[PS3] LittleBigPlanet 2

I got it too. Reserving the game for rainy day… as a carrot for my kid, to be specific. ^_^

There's no Move support in LBP2 at the moment. MM have said they want to do it properly, and Move appeared to late in the day to design it in. I expect a patch providing Move controllinator access within 6 months.

The LBP2 case has "Move compatible" logo. Don't know what's up. Did they include SackBoy's Prehistoric Move into the final game ?
@Shifty: Thanks, what about playing the regular LBP1 levels?
I`d prefer having all on 1 disc together with all the updates you need to install if you log into LBP (that includes much DLC even if you dont own it). Dont like all this downloading (user-made levels are a different thing though).
The LBP2 case has "Move compatible" logo. Don't know what's up. Did they include SackBoy's Prehistoric Move into the final game ?
Yes, Sackboy's Prehistoric Moves is included in the extras, at least in the special edition and I'd think it's in the standard edition too.
This is the first I've seen when the game actally shows as two discs in the XMB, the first being the main game, and the second being the extras (Prehistoric Moves and some links to webpages containing some PSN instructions or such).
I played a few levels yesterday, the game is great but so far much the same as LBP. The true difference seems to be in the cfreation tools, there are already some very good user created levels, or should I say standalone games! The tower defence game was very good quality, hard to believe it was actually created with LBP2!
it only takes 10mins tops to whizz through the turtorials (just enter level then leave), or there is the unlock all option
Yes, they'll be able to ! Thats the reason Move isn't in as of now, they want the player to be able to map controls to move as they can map to DS3 now. it'll come around March or April.:D

Awesome ! Do you have a linky ? ^_^

Another long time wish is to use LBP to author interactive web content. Make it happen, MM !
I really love the game so far ... variation is wonderful, and it looks so clean. The second world is also really rather pretty. ;) And the things they can do with the characters are also good stuff. This is really quite a big step up from LBP1 so far! All these abilities (cakinator, grabinator, etc.) are done so really well, and used in such a fun way in the game's story mode. I've heard complaints that the game may be too easy, but surely that's on purpose - it deserves to be. ;) If you want a challenge you try to collect everything, I say (which seems challenging enough.

And the community features - man, just the option to from the GAF thread click on the link for the level (say, like this one: http://lbp.me/v/w-328s ), and with one button queue it up so that it shows up when you start up LBP and is accessible with a single button press. So good. And then what is being done with the level editor is really quite on a different level now, thanks to all the new features.

It's going to be tough to beat this one for my game of 2011 already, I'm pretty sure.

Most Brits won't play LittleBigPlanet 2 until later - but already Media Molecule says the sequel has "massively outstripped" the number of concurrent online users managed by LittleBigPlanet 1.

"Because we had the awesome beta, fan reaction we know about and we've had time to respond to. Now we're just excited to see how big it gets - how many people we're going to get," Media Molecule co-founder and technical director David Smith told Eurogamer.

"The user count is actually quite crazy - we've already massively outstripped our LBP1 record for total users online at once. And that's just with North America and a few other territories.

Mine is underwrapped. Kid is in the doghouse. Have to wait a few more days before he can play games.
I hope LBP2 becomes one of the best-selling games of this generation, it's just sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. :)

Just look at this - custom creations are just on a completely different level. Look how the background changes while playing too.

Rather annoyingly, the story levels keep breaking on me. Three times now I've had to restart a level because it broke in a way that wouldn't let me complete the level.
I hope LBP2 becomes one of the best-selling games of this generation, it's just sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good. :)

Just look at this - custom creations are just on a completely different level. Look how the background changes while playing too.

Asteroid ! Does it use 2 sticks to maneuver the ship ? (Like Everyday Shooter)
Asteroid ! Does it use 2 sticks to maneuver the ship ? (Like Everyday Shooter)

But of course. :)

By the way, about that Move support:


Currently we're very much focused on adding in really powerful Move controller support. And that is a combination of functionality and levels and assets and things. But that is still early, so it's not something we can talk too much about.

Eurogamer: That sounds like a big project.

David Smith: Err, yeah.

Eurogamer: When will we see the fruits of it?

David Smith: I'm not sure we're quite ready to talk time scales yet.

Eurogamer: Roughly, then – is it months off?

David Smith: Probably, yeah. We have a lot of the team focused on that. We've just been reconfiguring the office. We've got loads of manpower on this Move stuff.
I am going to wait until Move support and I hope they support Dual Move controllers to create your own game. Maybe they can released a Move required version of LBP2 when they're ready.

I just find it hard to game on DS3 after Move. Really looking forward to this.
Oh gosh, those sackbots in the third world ... so awesome!
I love how they are initially afraid of you and you more or less herd them, and throw them around to hit switches and such, and then later when they realise you rescue them they change and follow you around. So sweet. And then you are not only scored, but given rewards at the end of the level for how many of those little buggers you've managed to bring to the end ...
And those transparent tubes are also very sweet.

Amazing stuff.

Incidentally, V3, you can already map sixaxis controls at will in LBP2 right now, so you can get some motion on already. ;) I definitely intend to experiment with that myself.
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Got this yesterday. So good, so bad! The frustration is still there with some annoying game designs and choices. Just in the first levels there was having to control grabbinator length to swing around pendulums. Took me ages. Then there's a side game where you have to bounce over obstacles and hazards,collection points. This I don't mind, but there are prizes for points - 2,000, 5,000 and 10,000. If you want all the content to create, you have to play that level to get 10,000 points, and I just managed 5,000 after way more attempts than was enjoyable. Oneof the 10k prizes looks like a chef hat. If you want to make a movie with a chef in it, you have to endure this challenge, and if you can't do it, you're locked out of owning that hat. That can't be right! It's not as much rewarding good players and punishing less than exceptional players.

Also the servers are sooooo slow. Even wanting to play a story mode game, I'd sit for 5+ minutes as it tries to load network data like photos and comments. I imagine that'll get fixed soon. So I only experienced a few MM Picks, but what's there is very promising. Played the twin-stick shooter Arwin linked to. Very clever use of materials and lighting to look pretty stellar. I really wish there was a means to have wrap-around screens though. Lots of 8 and 16 bit classics could be made to good effect in LBP2 but not without screen wrap.
Got this yesterday. So good, so bad! The frustration is still there with some annoying game designs and choices. Just in the first levels there was having to control grabbinator length to swing around pendulums. Took me ages.

Was playing this last night as well. For the grabinator I've found to make it easier if I just take it one step at a time. First grab it and get situated, then plan the next move. I can't do it all in one fell swoop, like grab, move and swing all in one shot so instead I just grab on then wait a bit as I sort the rest out. It helped me get past that intro grabinator level.

Also the servers are sooooo slow. Even wanting to play a story mode game, I'd sit for 5+ minutes as it tries to load network data like photos and comments. I imagine that'll get fixed soon.

Could have been a local thing, seemed to run smooth on my end last night, didn't have any delays. I like it so far although the music isn't as catchy as the first one yet. I don't like the heavy aliasing, it looks like there are ant colonies running around every contrast edge which looks bad. Game seems to be giving away more free stickers and such though compared to the first one which is cool.

Oh yeah I have a freebee code for this game to unlock some costumes, don't care for them myself so here it is in case anyone else wants to redeem it: JG9H-PNN2-2QRK
Servers performed just fine for me on Friday when I bought the game, then the performance went down the crapper on Saturday, only to go back to normal on Sunday again.

I also compared some of the user created levels in LBP1 and LBP2, and while they do look substantially better in LBP2 (though the change in lighting makes some some of the older levels very hard to play), performace felt quite a bit smoother in LBP1.

Still, I'm having an absolute blast with the game.