This whole first and second gen thing is confusing anyway. Which do you think would be better : a company's second game released 8 months after their first that was in development for 8 months as a launch title; or a company's first game that's been three years in development including 18 months on final CPU and similar GPU? People are also talking about second gen titles for XB360 where some of these are from developers who haven't released anything on that platform yet. The terms first and second generation seem to be applied based on time since launch, and not exposure to the final hardware. BG: DA on PS2 was a PS2 title from developers who hadn't released anything on that platform yet, yet it was a stonking game in achievement. Is it first gen because of their no previous experience, or second gen because it came a year after the console was released in the US, or third gen because it came 18 months after the console first appeared?
I don't see how blanket expectations of software based on mythical and unclarified 'first-' and 'second- generation' terms can be used in intelligent discussion.
I don't see how blanket expectations of software based on mythical and unclarified 'first-' and 'second- generation' terms can be used in intelligent discussion.