PS4 to use Cell, NOT PS3?

Vince said:
nonamer said:
Problem with Rewritable DVDs is they have much slower seek times and have small storage capacity. I would still have a HD over a DVD-"RW".

I wouldn't, not if I was to offer Digital Content via broadband distibution. Hell, put a derivative of Sony's OpenMG on PS3 and let people buy Sony Digitial Content and save them to a BlueRay.

Also, how is 30GB small? Thats the storage on this very laptop in total - on one disk.

Oops. Smaller storage capacity.:D Anyhow, you still wouldn't be able to stream data as well as a HD.
sony developed a holo memory , in ps3 will NOT harddisk

sony's holo memory :

capacity:1 TB
speed: 1 GB/sec
I'm fairly confident that this DRAM density is for a dedicated DRAM process (stacked capacitor) and not a logic process (trench capacitor).

This is how the author used that number.

we still have more than half the chip 270 mm2 remaining for memory. At a projected SRAM density of 1423 million transistors per cm2, this allows for roughly 64 MB of SRAM. On the other hand, at 4 Gb/cm2 one could put 11 Gb of DRAM in the same area.
sony developed a holo memory , in ps3 will NOT harddisk

sony's holo memory :

capacity:1 TB
speed: 1 GB/sec

I checked this out, interesting stuff. Although 1tb will cost alot in 2005, maybe they will use a 80GB version of this for ps3.
Saem, I was not directly commenting about the heat issue ( thanks for raising the point though, it is an interesting issue and it should be discussed, feel free to elaborate more if you want ), but I was commenting about the chip's size and the space taken by e-DRAM, etc...

This is way late in the game, iw as away -- Stag.

Anyways, the thing is the heat density will be significantly higher. You could work out a precentage when compared to chips with the same die size on todays processes. But the problem is that the EDRAM skews the comparison.

The thing with the EDRAM is what kind of heat characteristics will it have? When comparing with DRAM today, you have to remember the significantly higher density, which would mean higher heat denisity. I believe it was worked out that that EDRAM has a density 7-10 times (correct me if I'm wrong, I skimmed through the thread to catch up) so I think the heat density will be proportional with that and scaling due to the feature size factored in.

My take is that this will be a hot mofo. With that said, I wonder how they'll get around some of the phenomenon they start encountering at that feature size, things like difficulty in propogating a signal due to heat (can't remember the technical name, read an article on it on eetimes about 8+ months ago).

Also, how big an issue do you guys think it'll be to keep this chip syncronized? I'd hate to think what kinda work will be required for the timings, there are going to be some very neat tricks in that department. Even for the given process, those frequencies seem fairly aggressive.
If BluRay is indeed PS3 'HDD', then Sony better have a strong laser lens. PS2 lens is not the best around, if PS3 uses cheap lens again + constant rewriting....

Of course thats a big IF. Quality bluray burning in PS3 might bump up the cost rather than a cheap HDD imo.
chaphack said:
If BluRay is indeed PS3 'HDD', then Sony better have a strong laser lens. PS2 lens is not the best around, if PS3 uses cheap lens again + constant rewriting....

What is it with this damn PS2 myth? I've had my PS2 for around 2 years never dusting it and one day it stopped reading CD's and DVD's. I put a CD player cleaner in it and around a minute later it worked flawlessly. How it's Sony's or MS's or Nintendo's fault that we take such shit care of our consoles amazes me...
Vince said:
chaphack said:
If BluRay is indeed PS3 'HDD', then Sony better have a strong laser lens. PS2 lens is not the best around, if PS3 uses cheap lens again + constant rewriting....

What is it with this damn PS2 myth? I've had my PS2 for around 2 years never dusting it and one day it stopped reading CD's and DVD's. I put a CD player cleaner in it and around a minute later it worked flawlessly. How it's Sony's or MS's or Nintendo's fault that we take such shit care of our consoles amazes me...

Had my PS2 for around two years and it slowly had trouble reading newer games.. ZoE2 refused to load on the first shot, and Xenosaga wouldn't load at all. Ended up breaking it open and taking some rubbing alcohol to the lens, works like a charm thus far.
Vince said:
What is it with this damn PS2 myth? I've had my PS2 for around 2 years never dusting it and one day it stopped reading CD's and DVD's. I put a CD player cleaner in it and around a minute later it worked flawlessly. How it's Sony's or MS's or Nintendo's fault that we take such shit care of our consoles amazes me...

Its not a myth, its quite prevalent. Sure there are more Ps2 around but the DRE rate is high even so. Do you play your PS2 often?
chaphack said:
Vince said:
What is it with this damn PS2 myth? I've had my PS2 for around 2 years never dusting it and one day it stopped reading CD's and DVD's. I put a CD player cleaner in it and around a minute later it worked flawlessly. How it's Sony's or MS's or Nintendo's fault that we take such shit care of our consoles amazes me...

Its not a myth, its quite prevalent. Sure there are more Ps2 around but the DRE rate is high even so. Do you play your PS2 often?

as i said in another thread, i've had a PS2 since day 1. i use it as a *everythind-disc-based-goes-there* kind of platform.
it's my DVD player, CD player and games-player-thing.
i OFTEN leave it on overnight playing CD's (i like sleeping with music on) and sometimes music DVD (concerts and stuff like that). some weekends i play DVD's all day long (sometimes we do Buffy-marathons when the weather is not nice) (which is VERY often)... and one Season of Buffy is 6 DVD's each 2 hours long. and we go all the way, without leaving the PS2 breathing...
NEVER dust it.
the holes at the front and at the back are filled with dust.
gave me some problems with CD's a while ago. used a CD lens cleaner and it never gave me problems ever again...
now it works PERFECTLY
People need to learn... r@dio sh@k c@rbon egde dvd/cd lens cleaner(several fold the strength of your average lens cleaner!!!) is the way to go!!!!!

I had a few prob.s with the cd a while back, and it now works like a charm. Launch heavy use ps2 by the way, no other prob.
zidane1strife said:
People need to learn... r@dio sh@k c@rbon egde dvd/cd lens cleaner(several fold the strength of your average lens cleaner!!!) is the way to go!!!!!

I had a few prob.s with the cd a while back, and it now works like a charm. Launch heavy use ps2 by the way, no other prob.

Yet it didn't work for me . So there goes that theroy. Also working at gamestop we get many people coming in asking if we repair ps2s . We have to give them sonys number ( which is almsot as expensive as buying a new one btw ) Sometimes the lens cleaner works most times it doesn't though.
The way I see things is like this PS3 will launch mid 2005 to early 2006 with CELL chip at 65nm and sometime in 2007 switch to 45nm as this is similar to what they are doing now with PS2 to cut costs.

Edit: BTW this is a press release from Sony saying Cell will be used in the next gen console. (this news came after sites reporting Sony werent to use Cell in PS3)
I've just visited the EDC website and the article about Cell has not been changed to say that Cell will be used in PS3.

BTW, has anyone emailed the author of that article and got any reply?
Yes Hannibal from Ars' technica did and the reply he got prooved it was only the EDC's writer INTERPRETATION of what it was told him... there was NO statement ( he even quoted what they said to him ) even close to what he stated in the article...

The Sony press-release clearly mention next-generation Computer Entertainment System which is how they refer about the PlayStation family :)