Or maybe cos of MOve ! Move detaches the gun from the screen, maybe DOF didn't work well that way.
As for Move, I still walk like a drunkard with it! Need more time with it. WHen static , it makes for excellent headshots, but walking and aiming is very very "Drunk"
! Especially, looking up and down is very difficult for me, it gets out of control. Looking sideways ia manageable. I'll try Iwaggle's settings and see what happens
EDIT: Can't get the brutal melee to work with Move. Melee works otherwise.
I think Move fits better with the current control scheme from the player's perspective, and for balancing mixed Move + DS3 play. Yeah, for me, walking with Move was disorientating also. Takes quite a while to adapt.
Am surprised quite a few Gaffers like it. Kotaku had an article on KZ3 Move:
But the real test for any shooter is how it behaves online. Can Move versus thumbsticks survive online multiplayer against other people?
The answer is "Yes" and in some ways playing with the Move online almost felt like cheating. In other ways, it felt like I was being cheated.
Played from a position with no risk of flanking, the Move controller offers a level of precision almost akin to the mouse and keyboard. You can quickly, efficiently move your aim around the screen and pick off enemies with headshots. You can hose down entire groups of bad guys with a stream of fire that is surprisingly accurate.
But caught off guard with a need to quickly turn, you're out of luck. I'm still tinkering with the settings, but it feels like the ability to look around beyond the view the screen affords you, doesn't work quite as well as with a controller.
Another big issue: Melee attacks. While landing one of the game's many brutal up-close attacks with knife, boot or gun is immensely more satisfying when delivered with a jab of your controller, if you miss your view kind of goes crazy for a few seconds. I suppose that's similar to what would happen in the real world, but it's not expected the first few times it happens.
Killzone 3 played as a motion game is proof that motion games don't have to sacrifice. They can deliver the meaty, deep gameplay Playstation 3 owners have come to expect from their big-game releases, and do so with a new control scheme that isn't just adequate, it sometimes feels like an improvement.
I'm trying to test the different classes, and the advanced move. Don't quite understand how they work yet. As an engineer, do I need special ability to deploy a bot/turret ? Once I can play the game properly, I'll try Move.