[PSP] MGS Peace Walker

... US launch: 25th March.
[size=-2]Do they have to break up the release announcements into 3 days ?[/size]

Its all part of their plan to make you post 7 times in a row ;)
Anyways, few more months and it will be released. Somehow i thought that we will wait untill summer.
I played the demo on the PSP this weekend. I so want to like this and for a PSP, it certainly is very well made - but I just hate using that analog stick. I would so much to prefer to have this on the PS3...

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker also introduces new AI Weapons - giant unmanned behemoths that Snake must overcome to complete his mission. These include hover, airborne, and tank-style vehicles. Each AI Weapon can speak and even sing during battle using VOCALOID technology, hinting at a surprising level of intelligence.

The company also announced the inclusion of Mother Base, a hub area where players can amass and use soldiers they've recruited in the game to expand the base and "access new functions." Konami also indicated that the game will support three-vs-three battles over local wireless connections, in addition to the already-demoed four-player co-operative mode.

Intriguing... as long as they don't ask me to sing in the public.
Kojima apologizes for delay:

To say Kojima feels sorry about the delay is an understatement.

Wrote Kojima, "I always preach to the staff, 'You must not have a delay after a release date has been announced. There is no greater crime as a game developer.'"

"Official announcement of a release date is nothing less than a promise to fans and business partners. In other words, a release date change is like betraying the expectations of everyone."

Kojima also managed to fit a movie analogy in there, stating that the delay of a game is like a movie being cancelled after its opening date has been announced.

Closing off, Kojima wrote, "It probably takes a long time to earn back trust that has been lost. However we will work hard, with the hope that we will one day earn the support of everyone again."

"At present, Kojima Productions is putting our full efforts on final tuning and brush ups, in aim of completion," wrote Kojima.
Hideo Kojima on Peace Walker and the Future of Gaming:

Kojima noted that Peace Walker has so many new elements that it's hard to describe what type of game it is. "It's a game unlike any before it, so I believe you will incur shock when you play it."

It looks like players can expect a lengthy experience from Peace Walker. The story alone is so long that the past Metal Gear titles cannot compare, said Kojima. The main mission and the Mother Base management portion of the game are tied together, so the updates to Mother Base are reflected in the missions. There are also missions that have no relation to the story, as well as co-op and competitive play.

"Everything you can think of is in there," said Kojima.

I downloaded one of the demoes but haven't played it yet.

About future direction...

By "direction," Kojima refers to two possible directions that Japanese studios can take for competing on the world stage. One is to make games that are tailored to overseas tastes. The other is to make a product that only they can make and put it out there to compete.

Getting a bit less abstract, Kojima said, "2010 will be an extremely important year for the game industry. There's the PlayStation 3 Motion Controller and Xbox 360's Natal. I believe 3D televisions will become the future standard, so game direction should change greatly."

Remember all that talk a while back about some huge surprise that had yet to be revealed for Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker? It seems that it still hasn't been revealed.

After noting that he's touring the country to convey the charms of Peace Walker's co-op play, he writes: "However, in truth, there's another ultimate charm outside of co-op play hidden in PW." This is something that will be introduced over time.

Back in late October, Hideo Kojima himself made a post about a big Peace Walker surprise that would make people rush out to buy a PSP.

PSP ? May be homebrew ? :p
haha ! Lol! :LOL:
All this talk by Kojima is only making me thinking of going to Japan and shaking him up to wake him up and see that players bought the ps3 for his MGS not the PSP :mad: !
you and me both ;)

I feel a little cheated , u know. I had bought the PS3 for MGS 4. GOW, Uncharted, KZ2 were also on myind, but it was the magic of MGS that I didn't want to miss when it released. I don't care if MGS goes to the X360 too, the more people play it the merrier. But when my favourite Snake, the original Big Boss, goes away instead to a handheld.......then I do feel cheated ! WTF!
Thr fans spent so much to buy these next gen consoles to get more of Snake and he suddenly decides to make him exclusive to an old handheld device :mad: !
What kinda logic is that?
Perhaps its the logic of limited budget :LOL:
So that Konami can pour money over Rising.

Well, Fans want more of Snake not Raiden. Let him take his fake body to handhelds with a low budget :rolleyes: ! Its not as if making a Snake game with a high budget is a gamble. Making a Raiden game with a high budget sure is a gamble, especially since its "lightening bolt Action !"

Its as if Sony said," okay, we have sold ps3 with snake, now lets try that damned PSP.Maybe people will buy that for Snake too ?"
I agree.... it hurts. I wanted to like Peace Walker and look forward to it, but I just can't. I played the demo a while ago and while it does make the impression of a very stylish game (it being from Kojima, I'd be more surprsied if it weren't), but I just don't think the complex MGS gameplay fits a handheld very well. First of all, there aren't enough buttons and the buttons that are there, dont' have that precise feel as a controller would. Sure, they dumbed down the controls to match the PSP, but it just doesn't feel right.