[PS3] Killzone 3

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Or maybe cos of MOve ! Move detaches the gun from the screen, maybe DOF didn't work well that way.


As for Move, I still walk like a drunkard with it :D ! Need more time with it. WHen static , it makes for excellent headshots, but walking and aiming is very very "Drunk" :LOL: ! Especially, looking up and down is very difficult for me, it gets out of control. Looking sideways ia manageable. I'll try Iwaggle's settings and see what happens :) !

EDIT: Can't get the brutal melee to work with Move. Melee works otherwise.

I think Move fits better with the current control scheme from the player's perspective, and for balancing mixed Move + DS3 play. Yeah, for me, walking with Move was disorientating also. Takes quite a while to adapt.

Am surprised quite a few Gaffers like it. Kotaku had an article on KZ3 Move:

But the real test for any shooter is how it behaves online. Can Move versus thumbsticks survive online multiplayer against other people?

The answer is "Yes" and in some ways playing with the Move online almost felt like cheating. In other ways, it felt like I was being cheated.

Played from a position with no risk of flanking, the Move controller offers a level of precision almost akin to the mouse and keyboard. You can quickly, efficiently move your aim around the screen and pick off enemies with headshots. You can hose down entire groups of bad guys with a stream of fire that is surprisingly accurate.

But caught off guard with a need to quickly turn, you're out of luck. I'm still tinkering with the settings, but it feels like the ability to look around beyond the view the screen affords you, doesn't work quite as well as with a controller.

Another big issue: Melee attacks. While landing one of the game's many brutal up-close attacks with knife, boot or gun is immensely more satisfying when delivered with a jab of your controller, if you miss your view kind of goes crazy for a few seconds. I suppose that's similar to what would happen in the real world, but it's not expected the first few times it happens.

Killzone 3 played as a motion game is proof that motion games don't have to sacrifice. They can deliver the meaty, deep gameplay Playstation 3 owners have come to expect from their big-game releases, and do so with a new control scheme that isn't just adequate, it sometimes feels like an improvement.

I'm trying to test the different classes, and the advanced move. Don't quite understand how they work yet. As an engineer, do I need special ability to deploy a bot/turret ? Once I can play the game properly, I'll try Move.
I dont think it looks softer but its definitely cleaner. I played the two back to back and the private beta was a shimmering mess, now it one the the cleanest fps out there I especially like the fact that the backdrop isn't a fuzzy mess.

One thing that bothers me is that I miss the 32p matches. Imo that is what differentiated it from other shooters. I miss when you have two balanced teams trying to blow up or defend the target with both spawn points next to each then a Saboteur sneaks in unnoticed to disarm.

KZ2 is good at reproducing the chaos on the battlefield. The blurring from environmental effects is also interesting since it affects everyone. I wish it'd be more balanced. It's not uncommon to have unbalanced teams in the game. So we can get spawn camped on a few maps (e.g., Helghan Industries ?). Nonetheless, with the weighted gunplay, the game delivers a very unique and immersive feel.

My favorite shooter, MAG, is also good at group warfare; but it's done in a completely different way.

I suspect KZ3's super advanced classes are there to try to recreate the chaotic feel. I haven't quite experience it yet, but a combo team of Infiltrator, Tacticians and Marksman is very deadly.
I like the cutscenes in Operations, beating down the ISA scum. I'm not liking the spawnpoints though. You often have to go right through or near a spawnpoint to get the objective. The game just becomes a mess with people spawning right on top of each other.

Warzone is still good as always.

Playing medic feels a bit pointless. Everyone usually respawns before you can revive them.
I have found moving about to be a lot easier than i thought it would be. Trick for me is to instead of aiming at the edge of screen to pan view, point totally offscreen an u will turn instantly and just recenter when you want to stop (make sure virticle deadzone is high 50-70). I also recommend setting sensitivity to zero, i can see people having lots of issues if using higher than 20% imo.

Ive played about five ours of the beta so far. To me move is clearly superior than DS, i am topping leaderboards consistently with move, am down the bottom with DS. I have been using the camera lock assist (almost feels like cheating) but have just started playing without the assist, and while im finding im doing just as well.

One thing i wish they would change is the crosshairs when looking down sights on the assault rifle, im always losing track of it when fireing, especially the blue coloured one. Probably not an issue on darker maps but in the snow it makes the ISA rifle useless imo.
Playing medic feels a bit pointless. Everyone usually respawns before you can revive them.

Yes. At first I waited a while but no medic ever came. Now I simply respawn right away.

Since the movement and aiming are easy, and clusterf*ck doesn't exist, hopefully, players can play at a higher level (e.g., Formulate interesting strategies and tactics in the game). It would be different from KZ2's experience though.
Yes. At first I waited a while but no medic ever came. Now I simply respawn right away.

I've also noticed that when I'm down. There seem to be relatively few medics compared to the other classes. It's probably better being a medic if your playing with friends. Respawning also happens very fast. I wouldn't mind if they increased to time to respawn somewhat. It would give the medic a better chance his job, and would let you actually clear out an area instead of having the enemies spawn right back in.
Ok, using the camera lock with move is so broken its not funny. They need to remove or change it or the game will become unplayable.

So the camera snaps to any enemy on the screen and follows them keeping the camera centered on them. With most guns this is not so broken because as you are moving about your Move crosshairs are all over the screen so you must still then bring the aim back to your target (plus in closer quarters while you are moving about the camera lock isnt always centred. With the sniper rifle(with 2x zoom set, and move sensitivity set to 0 preferably) its different, if you sit in a spot where you can see most of the map and just keep ur reticule dead in the center of the screen without moving, then keep hold of the camera lock button as soon as any enemy appears (anywere within your entire field of view) guess what the camera snaps to them in the middle of the screen with your cross hairs aiming directly at there chest automatically, instant kill. Let go of the lock and press again and you will instantly snap to a new target. Its totaly broken, i was able to take out something like six bots in about 3 seconds, and they were not bunched together they were all across the map.
Got the beta, I like it, though it does look fairly similar to how KZ2 looked (except not as blurry since they stopped using QAA), the snowflake effects are nice but it definitely doesn't seem to be an Uncharted 1 > 2 style improvement in graphics.

Gameplay is great though, better than KZ2 as they lowered the input lag and made the controls less floaty - love the classic shotgun (which seems rather overpowered).

It definitely is way better looking and playing than the Crysis 2 demo, which has quite terrible aiming mechanics (I thought I was just playing it badly, but if I have no problems getting 10 kill streaks in Killzone! it just shows you how bad Crysis is).

Matchmaking is also really, really quick and netcode is leaps and bounds better than the lag prone KZ2 where you could kill someone walk around the corner only for the game to then realise that you should have also died in the previous encounter.

Also, i'm playing infiltrator mostly - I have maxed out disguise, is it effective though? Do you still show up with no name above your character and with a red reticle? Making yourself fairly easy to identify to experienced players and pretty useless for short range combat.

Would I be better off using marksman? what is the cloaking like, is it similar to Active Camo in Reach where you are pretty much invisible when crouch walking or staying still? Or does it start flickering even if you move slowly? It's very hard to tell how visible you are, you should be able to see the effect of your cloaking on your gun and arm like in Halo.
I think infiltrator still shows the name you're disguised in, but reveals your true name when you aim at the guy.
Also in KZ2 when you disguise as the Helghast your eyes don't glow so it's relatively easy to spot. Not the same case for KZ3 tho as your eyes glow red.
I've also noticed that when I'm down. There seem to be relatively few medics compared to the other classes. It's probably better being a medic if your playing with friends. Respawning also happens very fast. I wouldn't mind if they increased to time to respawn somewhat. It would give the medic a better chance his job, and would let you actually clear out an area instead of having the enemies spawn right back in.

I don't know… I am fickle. May pick Medic ultimately if I play long enough to unlock everything. I heard I can heal myself ?

I think infiltrator still shows the name you're disguised in, but reveals your true name when you aim at the guy.
Also in KZ2 when you disguise as the Helghast your eyes don't glow so it's relatively easy to spot. Not the same case for KZ3 tho as your eyes glow red.

Infiltrator in KZ3 is effective. It takes sub-seconds to recognize whether someone is an infiltrator. The advantage is obvious. I tried shooting at everyone, but after a while it became really confusing since the other guy often shoot back. ^_^

In KZ2, they were only mildly effective since most people learned how to distinguish them from far early.
Infiltrator in KZ3 is effective. It takes sub-seconds to recognize whether someone is an infiltrator. The advantage is obvious. I tried shooting at everyone, but after a while it became really confusing since the other guy often shoot back. ^_^

In KZ2, they were only mildly effective since most people learned how to distinguish them early.

So what exactly are the distinguishing characteristics between an infiltrator and an actual teamate? Not so much for identifying infiltrators as it is so I can know if I can approach an enemy while under disguise without them seeing through it and pre-emptively shooting me.

And how does active camo work?
They don't appear on the teammate radar.

When your cross sight is over them, it turns red.

When they are shot, they will revert to their original look.

Or if you're lucky, you may spot them changing in the act, or change to your nick. ^_^

I think it's possible to tell from their speed/pace too (if they run), but I haven't really tried. Still too early in the game for me. Focusing on gun handling now.

Disguise is automatic.

In KZ2, the Saboteurs' flash light don't lit up.

EDIT: These individual advanced classes are a little tricky to deal with, but they can be managed (I think). I believe a combo team of advanced soldiers is a huge headache (Ran into a few cases). Must play with a good variety of teammates. Going solo is dangerous.
Yes. At first I waited a while but no medic ever came. Now I simply respawn right away.

I play medic a lot and this is annoying. I often ran over to people and had them respawn just as I reach them. So now I mostly don't bother unless they're close. Don't think that's what the developers wanted. Killzone 2 had an indicator showing if a friendly medic was near, but they seem to have gotten rid of it (or I've been playing games without a lot of medics :???:).

If that's not the problem I think the range of the healing laser should be longer. You can't bring it out whenever you want anymore either, to aim at players yourself or zap enemies to death.
I can't find the original link:

One of the Devs on the official beta forums have confirmed that the Medic Gun heal range is going to be increased a lot in a patch.

They said around 20 meters .. which is about 20 meters more than we have currently. Lol.

Also, they said that the Triage healing coming off the Medic's body is the same range as the Medic Gun right now (nothing), so possibly this means that the healing will be in 20m radius for Medic's as well.

I don't think increasing range is sufficient. They should also indicate on the radar where the (nearest) medics are, like MAG !
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