[PS3] Killzone 2

See, I view the blurry environment as a feature, not a bug. Can't tell you how many times I've used smoke (whether from spawn grenades or otherwise) as cover. Nothing like being the assault and pumping a room full of grenades. Blinds everyone and causes absolute mayhem. :D

Yes, I like it too. It's an additional factor the player needs to consider in the zone. I was actually thinking about Beachhead and Southern Hills when I wrote that statement. They have the most heavy environmental effects, and are my most favorite KZ2 maps.
I don't have the DLC maps. Are they good?

I really enjoy tactics that involve not worrying about death. I've unlocked every class, so I no longer care about points. I'll spawn as assault, turn on boost, and rush a heavily defended position while cranking out grenades. And while my corpse is lying there, I'll watch my score go +1...+1...+1...+1. Or if my team is cornered, I'll pull the pin on a grenade and run right up to the enemy. With any luck, they shoot me before my grenade goes off, so I don't lose a point. I find that if I concentrate solely on foiling the other team's plans (blowing up turrets, making it hell to pass through a certain room, killing snipers), my team is more likely to win, even if it means my score isn't as high as I'd like. So don't put me on your fantasy team!

I would really like the rifleman to have secondary badges. I love the LMGs, but I'd like to be able to have the repair ability or something as well in my back pocket.
Southern Hills is great ! You get periodic nuclear blast to wipe out the battlefield. Everyone has to run for cover. This breaks the deadlock in some games.

Beach head is eye-candy but I think the map favors the beach side.

I don't know if people host the game a lot on these maps though.

EDIT: My top 3, not 2, maps are: Southern Hills, Salamun Market, Beach Head

I find that if I concentrate solely on foiling the other team's plans (blowing up turrets, making it hell to pass through a certain room, killing snipers), my team is more likely to win, even if it means my score isn't as high as I'd like. So don't put me on your fantasy team!

Actually, that's why I said we all "f*ck up the game tremendeously, but then again, we all enjoy ourselves while doing it.". That's how I play it too ! :)

Everyone threw their own spice into the game (e.g., dream up new spawns, create new bots, set up turrets, charging into enemy base, etc.), sometimes it seemed to snowball out of control and consume everyone, especially with Southern Hill's nuclear blast. :LOL:
I think the issue is map balancing, and only on some maps. For example, on Radec academy, get a guy to camp the ladder, two guys to camp the hallway, and keep about 4 guys in the "lobby" of the Helghast base and just continually lob grenades into the spawn zone and build turrets, and the Helghast team will be just plain stuck. But a boosting assault vet can practically clear out the room in a flash, allowing a tactician to sprint out and drop a spawn grenade in the assembly hall or something. It's not like he'll be owning the kill count, since he has such limited ammo, but those tight spots happen sometimes, and that's where he's needed.

Radec's a bitch to play when you're Helghast and fighting against stronger opposition. I actually think you can defend your base somewhat to still prevail in the body count mission, but you can forget the other mission objectives. In fact, that's why I usually prefer the smaller matches (up to 8 vs 8), as even if a team has you locked into your base, as soon as search&defend missions come, you usually have a small window of opportunity to get out and place spawn points. Add to that, that they run a lot better too than some of the 32 player matches. Or play as a tactician with boost to get out - as boost will get you a long way until someone downs you.

fearsomepirate said:
I don't have the DLC maps. Are they good?

I've bought them all and quite like them. The ones with southern hills is probably widely accepted as the best addition to the game, for the reasons patsu mentioneed above. It's epic. It's a shame not many people include these maps to the game that often, though when they do, sometimes they do include all 6 maps offered through the add-ons. If you want to buy a map-pack, I'd check for the special deal that offers all 3 map-packs for a good price.

fearsomepirate said:
I would rather that every tactician be allowed to throw down 1 and only 1 spawn point, with a limit of 4 tacticians in the game. And if you respawn as a different class, your spawn point disappears. Same with engineers and turrets.

I've nearly broken my controller on a few occasions, where some of my teams tactician used to throw their spawn-grenades into the objective room in a search&destroy mission thinking they were doing something really clever. I went around and found a perfect spawn point on one of the flanks to the objective which would have made a huge difference but as soon as I wanted to place my spawn point, the others had already thrown another one into cross-fire. :rolleyes:

...but, it's all good. Badly placed spawn-points have their causes too. Makes it particularly easy to fool the enemy or weaken some of their other lines they're defending which is why the tactical element is so good. Just not in every situation.

russo121 said:
Yeah, I'm a KZ2 junkie 8( - I've bought R2 last week, but I only played almost 2 to 3 hours - it's difficult to change from kz2.
I've tried the BFBC2 and liked the demo very much, but, feels too mechanical compared to kz2.

Good to know! I try to check the B3d chatroom often, but never saw you online! Were you on during the weekend? Had a few games with fearsome on saturday. What timezone and times are you usually on?
I'm starting to wonder if I'm playing with idiots, or if someone is switching sides to sabotage us. During a search & destroy mission, we were defending, and immediately, both of our spawn grenades were dropped on the complete opposite corner of the map.


A good thing friendly fire wasn't enabled then. I had one of these experiences a couple of months ago - I got dropped into a game in Radec as Helghast (naturally, the losing team, as it usually happens) and while we were under constant attack from within our base, one of our team members started to go on a killing spree, shooting his own team mates. I usually don't quit games, and so I stuck with the game for too long which was a huge misstake as it seriously stuffed up my K/D for days. When I left the game, this guy had at least -90 points from what I remember (at least 30 team member kills).

Every time I join a game with friendly-fire enabled, I'm very cautious of my surrioundings. Actually, despite this unfortunate experience, games with friendly-fire are very enjoyable as it makes the sabotage-class a lot more effective, since you usually have to think twice before firing on one of your suspicious looking team-mates. Not to mention that throwing grenades or being trigger friendly with the rocket or grenade launcher puts an additional strain on the tactical element.
I really wonder what they were thinking when they designed Radec academy with only three narrow openings at the Helghast base, whereas the ISA spawn right next to the stairs, in their base, giving them effectively 4 or 5 exits. I find that assault can usually punch a hole through and allow a tactician to run out (sometimes unnoticed, if he's smart enough to not fire his weapon), which is why I won't play Radec Academy if assault is locked. I mean, it's doable if your tacticians recognize that their only job in that situation is to escape, summon a drone, and throw down a spawn point and you've got at least two assaults who recognize that the grenade launcher is better for room-clearing than the rocket launcher. You can even make things happen with an LMG in the upstairs hallway. But usually, you get guys who build turrets in the base and throw down spawn grenades in the tunnel.
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Yes, in a "terminal" game where the enemies throw their spawn grenades right inside our base, I'll respawn as Assault. I didn't know the grenade launcher is better than the rocket launcher for room clearing.

In one of the DLC levels, I saw someone using flame thrower effectively too (Basically plug one of the exits, and burn us to death).

EDIT: Regarding Radec Academy, I like the library side of the map. Because much of the level is covered and yet spacious enough, I see more people using the StA-14 rifle, the one I'm not talented enough to use. :oops:
I'm no good with the StA-14, but I'm pretty lethal with the StA-3 LMG.

Few people use the grenade launcher when they play as Assault, but I've been discovering that its main strength is being able to carpet an area with explosives. The rocket is good for taking out small, closely packed groups, but the grenades can really ruin an opposing squad offensive due to the time delay and the general mayhem they cause. It's not great for picking up tons of kills, but it's a good tactical weapon and great for firing blind.

The last time I was playing with Phil, I was ISA defending our S&D point. I would stand back a bit from one of the holes leading into the room and just crank grenades in. Another example is on Tharsis Depot, I'll hang out in a high area and empty the clip out to a lower region. I might get a kill or two, but I'll weaken enough guys that my team can easily clean up. It's more of an area control/support weapon than something that will help you rack up tons of kills.
Good to know! I try to check the B3d chatroom often, but never saw you online! Were you on during the weekend? Had a few games with fearsome on saturday. What timezone and times are you usually on?

My timezone is UTC time, Lisbon time. I usually connect at 21 / 22 UTC and I connect to B3D chatroom - if you are in US there is at least 5 hours difference. I don't have your psn nick.
I would like to play with you guys at any time, just tell when you're online and I'm in for a party.

Patsu said:
Heh heh, you mean the animation and the flow of battle ?
I really don't know - but there is some "soul" in the movements - I don't know how to explain, but for example, with BFBC2 (I don't have MW2, so can't talk) when you move up, down, left and right you see that the camera is moving throught and axis, but when doing the same in KZ2 you have a perception / feel of a "more" natural movement. I just wan't to say it's an amazing game with a good multiplayer.
I really don't know - but there is some "soul" in the movements - I don't know how to explain, but for example, with BFBC2 (I don't have MW2, so can't talk) when you move up, down, left and right you see that the camera is moving throught and axis, but when doing the same in KZ2 you have a perception / feel of a "more" natural movement. I just wan't to say it's an amazing game with a good multiplayer.

Yes, I know exactly what you mean. I called it "organic animation" in my old posts.

One of the things I like to do in KZ2 is to go under a strong light source and jump. You'll see your own shadow jump in a very natural way.

About the KZ2 levels, I forgot about the train map. I like it because it's very different from other maps. Athough the play area is very small, I like to watch the moving obstacles, and jump to the next section.
Had some great games with russo121 last night - found a server completely filled with n00bs so, naturally, we did what had to be done... and it wasn't pretty. :LOL:

I actually started to feel quite bad after a while, but at some point, there formed an epic battle, where in Pyrrhus Rise (the huge desert map) about 20 n00bs stood across each other on one of the narrow bridges showing teeth, emptying their clips like absolute maniacs and engaged in pure awesomeness, desperately trying to overrun the equal strong opposition. Epic.

Later, we changed to another server with lots of skilled players and it was a complete turn around where in both Radec and Blood-Gracht, us Helghast got locked up in our base with little chance and hope to get out and make it a real battle. Unfortunately, Blood-Gracht is the other level which I hate spawning as Helghast in a weaker team. If you get run over, it's extremely difficult to get back into the level, as the ISA base is well set up for sniping the main defence points at the Helghast base and the other points of escape are all through two very narrow exits.

Still, it was great fun. After a long break from KZ2 (haven't played it as regularly anymore), I'm still surprised at how many still play the game and not only by KZ2 veterans but also new players too.
Is Blood Gracht the one where if you're Helghast, your base has this one walkway to get out where everyone gets jammed up? I hate that one. I also really hate Pyrrhus Rise...I always seem to run for 10 minutes, get sniped, and start over. It's just too stinkin' big for a game with no vehicles. What I'd give for a Ghost or a Warthog in Pyrrhus Rise...
Phyrrus rise is my favorite map in KZ2.

Loved sniping people in KZ2, the slow movement and one shot kill (except assault) and invisibility cloak makes for some overempowered stuff. Phyrrus is made for sniping, so many spots where you can see all the important places and still be fairly safe from opposing enemies and wreck avoc. Aspecially on objective type matches, where if you know where to stand, you can pretty much cover the entire objective while being miles away, and pretty much just kill anyone that goes near.

I did a 94-7 round or something like that while sniping on phyrruss, best round i ever managed in KZ2.

Note: This was at launch, and i leveled up extremely quickly, so allmost nobody else was sniping at the time :)
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Is Blood Gracht the one where if you're Helghast, your base has this one walkway to get out where everyone gets jammed up? I hate that one.

Blood Gracht is the industrial one, where the Helghast are located further up. The only way out of your base is either by using the two narrow staircase down or by jumping and then being out in the open where the drop-off points are for search & retrieve missions.

It's actually a great level when you have two equal teams fighting for objectives - but if it's a body-count only mission with a lot of players, it's easy to get run over if you're Helghast.

fearsomepirate said:
I also really hate Pyrrhus Rise...I always seem to run for 10 minutes, get sniped, and start over. It's just too stinkin' big for a game with no vehicles. What I'd give for a Ghost or a Warthog in Pyrrhus Rise...

Oh, I love Pyrrhus. I like it because it's so big and different from the other levels. Sure, it's a sniper heaven and if you have small games with only 4vs4, it's far too big. But if you're a full game with 16vs16, it's a lot of fun and you have many fronts are quite a challenge. Especially in the larger games, not everyone plays as sniper, so it's even more fun. But the distances you sometimes have to travel to get to the action are quite tiresome indeed - which is why I usually use tactician + boost. Gets you there quick and then you can drop off a spawn grenade.

BTW: Anyone on tonight? I should be on a bit earlier tonight but may play a bit of MW2 with a local friend later in the evening.
What is the other one called ? The multi-storey level (3-4 levels up) ? That level confused me at first because I didn't notice the staircases and backdoor route. I thought it was a really small level. :)
What is the other one called ? The multi-storey level (3-4 levels up) ? That level confused me at first because I didn't notice the staircases and backdoor route. I thought it was a really small level. :)
Helghan Industries...One of my favorite maps.
Come to think of i I love pretty much all maps in KZ2 :) eventhough I don't like to play in Phyruss much cause everyone takes a sniper in that map & its boring for me since I dont like to snipe when everyone else is sniping :p
Yes, all of them seem to have very distinct look and characteristics.

Salamun Market has a special place because it was the first KZ2 map I played, and I :love: the openness and yet linked complex structures. It's also the map where I shot Ostepop from behind, while I was clearing out snipers door-to-door ^_^). I was looking for another sniper who holed up there. Turned out to be a different guy when I finally made my way to the room. He was invisible so I simply fired at the windows until I saw the tag and partial cloaking.

We played 3 times together, and the last time he ended up on a different team.
If your goal is just to rack up kills as a sniper, I can see how you'd like Pyrrhus Rise. If you actually want to win the match, it gets boring and frustrating just because of how long it takes to get to objectives. And if you have a couple idiots spawning as tactician, or the other team is halfway competent at camping the spawn point, you can forget about spawning at the grenades. I think the last time I played, our assassination target was killed before I could even make it all the way to the side of the map he was on (not that it matters...assassination is practically an automatic point once assault is unlocked).

My absolute favorite is Tharsis Depot. Visari Hammer is pretty fun. I would say the ones I like the least are Radec Academy (Helghast must pass through 1 of 3 choke points to escape the base) and Pyrrhus Rise (too big). The rest I pretty much like, although being Helghast on Blood Gracht can be tricky.

Corinth Crossing is also a lot of fun, especially as Assault. The last time I played, there were 3-4 Higs hanging out in the area near their base, plus a couple turrets sniping down at the S&D objective we were trying to blow up. So I snuck around to the edge and emptied the grenade launcher twice into the area. I blew up all their turrets and killed every single Hig in the place. Then I grabbed an StA-14 someone dropped and fired until it was out, and finally got killed. Bought us enough time to lay down both charges!
Had some great games with russo121 last night - found a server completely filled with n00bs so, naturally, we did what had to be done... and it wasn't pretty. :LOL:

I actually started to feel quite bad after a while, but at some point, there formed an epic battle, where in Pyrrhus Rise (the huge desert map) about 20 n00bs stood across each other on one of the narrow bridges showing teeth, emptying their clips like absolute maniacs and engaged in pure awesomeness, desperately trying to overrun the equal strong opposition. Epic.

Later, we changed to another server with lots of skilled players and it was a complete turn around where in both Radec and Blood-Gracht, us Helghast got locked up in our base with little chance and hope to get out and make it a real battle. Unfortunately, Blood-Gracht is the other level which I hate spawning as Helghast in a weaker team. If you get run over, it's extremely difficult to get back into the level, as the ISA base is well set up for sniping the main defence points at the Helghast base and the other points of escape are all through two very narrow exits.

Still, it was great fun. After a long break from KZ2 (haven't played it as regularly anymore), I'm still surprised at how many still play the game and not only by KZ2 veterans but also new players too.

It was very fun and very enjoying, essentially when we changed faction in Tharsis Depot from ISA to Helgast - ISA was kicking ass but then we made some "adjustments" equilibrating the party. Corinth Crossing and Visari Hammer are good maps too. Hope seeing you all on psn for a good party. 8)

PS: I like to hunt snipers - somethimes they have their voice channel open and I usually have a good laught - lot's of F word....
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