stuff that's infinitely worse on tv.

THe game unlocked for me at midnight EST. I stayed up to 4am EST playing it and I had a ton of fun with it.

The TV show is great , I watched this new season of Heroes Reborn and it was better than that. I would put it up there with a CW show which isn't bad at all for a video game.

I'm going to play this some more before work.