Rule of business? Shifty, It's quite funny you mention that yet you totally ignore the other rules of that are applied in the same business. For example, how a company balances it's profits by branching them onto other related products. A good example is a $250 PSP that was analysed to be at the least $500. It had UMD movie's selling for $30-$40. That is a price almost twice as much as a regular DVD with much less space and resolution. I don't know how much profit they have turned in with that procedure but it surely brings us to light about a business rule, NO?
I understand a normal human brain cannot comprehend how WiFi, Cell, Blu-ray and RSX would be included in a single package in a competitive price point. But to grasp the idea, one has to apply the "business rules" for the mind to accept it. Sony has been in the Playstation business for about a decade now. If there is anyone in the world that knows how to branch out it's profits, it's SCE!
That is a one-sided onslaught I agree. Sorry about that. But how some people can't understand that Cell will be the catalyst in the making 10's of other products, not only from Sony and Toshiba. But will also be licesenced to other general purpose areas(like army, medical, servers). How's that rule for making profits out of the same product?
With every major Hollywood studio joining the Blu-ray camp, it's assured that Sony's profits are now etched further in the stone with that product. One could argue until their face turns blue how that won't happen anytime soon. But I'll wait and hear a response when a few million PS3's go out in the first year. After all, even PS2 accepted a generous loss for the first year to be fair.
Ahh, whatever man! Let's wait for some official confirmation. No need to waste my mind over these pointless arguments. To be clear, the above were my opinions and should be taken as part of an argument. So shifty, if you're offended over something my friend, my apologies.