Yes, but that comparison would require that $USD is the base currency for the PS3 and that its components are sourced in dollars. It's not.I dont know what this means. What are you referring to "a more reasonable conversion?" All I did was stick the Euro/GBP (399/299) price in yahoo currency converter, which I'm sure is up to date with all the latest currency fluctuations.
The European pricing won't automatically be adjusted just because the $USD have tanked over the short term in comparison. It falsely gives the impression that things have gotten more expensive in Europe when they have not. If the weak $USD should endure it is more likely that, as mentioned, it would cause US prices to rise (or delay pricecuts) as Sony gets less return by selling there. Thus a longer perspective on the currency conversion is more appropriate when comparing cross-continent. Also, just adding US sales tax doesn't give the complete picture as that tend to be much lower than the European average of >19%.
$430 was too low, though, it should have read $460 (a 15% premium seems reasonable considering the higher cost of doing business in Europe). Europeans are still getting screwed, though, as the yen is even weaker to the eruro these days than the dollar is. Might be the reason they're introducing it here first.
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