[PS3] LittleBigPlanet 2

Just finished the story mode, it defenitely gets better in the last few levels. Work out how that grappling hook functions, you don't swing by pushing left and right, but by doing half circle motion, still pretty wonky though but at least I can reach places that way and was far less frustrating.

I really like the top down level, I was looking at the tutorial, but how do you make those top down level ?
Just finished the story mode, it defenitely gets better in the last few levels. Work out how that grappling hook functions, you don't swing by pushing left and right, but by doing half circle motion, still pretty wonky though but at least I can reach places that way and was far less frustrating.
I barely use left/tright for swinging. I do it by timing grabs and release and using gravity.
I really like the top down level, I was looking at the tutorial, but how do you make those top down level ?
Well most importantly, there is no top-down view which is a shame. It's the same sideways view you have. Disable gravity (you need to use an Antigravity widget on objects as level gravity set to 0 is still some gravity, or use Movers that override gravity) and you have objects in a top-down state, not moving down the screen all the time. You can fit a Direct Control Seat to the side of an object and have SB's sit in it as if looking down on them. Then you just have to design objects to look as if you are looking down on them rather than looking from the side.
4 million LBP user levels reached, but I have not progressed beyond first level yet: :(

I :love: the new constume though:

I've not downloaded any levels yet, I was going through the levels getting 100%, but I wasn't having any fun playing the main levels like that, so I stop. I'll pick it up again when the Move patch is released. Had more fun with the Move demo than the main game. there are only a handful of levels in LBP2 main game that're great, the rest were pretty average IMO.

That's one intimidating costume though :)
There are some gobsmacking creations up there now, on MM Picks. There's one guy who's got time reversal, so Sackboy can undo mistakes. Another artist has created a Batman comic book in a very convincing style. There are quite a lot of one-player only levels focussing on varied controls, like magic powers. MM need to add a single player filter.

Definitely check out MM Picks once in a while though.
Surely this is fake!? A late April fools Joke? How is this possible? Why don't we see the loading or end bit?

If this is true...wow, simply, wow.

*edit* - OK I re-watched without turning away for a few secs and noticed the mid -load...wow, my jaw has dropped!
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It does look real (lighting is buggy, due to it showing things at 90degrees of what it does normally I assume etc)
but its a brilliant example of what can be created with the game, they should use this in a commercial to show what user generated content could be (nothing like the original game)
When I saw it from far, I thought it was a Crysis 2 video :LOL: ! Really amazing, wish the draw distance for the lighting could be extended to a little further, then we would have a AAA gfx FPS in LBP2 :p !
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The lighting and DOF in this clip really makes it look convincing. The glowing towers in the distance look amazing. I don't know what camera glitch they are using to get first person. I know some games spawn geometry outside the three player levels, but I'm pretty sure this is playing on the 3 layers with a camera facing along the level, not into it.
Everytimes I see this topic gets the bump, I thought Move support, all excited for the moment there.
I'm surprised that's taken this long actually. There were rumours of a March release IIRC. The last patch was supposed to introduce some Big Feature. It's been a long time since Move's launch and the platform could have done with the early momentum of Move support in LBP2. Now I wonder if Sony are postponing it for another round of Holiday Season commerce?
Everytimes I see this topic gets the bump, I thought Move support, all excited for the moment there.

I'm thinking it would make a good feature for E3 demonstrations, so hoping they've been keeping it under wraps as part of a big Move push at E3. Ideally, they'd say something like 'and you can try it for yourself tomorrow!', or whatever, though that seems unlikely without a beta.

I think they were talking about a May release, but not sure. They may find it more work than they expected, or found cooler stuff to do than they expected and got distracted with that, no idea.
Amazing ! Touch sceen is made for LittleBigPlanet:

I said it for LBP2 and Ill say it again for the Vita version, Sony should offer a free version of these (just sell the campaign stuff), heck preinstall it even.

As flexible as LBP is it would be a great source for free/cheap and fun homemade games, especially since there is no alternative like XNA, or the stores on Smartphones.
Amazing ! Touch sceen is made for LittleBigPlanet:

WOW ! Thats so smooth ! :smile: In fact with all the good games n transfarring saves saves, I feel like getting one already. I like the PSP already, never bought it cos having one analogue stick felt just plain awkward. And the fact that my roommate had one, soI never needed to buy one.

But VITA seems like a sure buy for me.

A question: Do you need two copies of the game to transfer saves? One for PS Vita and one for the PS3? or do you buy the game once and can play on both? (for the games that support transferring saves)