PS3 launch titles confirmed?

This whole first and second gen thing is confusing anyway. Which do you think would be better : a company's second game released 8 months after their first that was in development for 8 months as a launch title; or a company's first game that's been three years in development including 18 months on final CPU and similar GPU? People are also talking about second gen titles for XB360 where some of these are from developers who haven't released anything on that platform yet. The terms first and second generation seem to be applied based on time since launch, and not exposure to the final hardware. BG: DA on PS2 was a PS2 title from developers who hadn't released anything on that platform yet, yet it was a stonking game in achievement. Is it first gen because of their no previous experience, or second gen because it came a year after the console was released in the US, or third gen because it came 18 months after the console first appeared?

I don't see how blanket expectations of software based on mythical and unclarified 'first-' and 'second- generation' terms can be used in intelligent discussion. :???:
scooby_dooby said:
Let me know when the press release for COD2 on PS3 goes out.
Activision has 3 titles for PS3 launch planned. *

what could it be?:
-Tony hawk downhill Jam?
-Quake 4?
-X-men: the movie game?
-A new IP?

*note that this is before sony declared a november launch. just an educated guess on my part, i think this may mean activision may have more than 3 titles ready for launch.

Like you said, COD2 was a best seller, so the smartest thing to do would be to port your big games first, potentially making more money which would help your recent poor earnings. I think COD2 has a good chance of coming to the PS3. Me personally wasnt too much into the game, but like you said, it is a system seller.

Then again I could be wrong. With BIA3 + MOH:AA coming this holiday season, a 3rd WW2 shooter may be unwanted--especially if its a 1+ yr old port.
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I think it would be Quake 4 since PS3 uses an nvidia GPU :D. Plus Quakes have shown up on multiple consoles before. I suspect it to be quite good on PS3 as well (DC Q3 vs PS2 Q3).
rounin said:
I think it would be Quake 4 since PS3 uses an nvidia GPU :D. Plus Quakes have shown up on multiple consoles before. I suspect it to be quite good on PS3 as well (DC Q3 vs PS2 Q3).
Well, COD2 is an nvidia game also. COD has shown up on multiple consoles. Even if it is Quake 4, that still leaves at least 2 more games. Possibly more than 3 as I mentioned above.
Bad_Boy said:
Like you said, COD2 was a best seller, so the smartest thing to do would be to port your big games first, potentially making more money which would help your recent poor earnings. I think COD2 has a good chance of coming to the PS3. Me personally wasnt too much into the game, but like you said, it is a system seller.

Then again I could be wrong. With BIA3 + MOH:AA coming this holiday season, a 3rd WW2 shooter may be unwanted--especially if its a 1+ yr old port.

Actually, in my OXM rumour mole is saying it's a surebet they are working on COD3 for PS3 & 360.
scooby_dooby said:
No. If a game was only on PC and PS3 I would consider that a PS3 exclusive when discussing the console market. Let me know when the press release for COD2 on PS3 goes out.

Yeah I agree 360 had such a unique launch. It was released with tenths of exclusive games. Actually ALL of its games released so far are exclusive.

There is a one year difference between 360's and PS3's launch. So what you are saying is that a 1st gen 360 title that otherwise would have been multiplatform released title such as COD2, is valuable for PS3's launch or...EVEN LATER. Just because XBOX360 had a one year start.

If both 360 and PS3 were released at the same time frame and COD2 was released on PC and 360 only then your arguement would have been valid.
I wasn't comparing launches. My first paragraph was ridicule about your concepts of "exclusivity." My second paragraph was an opinion on the quality of the PS3 launch lineup, which I think is good overall, I agree these titles have promise, however I think MS is in a very good position to capitalize if these titles are not that great.

Well EXCUSE ME for not copy pasting all of 360's launch line up just because PS3 is released a year after.

Poor PS3. It will get COD3 but not a COD2.

Who's upset? Habs ar up 1-0!! GOnna sweep Carolina! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOO...sorry bout that :devilish:

Wow good for you, thats great. If only I cared. :p
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Nesh said:
Yeah I agree 360 had such a unique launch. It was released with tenths of exclusive games. Actually ALL of its games released so far are exclusive.

Actually many of them were xbox or ps2 ports, and therefore not console exclusives. -1 for you.

Nesh said:
There is a one year difference between 360's and PS3's launch. So what you are saying is that a 1st gen 360 title that otherwise would have been multiplatform released title such as COD2, is valuable for PS3's launch or...EVEN LATER. Just because XBOX360 had a one year start.

..umm...ok? What the heck are you babbling about?

Nesh said:
If both 360 and PS3 were released at the same time frame and COD2 was released on PC and 360 only then your arguement would have been valid.

cod2 was not available on any other consoles. PERIOD. Therefore the statment is valid. See how that works? Really simple.

Nesh said:
Well EXCUSE ME for not copy pasting all of 360's launch line up just because PS3 is released a year after.

No you pretended to objectively analyse the 360's launch lineup, while ignoring it's single biggest selling title. Pathetic.

Nesh said:
Poor PS3. It will get COD3 but not a COD2.

Wow, a game available on another competing console...fantastic.
scooby_dooby said:
Actually many of them were xbox or ps2 ports, and therefore not console exclusives. -1 for you.

..umm...ok? What the heck are you babbling about?

The same stupid logic you use. Thats why you didnt get the sarcasm

cod2 was not available on any other consoles. PERIOD. Therefore the statment is valid. See how that works? Really simple.
Have you clicked the link yet?
No you pretended to objectively analyse the 360's launch lineup, while ignoring it's single biggest selling title. Pathetic.
Correction. Objectively analyzing EXCLUSIVES. NOT launch line up IN GENERAL
Wow, a game available on another competing console...fantastic.
Yeah. Its going to get COD3 which will be released on 360, but the poor PS3 wont get COD2. My bad. People will want to play COD2 so much when PS3 and COD3 is released *sniff sniff*
Hahaha...let me get this're now saying COD2: Big Red One is the same game as COD2? That's it, you're not even worth my time. Ignore List +1