[PS3] LittleBigPlanet 2

There... Frozen Flames (Part I):

We also found Plants vs Zombies in LBP2: XD

This one would be great for Move but probably best on Vita's touchscreen.
Played the RPG level (Frozen Flames) from your hearted list. Pretty map and carefully crafted cutscenes. Rather elaborate gameplay framework all created from scratch ? ^_^ I like the top down RPG view.

Yeah, that one is pretty sweet as well. Also took it from MM Picks. I love that they have something like that in-game. Did you also try the one with all the different magic spells? (10 in total) I was pretty amazed by that one.

@JPT: Thanks a bunch! Trying it now.
No... I didn't see it. Will check later. My LBP user level taste is more similar to my son's. We would play extremely short and funny level and have a good laugh together.

I often check out the impressive ones alone. The "Frozen Flame" level is said to last 30+ minutes.
It takes a little while to get used to everything again. But the painting is great. I already managed to create a little creature, then overlay the painting canvas and draw a texture on him, and then sticker that painting exactly on to him. That works great.

Also there are some nice things possible with painting and then doing the 'sticker cut-out' thing. Here I tried the reverse - draw a creature and then have it cut out automatically from cardboard.

The move path creation is also fun, though a little unpredictable sometimes if you interact with it, especially if you make it grabbable and sackboy hangs on. It seems to affect the trajectory permanently each next time.

And the painting features are very powerful. There is room for improvement, but it is already one of the better implementations out there. Add a zoom and it would become incredibly powerful I think.

Though it remains hard to find a good background to paste the results onto (canvas is nice, but brighter would be better). The camera also needs a little tweaking - now if you use it while using move and then want to do a screenshot, it gets too dark.

The single player is also interesting, and there are some cool puzzle levels in there using the Move pointer.

There is no materials drawing in here yet like you see in the Vita version by the way.
Can you create a user level that behaves like Sorcery or Deadmund's Quest ? i.e., first person view with swords + shield, or bow & arrow.
Are there any Battle Tank levels out there? I used to love that when I was young. It was kinda like LBP, as we could make our oen maps n all :) !
I'll check it out. My family is back to LBP2 and SingStar these few days.

How come LBP.me doesn't support YouTube upload/linking ?
I'll check it out. My family is back to LBP2 and SingStar these few days.

How come LBP.me doesn't support YouTube upload/linking ?
Don't know. Seems a valuable inclusion for a game that allows people to make movies! Much better than off screen capture or requiring a decent capture card, although cheap YouTube quality capture devices are available.

You may like to queue my movie if your family likes sentimental films. 47 likes and 30 hearts from 73 plays are very positive stats. Some of my favourite comments :

mdanilowicz said:
this one brought tears to my eyes...a beautiful story of life through the eyes of an older person. my granny also kived through the war, and she got to live her life...but she died in '07. i think of her everyday with love and sorrow...i miss her so much. i loved her...im crying right now. :(
*sob* beautiful. This is like awesomeness, but better.
topbooger said:
Two words.....joy tears I wonder if this was a true story and it deserves to be seen on the cool pages or even a mm pick BRAVO!
I played 2 of your levels tonight. The movie one and the Mushroom level. How much time did you spend on them ? They are done with care and love. ^_^

I hearted both.

The movie level is close to what I have in mind to introduce LBP2 to non-gamers. They can sit back and play the level on YouTube or a special plugin.
I played 2 of your levels tonight. The movie one and the Mushroom level. How much time did you spent on them ?
Can't remember the mushrooms. It was a long time ago. The movie took somewhere around 6 weeks I think, a lot of time spent each day.

I hearted both.

The movie level is close to what I have in mind to introduce LBP2 to non-gamers. They can sit back and play the level on YouTube or a special plugin.
Yeah, YouTube exports seems the next logical step forwards. They could reach non-LBP players through the lbp.me portal, so people could go on and see what's being made. It'd open up the community experience to a much wider audience, and of course help sell the game too.
If I remember correctly youtube exports were out because they just couldn't spare the resources for doing them.
They should help the creators build their channel and audience now that the creator tools are more matured. My son has also created 2 levels. I played 'em. Some parts don't make sense (e.g., he continued building after the finish line XD) but it works as expected, and fun too !
ARGH! I totally screwed up - big time...hopefully someone may be able to help?

I replaced my PS3 and did the data xfer thing, unfortunately LBP2 seems completely screwed up now. It's totally lost my position in the game and when I load it up it says about recognising me but says I'm someone else!? (eg another profile on my PS3).

I re-downloaded LBP1 and sure enough, when I played it my sackboy was replaced by this other user...however, I imported my profile and hey-presto LBP1 was working fine, so I went back into LBP2 and it's still screwed up. I wouldn't mind but each time I load up LBP2 it's like a 5min job from start to getting to the point you can play.

I have managed to (sort of) fix this, luckily I had only played the first levels - so I had to replay them again, a bit of a pain - but nothing major. However for my daughter it doesn't seem to be working the same...also, although she can go online with LBP1, LBP2 locks her out saying that she has restricted comms online - I went into my account management and made sure no-one was restricted, but it didn't help.

Why oh why didn't I research this before doing the data transfer? But IMHO I feel that MM should have resolved the issue between LBP1 & LBP2 - or Sony should have a message saying 'before you do the data xfer remember to backup your LBP profile' (they do after all have a message saying to sync your trophies.

Anyway, I screwed up - but I'm wondering if anyone can help? I'm also concerned that this may have other implecations (like with trophies).

Thanks in advance
No implications for trophies. LBP has an unusual location where it keeps some of its data (you have user data and game data, and LBP has unusual much stuff in the one that isn't commonly used). You have to actually import this data in LBP2 using one of the menu options. If you google for this subject you'll quickly find an explanation I'm sure.

If you did the PS3 transfer thing I think you should have the data, and it is only a matter of manually importing it using the LBP2 menu option for it.
Thanks mate.

Unfortunately I didn't backup - however I do have a LBP backup from around 18mths ago...which is what I used.

Problem with that is the LBP2 data is still 'lost' and (for some reason) when she logs on the recognised name is wrong (even tho I re-imported it to LBP1 - so in theory it should be fine) - and altho that's more 'PITB' than 'end of the world' - her online privellages are gone, so she can't try out peoples levels in LBP2 (LBP1 is fine).

It's very odd, I was hopeful there was a way to 'reset' other than her lose everything (and even that might not work!) :(
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Interesting history between Phil Harrison and LittleBigPlanet:

Phil Harrison, then president of Sony Worldwide Studios, wanted LittleBigPlanet to be free-to-play, downloadable and to adopt a brand new business model.

"In that initial 45 minute that turned into three hour pitch, which was at the end of 2005, beginning of 2006, Phil said all sorts of buzz words which we still haven't hit," revealed Alex Evans, co-founder of LBP developer Media Molecule, speaking on stage at the Develop Conference with Harrison and MM colleagues Mark Healy and Kareem Ettouney.

"[He] said it should be free to play, it should have a new business model, it should be downloadable, it should do DLC, it should do user-generated content. Phil was basically raising the bar on what we were pitching."


Media Molecule's date with Sony destiny was 25th May 2006. But things didn't go very well.

"That day was terrible, because we presented this very unfocused, not very playable [demo].

Alex Evans, co-founder, Media Molecule

"That day was terrible," recalled Evans, "because we presented this very unfocused, not very playable - the Create was terrible, it was purely physical. You had a shotgun and a jetpack."


"We spent 20 minutes trying to build a really rubbish looking robot that was really terrible. And it was just all over the place; the gameplay wasn't very good, it wasn't a good level, the art style was 'is it fairy tale levels or is it ....'"

Sony wasn't very impressed. Media Molecule had a wake-up call.

Next Media Molecule game to be 'risky and experimental':

The next game from LittleBigPlanet developer Media Molecule will be "risky and experimental, according to art director Kareem Ettouney.

But it may be a bit early to get your hopes up, as the studio's next project is still at the nucleus stage of its life.

"What we do is very much a continuation of our experimental... [approach]," said Ettouney, speaking to VideoGamer.com at the Develop Conference in Brighton this week.

"We like risks, we like experimentation, we like to try to impress ourselves, and each other. Without going into [specifics], because we're still very much at a nucleus stage, what we do at this stage is we just put our development hats on, and produce and draw and make prototypes, think and look at the world around us and respond to that.

"Our house style is definitely in the risk-creative sort of place. We like to push that boundary all the time."


LBP Vita is made by someone else. What about a more casual friendly LBP for PS Suite (and iOS) ? ^_^
Hands-on With LittleBigPlanet 2’s Move Pack:

When the Move Pack hits PSN this September, LBP2 owners will find six new Story levels in a Move-focused mini-campaign that picks up where LBP2 left off. One of the most significant gameplay enhancements comes as a potent new power-up called the Brain Crane. Like a telepathic revamp of the Power Gloves, the Brain Crane enables Sackboy to pick up and manipulate objects with nothing but the power of his tiny sawdust mind. You aim the Brain Crane by aiming the PlayStation Move and grab an object by pulling the trigger. Once the object is firmly in your grasp you can tug, lift, or wrench it to your heart’s content. The Brain Crane opens up inventive gameplay opportunities: yanking open weighted gates to solve puzzles, tugging spring-loaded platforms to make high jumps, or flinging your co-op comrade into a magma pit ...

PSB: How early in the production of LittleBigPlanet 2 did you think about PlayStation Move support?

Kengo Kurimoto, Level Design Lead, Media Molecule: “We were very aware of it. It would’ve been nice to include it in LittleBigPlanet 2 from the start, but time constraints made that difficult. So we made Sackboy’s Prehistoric Moves as well, which was a demo to show what we could do with PlayStation Move. But the LittleBigPlanet 2 Move Pack is the full shebang…It took a lot of iteration. We had so many ideas…we went through and picked the best of them for the Move pack”