[PS3] LittleBigPlanet 2

Can you save the user made levels on your HDD if you love them and wanna replay them again n again? Does LBP2 lets you save them and play offline later?

I hate re-downloading stuff when I sit down to show my family some cool levels in LBP. Only way was to heart them and then go online and re-download each one which took a lot of time on my 512kb/s connection. Saving them locally to play later would save so much hassle.
That would be a useful feature. Creators can make their creations copyable, but then they are editable and uploadable, and LBP1 showed people ripping others off. Copyable but not editable would be a good option, although then you'd lose the 'play' stats. But then 'downloaded' stats would probably count for more, as it shows repeat interest in a level.

Still, the actual downloads are pretty titchy and not a huge problem. Backing up my tanks level to HDD takes less than 300kb. That'll be 6 seconds download at 512 kb. If it's taking ages, it's probably a server or general 'net thing slowing you down.
That would be a useful feature. Creators can make their creations copyable, but then they are editable and uploadable, and LBP1 showed people ripping others off. Copyable but not editable would be a good option, although then you'd lose the 'play' stats. But then 'downloaded' stats would probably count for more, as it shows repeat interest in a level.

Still, the actual downloads are pretty titchy and not a huge problem. Backing up my tanks level to HDD takes less than 300kb. That'll be 6 seconds download at 512 kb. If it's taking ages, it's probably a server or general 'net thing slowing you down.

I haven't got LBP2 yet. But had such situations with LBp 1 when I gathered my family to show them some cool levels made by people. The downtime involved in going into menus, finding and downloading levels made most of them leave, one after the other, between me switching levels. In the end it was just us regular guys :me, my niece and nephew ;) ! and they had already seen it all :LOL: !
It would be a nice feature to have, though. Then I can download favourites and fire up the game when there's friends around without having to worry about if something else is hogging my bandwidth.
That's why you should heart levels! Then you aren't searching for them. Sadly I don't think your request will happen. You can't even save your earth/moon customisations locally and have to be online for these to show your design.
That's why you should heart levels! Then you aren't searching for them. Sadly I don't think your request will happen. You can't even save your earth/moon customisations locally and have to be online for these to show your design.

Thats the only solution as of now, heart levels and then sift through them ! Thats what I did.
That's why you should heart levels! Then you aren't searching for them. Sadly I don't think your request will happen. You can't even save your earth/moon customisations locally and have to be online for these to show your design.

Actually, if you are offline you still have access to everything in your moon. At least, I have.

As for levels, you have such a wealth of options now. Hearting is probably the most efficient for this purpose, but you can also queue the levels you want to show off through the lbp website in advance, you can browse your play history and pick the levels from there, etc.
Actually, if you are offline you still have access to everything in your moon. At least, I have.
By moon I meant the customisation of what it looks like, and not the contents which are on your local HDD. I kinda feel something as simple as saving your earth decorations locally as missing shows an intention to use LBP2 to get people without PSN accounts to connect online. Heck, they even included a demo vid to tell people how to get online! And with that emphasis, supporting offline features would be a low priority.

As for levels, you have such a wealth of options now. Hearting is probably the most efficient for this purpose, but you can also queue the levels you want to show off through the lbp website in advance, you can browse your play history and pick the levels from there, etc.
Ah, yes. The queue is excellent. I haven't looked much into it. During the beta I happily perused levels, but after having played them they weren't removed from the list. I guess that ahs to be done manually, which means there's a list of favourtied levels immediately to hand as long as you queue them. Isn't there also a list of levels you've played at LBP.me, and so somewhere in the game?
Okay, I've completed the tank game, as much as I can do :

It's much better with four players. For reference the original Amiga game on which it's based was Tank Attack. There have been many tanks games but tank Attack was by far the best. I've recreated the 8 directions and only forward shooting, and the general level structure and look. Sadly this LBP2 version lacks the shots passing through players, which was an essential mechanic that made the orignal as brilliant as it was, but there's just no way to do it without optional collision detection. And even if some sophisticated logic could pull it off, I wouldn't trust sophisticated logic. The logic I have used kept breaking randomly, and I'd have to destroy sequencers and chips and boost/health meters and rebuild them. :( There was supposed to be another arena but when I added it, some emitters got randomly changed to the layer they emitted to, causing shots to go over players and stuff. I estimate 80 hours :)shock:) spent on this, of which at least a third was testing for bugs and rebuilding random breaks.

I have been able to add some novel arena mechanisms though, and some more interesting weaponry, and it does actually work as a short standalone game IMO. All feedback welcome, of course!

You already got one smiley three minutes ago. :) I'll check it out probably tonight.

Incidentally, is it possible and/or difficult to have your travelling objects change layer? I know that this is a new thing now that stuff can change layer, but I don't know how or what the limitations are yet. Or is it only sackbots that can change layer?
Bah… I haven't unwrapped LBP2 yet. Toooo busy these days to game. Wife is hogging home TV for some drama series too. >_<
Incidentally, is it possible and/or difficult to have your travelling objects change layer? I know that this is a new thing now that stuff can change layer, but I don't know how or what the limitations are yet. Or is it only sackbots that can change layer?
Everything can change layer. The Change Layer mover has a move one layer in, one layer out, or move to layer options. I can't think of any component that only applies to sackbots or not, save their brain chips.
Everything can change layer. The Change Layer mover has a move one layer in, one layer out, or move to layer options. I can't think of any component that only applies to sackbots or not, save their brain chips.

Ok, great. So in theory that's the kind of thing you could use for going behind something, right?

Anyway, yesterday Killzone 3 and Stacking got in the way. Tonight I hope to have a look. Did you tell people on GAF? Not many more people have played it yet, I see.
Ok, great. So in theory that's the kind of thing you could use for going behind something, right?
Yes, although that won't provide a solution to this particular problem. Someone suggested using a tag sensor to shift a shot down a layer to pass under your tank, but that wouldn't work for passing through (under) other shots. And if I use hologram for the shots so they can pass trhough each other, I couldn't have them bouncing off the scenery. And any complex system that could work would still glitch if two shots meet against the wall or something. Not to mention the risk of impact bugs that register phantom hits - I don't trust them to be too reliable in complex situations.

Anyway, yesterday Killzone 3 and Stacking got in the way. Tonight I hope to have a look. Did you tell people on GAF? Not many more people have played it yet, I see.
I don't have any GAF presence! There's a feedback for feedback system at LittleBigPlanet Central where creators can share mutual plays and feedback, which I should look into, but TBH this first level was never supposed to be anything more than a little minigame, something of an experiment. It just took a lot longer than I expected learning how to get stuff to work. Things like the static UI on the side add considerable extra complexity which cascaded into other issues. In retrospect I should have used a better designed single tank object and spawned it for players, using a Mover system to place it in the right place per level. But a bug with emitter settings would have meant shots leaving ugly blobs of shadow instead of just disappearing, so it wouldn't have been perfect. Instead I had a blank level, four tanks connected to their health and shot bars, to copy and fill with detail. Bit bugs with tanks that only appeared in multiplayer testing meant I had to tweak several levels, and then copy/pasting broke bits that needed fixing, and it wasn't straightforward at all!

Had I known when setting out what it would really cost to make, I wouldn't have bothered! My first 'real' level was a to be a movie, something I was wanting from LBP1 and I requested back in the day for camera controls and stuff. That's what I'll be working on now. Marketing a level becomes part of the cost of its creation, and there's not much point selling something you're not personally invested in, as it were.

@ Patsu : Regards the chess level, it's a nice little positioning mechanic, but it's only piece placement and there's no underlying Chess logic. There is no detection of checkmate. I think the way it's done is to have a holo (hologram material) square for every place where a piece can move. When a piece is selected, if this tag is over a board square that isn't occupied by a piece of the same colour, all tested by tag detection, you can move there, otherwise not. So for an actual chess game, you have to know how to play chess!
I don't have any GAF presence!

You should get one for MP. Many of them are great teammates. Takes a while to have a registration approved.

@ Patsu : Regards the chess level, it's a nice little positioning mechanic, but it's only piece placement and there's no underlying Chess logic. There is no detection of checkmate. I think the way it's done is to have a holo (hologram material) square for every place where a piece can move. When a piece is selected, if this tag is over a board square that isn't occupied by a piece of the same colour, all tested by tag detection, you can move there, otherwise not. So for an actual chess game, you have to know how to play chess!

Ah I see, I was wondering about that. How hard is it to add AI to the level (if possible) ?
I saw Jaeyden's nick appearing in this PS Blog video.

Jaeyden, did you help to create the Hansel and Gretel's level ?
Apparently the H&G is a complete game pretty much, created by 12 talented creators as a challenge set by Mm, and yes Jaeyden seems one of them ...

jump_button said:
from Mm site

We are very proud to present to you the preview trailer for Hansel & Gretelbot, a very special community project based loosely on an old fairy tale, and that’s nearly ready for you to play!


Hansel & Gretelbot is the creation of 12 community members, names you may well recognise: Wexfordian, Comphermc, Morgana25, rtm223, Hilightnotes, xkappax, Catiers, GruntosUK, CENTURION24, Jaeyden, Cuzfeeshe and steve_big_guns.
A few months ago the Community Molecule set them a challenge - could they create a full game experience? Their own complete LBP Theme, using the new LBP2 tools to develop all original story, mini-games, bosses, cutscenes, music, and voices.
The team was gathered, designs were drawn up, themes were picked and building began, now several months later they are very nearly ready to launch their project for you to play!


Hansel & Gretelbot should be out later this month, keep your eyes peeled for more info!

this should be somthing take it from me