PSP: Playable on show floor, impressions inside.

Um, London, wasn't someone complaining at the top of the 12th page, reminding someone else this was a PSP thread and that we should "keep it like that"? ;)

(And BTW, I agree the bloke looks friggin huge, and there IS a very remote similarity to Wario - but this bloke's nose is much much smaller, hehehe.)
Guden Oden said:
Um, London, wasn't someone complaining at the top of the 12th page, reminding someone else this was a PSP thread and that we should "keep it like that"? ;)

Sorry! Fingers locked.

(He DOES look like Wario, doesn't he... :LOL: )
Damn you for making me associate that guy with Wario, hheeh. Can't stop chuckling! :p Wonder if his voice sounds like Wario's too? Would have been a really fun presentation to listen to! :LOL:
Just imagine him with a big mustache, big green/yellow hat and outfit. It's him!!!

Does anyone have an idea of the release dates of both PSP and DS?
london-boy said:
Does anyone have an idea of the release dates of both PSP and DS?

According to PGC Nintendo DS is going to be released before Thanksgiving in the U.S. The European release is probably going to be around March.
PC-Engine said:
FWIW, I've compared DC SC to GCN SCII in progressive scan on my VGA monitor and DC has better texture detail and overall image quality. GCN textures are pretty blurry and overall sharpness of the output is not as sharp as DC. Don't know how SCII on PS2 compares as I don't have a PS2. I picked SC because it's a good sample for comparison.

A few things.....
1. You're using a vga transcoder to convert the pscan image to vga? Might cause problems....
2. GameCube could be using some form of antialiasing.
3. Yes, you are right, the DC soul calibur is much shaper than pscan sc2 on gamecube, but it also is much more jaggy, and not all gamecube games are as blurry as this in pscan...for instance ssbm, fzero, metroid prime, super monkey ball series, and more are pretty sharp.(maybe enabling pscan is a bit more complex than just adding a line of code? maybe some games require significant recoding not to look crappy or blurry and that's why not all games have it?)

BTW, I wanna see a picture of the bump mapped bottle in shenmue.
Reggie guy from Nintendo's conference actually looks a lot more like Donkey Kong than Warrio! Hell, he's a live manifestation of Donkey Kong not only in likeness but also in manners and action!
BTW, I wanna see a picture of the bump mapped bottle in shenmue.
Why bother? You can see more bump-mapped surfaces than that in the DC version of Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation.
What levels in TR have bump mapping applied? Are there any videos? I have the demo of that game, but I don't think there's any BM in the demo level.
Lazy8s said:
BTW, I wanna see a picture of the bump mapped bottle in shenmue.
Why bother? You can see more bump-mapped surfaces than that in the DC version of Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation.

I played a demo of that and don't recall anything spectacular, so does that mean the dc's bump mapping isn't really that spectacular?(it's only a few games I've seen it in where it really jumps out at you...umm.....well halo and that's pretty much it, but I don't play many xbox games, but most other games don't give you flash lights to play around with either)

Give it UP already!!! It's a well-established fact not a single DC game used bumpmapping. We've gone over this what feels like a billion times by now and it's getting rather tiresome.

Hell, even Simon Fenney's said as much.
Fox5 said:
PC-Engine said:
FWIW, I've compared DC SC to GCN SCII in progressive scan on my VGA monitor and DC has better texture detail and overall image quality. GCN textures are pretty blurry and overall sharpness of the output is not as sharp as DC. Don't know how SCII on PS2 compares as I don't have a PS2. I picked SC because it's a good sample for comparison.

A few things.....
1. You're using a vga transcoder to convert the pscan image to vga? Might cause problems....
2. GameCube could be using some form of antialiasing.
3. Yes, you are right, the DC soul calibur is much shaper than pscan sc2 on gamecube, but it also is much more jaggy, and not all gamecube games are as blurry as this in pscan...for instance ssbm, fzero, metroid prime, super monkey ball series, and more are pretty sharp.(maybe enabling pscan is a bit more complex than just adding a line of code? maybe some games require significant recoding not to look crappy or blurry and that's why not all games have it?)

BTW, I wanna see a picture of the bump mapped bottle in shenmue.

Well, indeed, we have talked on SC II last March/April (SC II released in Japan last March). People saw that SC II on GC looks overfiltered and a little blurred comparing to SC II on X-BOX or PS2 (lack of MIP mapping).
I played a demo of that and don't recall anything spectacular, so does that mean the dc's bump mapping isn't really that spectacular?
Dreamcast has a dot-product based bump mapping facility, so the effects are like they are on other hardware doing bump mapping with a comparable method.

Tomb Raider port on DC looks bad all on its own. It's not like they had a completely different looking game with lots of detail at first and then stripped it all away because of the bump mapping load or anything.

Guden Oden:
Give it UP already!!! It's a well-established fact not a single DC game used bumpmapping.
You say this like you've got some 'Console Wars' handbook or something. They're just videogames... there are no sides to take.
heh, the movie and music playback costs must be quite expensive indeed..... :oops: ;) /jk (okay I'll shut up now) :oops:

Hum, interesting. I didn't think Sony would launch this thing at a loss, considering the rumoured price of $299 already seems quite high. Could this be an indication that it may be priced lower than that, perhaps at $249 to compete better against the DS (despite main targeted audience being different and the DS price of $199 to be correct).
Looking at it, I'd rather Sony get rid of some of the extraneous features like MP3 and Movie playback and just sell it as a dyed in the wool gaming system. Maybe they could shave some dollars off the cost and make it more affordable.

Frankly I have my IPOD for MP3s (better battery life than the PSP, and more storage too) and there's no way in hell I'd want to watch a film on that tiny ass screen. :LOL:

I'm thinking they're cramming too much crap into the system just for the sake of doing it, when it's just not necessary atm.
As unnecessary music and movie playback are for the average PSP consumer, it is a welcome feature as those features basically come for free considering that all the required compontents are already there (basically, a LCD/UMD drive for movie playback and MS for music). I mean, if the hardware is already capable of running them, why not?

Besides, the rumoured price is $299... perhaps Sony is planning to launch it lower than that afterall :?:

BTW; this has been bugging me as of late: could it be that Sony is planning to use memorysticks as memorycards for PS3? It might make sense since PSP will have a memorystick bay. Wireless/BT might be also something to look out for... Imagine being able to exchange information from the PS3 onto the PSP in a split of a second and/or play games over a wireless network? Or upload RPG characters onto PSP and then upgrade them there while on the bus/train to work? I think it's about time that PS3 gets rid of those old-ish memorycards and replaces them with something more universal, such as memorysticks! Much cheaper too.
Sure it would make sense, but don't forget this is Sony we're talking about. Given how they've dealt with the market, it's amazing MemorySticks are doing as well as they are - it's like they're constantly trying to kill the format with every new upgrade.