PS3 network + back-compat news



Key elements of the technology for PlayStation 3 - including the PlayStation Network Platform and the software to enable back-compatibility with PS and PS2 games - are being worked on at Sony's UK studios, has learned.

Sources at Sony Computer Entertainment Europe have revealed that technology for the PlayStation Network Platform is being developed at Sony's London studio, under the internal name of "PlayStation HUB".

This tallies in with our earlier report about the progress in developing a billing system for the platform with the Royal Bank of Scotland, with testing on that aspect of the network system due to begin next month.

Elsewhere in Sony's UK division, other teams are working on the backwards compatibility for the PlayStation 3 - which, one programmer on this project has revealed to, will be accomplished in software rather than by building the PS2 hardware into the PS3 console, as was the case with the PS2's emulation of the PSone.

Sony has already pledged that all PS2 games which adhered to the company's TRC (technical requirements checklist) will be playable on the PS3 - and according to our source, the software emulation system is progressing well and may indeed meet that lofty goal.

He claimed that a surprising number of PS2 titles are already working on PS3 prototype hardware, and revealed that the emulation tricks being used to mimic the behaviour of the notoriously complex PS2 processors are getting whole swathes of game titles up and running on an ongoing basis.


UK development work on PlayStation Network Platform continues apace

The planned online service for the PlayStation 3 continues to take shape, with sources close to the Royal Bank of Scotland telling that the bank is working with Sony in the UK on trials of an online payment mechanism.
I was gonna post this with some other Sony news, so I'll just dump it in here if that's ok :)

According CV&G, the new UK OPM mentions that Monolith has an exclusive PS3 title in the works, but talk from others with the issue suggests that they're just talking about F.E.A.R. - it'll be shown in the next issue along with a PS3 game from Free Radical Design. The issue also mentions a rumour that with Eyetoy, you'll be able to snap yourself and convert it into a rendered representation of your face (that presumably can be manipulated etc.) for use as an avatar for online.

Second, Sony is beginning in this financial year it's most aggressive consumer ad campaign ever, to last right through the year. They already stepped things up a notch last year for HDTV marketing, Bravia etc., but this year will be a record ad spend for them - in the hundreds of millions of dollars - covering four aspects of HD. Included in this will be unspecified PS3 promotional tie-ins.

Finally, Sony's E3 site has been launched. Nothing much there yet, but the intro video is pretty entertaining with good presenters - they'll have video coverage right through the event. Seems they're really making an effort this year. The presenters mention some things they'll cover about PS3 "if they are announced", but some might take those things as hints as to what is to come (personally I'm not sure if they know what's going to come, but still, I thought interesting that they so specifically referred to certain things). They also confirm Lumines 2 for PSP in that video.

That's it! :)
Sony has already pledged that all PS2 games which adhered to the company's TRC (technical requirements checklist) will be playable on the PS3 - and according to our source, the software emulation system is progressing well and may indeed meet that lofty goal.

It sounds to be along the same lines that MS has taken although I could have sworn I'd heard a hardware soultion would be used.

although I recall many here saying that emulation would ultimately be how PS3 would have to go with this.
Tap In said:

It sounds to be along the same lines that MS has taken although I could have sworn I'd heard a hardware soultion would be used..

Yeah, Kutaragi mentioned "hardware" before when discussing BC, so I'm not sure how comprehensive this report's source was...

Ken Kutaragi said:
I'm emphasizing this because, from what I hear, there are some platforms that haven't been able to completely do this. It's costly in terms of hardware, but we'd rather [invest] firmly on compatibility from the beginning, rather than to have issues later on.
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Tap In said:
It sounds to be along the same lines that MS has taken although I could have sworn I'd heard a hardware solution would be used.
There's a grey area between software and hardware though. Hardware tends to mean incorporating the hardware from the original platform inthe form of a chip or such. If PS3 doesn't incorporate the GS as a chip, it's not a hardware BC solution, but if they have features of RSX to aid emulation, neither is it a software only solution as XB360's seems to be. Hence it looks to be a hardware-aided software solution ;)
Shifty Geezer said:
There's a grey area between software and hardware though. Hardware tends to mean incorporating the hardware from the original platform inthe form of a chip or such. If PS3 doesn't incorporate the GS as a chip, it's not a hardware BC solution, but if they have features of RSX to aid emulation, neither is it a software only solution as XB360's seems to be. Hence it looks to be a hardware-aided software solution ;)

ahhh i get it, thanks Shifty

so RSX may have a portion of it dedicated to run BC games, is that the expectation?

that sounds like a solid solution if so
There are no expectations, only speculations. The idea of RSX being 'enhanced' in this way comes mostly from a transitor count being comparable with G70 but knowing some of the transistors from G70 like PureVideo (or whatever it's called) would be wasted in PS3. If those transistors are removed from RSX, what's filling out the rest? Given KK's comments about there being hardware level emulation, and EE should be straightforward to emulate, RSX would be the best place to add hardware level support for some of PS2's enigmatic features.
also, since there will be a (partial) software solution, I'd assume that the files will need to be saved on the HDD? Could that be one reason why they decided to go with it standard? or is that not necessary?

PS2 games which adhered to the company's TRC (technical requirements checklist) will be playable on the PS3

does this refer to PS2 games that met PS2 TRC requirements (which I assume were ALL release games?) or does it refer to PS2 games that must meet PS3 TRC requirements in order to run on the PS3 (suggesting that not all PS2 games may meet that criteria)
Shifty Geezer said:
If PS3 doesn't incorporate the GS as a chip, it's not a hardware BC solution, but if they have features of RSX to aid emulation, neither is it a software only solution as XB360's seems to be. Hence it looks to be a hardware-aided software solution ;)
I'm not sure I see the distinction here. You think that all the graphics rendering of XBOX titles is done without the aid if the graphics processor? For one, we know this not to be the case as they have 4x AA applied (a hardware function) and second, both NV2A and Xenos are fundamentally DirectX devices, with Xenos being few generations on - one of the primary issue areas is with the shadowing mechanism of NV2A which isn't directly mappable to non-NVIDIA hardware and needs alternative coding to manage.
Tap In said:
does this refer to PS2 games that met PS2 TRC requirements (which I assume were ALL release games?) or does it refer to PS2 games that must meet PS3 TRC requirements in order to run on the PS3 (suggesting that not all PS2 games may meet that criteria)

It refers to PS2 games meeting PS2 TRCs. PS3 TRCs no doubt will be very different, with certain requirements that a PS2 game could never meet.
Titanio said:
It refers to PS2 games meeting PS2 TRCs. PS3 TRCs no doubt will be very different, with certain requirements that a PS2 game could never meet.

but would that not include all PS2 games? or were some PS2 games released that did not meet TRC? If not, why even mention it?

that's where that interpretation becomes cloudy (to me anyway :LOL:) and could suggest that there will be a BC criteria for PS2 games to meet to run on PS3.
Tap In said:
but would that not include all PS2 games? or were some PS2 games released that did not meet TRC? If not, why even mention it?

Every game has to. But not all games do. Some slip through the net, known or unknown to Sony. I remember Kutaragi talking before about some games doing things with the hardware they never expected - which was probably one polite reference to games not sticking to the TRCs. It's probably only once they try to do something like BC - or a slim PS2 - that they realise certain games weren't adhering to them.
Titanio said:
Every game has to. But not all games do. Some slip through the net, known or unknown to Sony. I remember Kutaragi talking before about some games doing things with the hardware they never expected - which was probably one polite reference to games not sticking to the TRCs. It's probably only once they try to do something like BC - or a slim PS2 - that they realise certain games weren't adhering to them.
ok, (I was thinking maybe it was referring to a PS3 Backward compatible TRC)

your clarification was the other guess, but did not know how that worked. I'm surprised that games would slip through like that but I suppose it happens. thanks

oh and T, what's your take on my HDD question? do you think the emulation files will be loaded on it?
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Tap In said:
ok, (I was thinking maybe it was referring to a PS3 Backward compatible TRC)

your clarification was the other guess, but did not know how that worked. I'm surprised that games would slip through like that but I suppose it happens. thanks

oh and T, what's your take on my HDD question? do you think the emulation files will be loaded on it?

It's probably not that surprising that some slip by. Software is very complicated, there's only so much coverage that is possible when testing against something like TRCs, particularly when you've lots of games to go through every month. Exhaustive testing of every single one probably is not possible..there's an element of trust at play here, they need publisher's cooperation.

As for save files, if there's no memory card slots in PS3, you'll need to be able to save somewhere. The HDD makes as much sense as anything else. I guess we might find out at E3.
Titanio said:
As for save files, if there's no memory card slots in PS3, you'll need to be able to save somewhere. The HDD makes as much sense as anything else. I guess we might find out at E3.

There are no PS2 memory card slots, but compact flash, secure digital, and memory stick slots, but of course there has to be some kind of handler in the emulator that allows saving to a different source. It will be interesting to see how they deal with that.

I like that video at Sony's E3 site. Quite funny.
Dave Baumann said:
I'm not sure I see the distinction here...- one of the primary issue areas is with the shadowing mechanism of NV2A which isn't directly mappable to non-NVIDIA hardware and needs alternative coding to manage.
That's pretty much the point by example. The API is the same, and the basic function is the same, so in theory everything should transition perfectly (ignoring the problems with compatibility present across different DX GPUs in the PC space!). But in a closed system devs tend to code to the hardware directly, using peculiarities of the hardware on the lowest level, such as particular registers. I don't what low level access would be used on GPUs or the XB having only ever used the higher levels APIs and abstractions myself, but the fact MS have been having so much trouble with BC shows it's not straightforward. They themselves said it was a matter of different 'levels' and games written on the highest 'levels', which I take to mean going through the official APIs only, have BC out of the box, whereas other titles need to be worked on.

The difference between that and what might be appearing on PS3 is if the hardware is accessible on the same low level so if a program accesses something on the hardware level without going through an API, it still works correctly. If the previous-gen program is being translated bytewise and mapped onto a different hardware without any direct access to the hardware, that's pure software emulation. I don't know to what degree that is or is not happening on XB360, but I understand the API is key to MS's programming model (it was the DirectX Box afterall!) and would expect compatibilty to be focussed on the API rather than hardware-level compatibility.
Titanio said:
Every game has to. But not all games do. Some slip through the net, known or unknown to Sony. I remember Kutaragi talking before about some games doing things with the hardware they never expected - which was probably one polite reference to games not sticking to the TRCs. It's probably only once they try to do something like BC - or a slim PS2 - that they realise certain games weren't adhering to them.
I have to say I disagree that they don't know which games didn't pass TRC. Its more about the reasons why they didn't pass TRC, some probably trivial, others maybe not so.

I think ERP responded to Faf, about TRCs in another thread. I will try and find it later...

ERP said:
Not strictly true, I know many products that have shipped eith upwards of 20 violations, it's all negotiable to some extent.
But most TRC's aren't going to impact backward compatability in any way.

I bolded the most significant part so no one takes it out of context.
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Why isn't "Purevideo" needed again? Does the PS3 have a dedicated chip that does video, or are they supposed to use the Cell chip to do that?

Because if it's the last one, then I would ask why take something out of one chip (work), just to have to write software (more work) to use another chip to do something you already had.
If its pure software emulation of PS2 titles, I think we can expect some pretty mediocre BC like the x360 ...