I dont care for micro-transactions, but having a Gig for swapping out Memory would help alot. Especially if it comes to Games that utilise Memory-hogs like the U3 Engine.
Doesnt mean he additional Gig has to be on a HD tough.. a low Performance SDRam Module would likely be better than a harddrive( low latency, faster, failsafe ).
For that micro-transaction-stuff. Aint the point of this that you can pimp up characters/cars/whatever and then play against your friends ? If it resides on HD, how are you gonna do this if you want to take it to another Place - a BIG MemoryCard would certainly be better than a HD...
Doesnt mean he additional Gig has to be on a HD tough.. a low Performance SDRam Module would likely be better than a harddrive( low latency, faster, failsafe ).
For that micro-transaction-stuff. Aint the point of this that you can pimp up characters/cars/whatever and then play against your friends ? If it resides on HD, how are you gonna do this if you want to take it to another Place - a BIG MemoryCard would certainly be better than a HD...