[PS3] Killzone 2

If you want to get your K/D ration higher, play 32 player games.
Better players, from my experience, stick to medium sized games.

Getting into a clan helps greatly, since learning from experienced players is much, much faster then learning every thing by yourself.
I've got a 1.6 K/D ratio, but I've also lost 40 out of 70 games played. I don't know what's causing that though, or why I seem to be placed on the side of the ISA twice as much as the Helghasts. I have yet to play 1 of the maps starting from the Helghasts side. I do often let the game decide which side I'm on, maybe I get to backup the losing side because of it.

But regardless of winning, the game is still fun. I recommend looking for smaller games to avoid some of the chaos the game can turn into, or having the higher classes banned. I find the game much more enjoyable that way, and its easier to have an actual effect on the outcome. (Albeit a negative effect.:oops:)

The ingame ladders and tournaments are a disappointment so far IMO. It taken to long for challenges to be accepted against random clans, and tournaments of 6 vs 6 or 8 vs 8 are often delayed or cancelled because of too fews clans that size. And playing tournaments with fewer players barely works because of the sheer size of the maps. Sadly the system is also a bit buggy, rewarding Valor points to the clan that didn't show up, or advancing the losing clan to the next round in a tournament.

Hopefully GG will make some necessary changes to it, because I still like the idea of ingame clanladders and tournaments.
Played MP for quite some time today ! Had a lot of FUN :D,surprisingly, as I am not an MP person anymore.
I got the engineer badge today! How many turrets can I place?

Up to 4 total for the entire team.

If I die and my turret is still up and running, can I place another turret?

See above.

I am not a shotgun guy at all and the engg badge is forcing me to use the shotgun. I usually end up picking dropped assault Rifles.
Why can't engineers repair mounted guns ?

I think it's a secondary badge, or something you need to earn.

My favourite map seeems to be Helghan Industries for now. I don't know why, but I do well with an assault rifle in it.

Helghan Industries is ok. I like Salamun Market too.
I finally finished campaign, surviving Radec's waves took ages, they were much harder than Radec himself. I beat him on my first go, without dying at all.

The story isn't very good, the ending is a bit strange.

I was looking at my campaign stats, and it says I have over 200 enemy kills with just the pistols. I rarely used my main weapon.
I've tried to play the MP more, and I simply cannot get into it. I tried it a lot during the beta, and again a few days ago (and a bit more tonight) and it simply does not resonate with me. I won't make suggestions as to what they can fix / change, I just think it's not my type of MP game.

I don't think I'm going to play MP at all any more :(
I also just finished my first multiplayer game, it was a match of warzone, our team won and I came first :smile:

The multiplayer is certainly different, the aiming mechanic and the narrow FOV, make it rather clumsy, its nowhere near finessed as something like COD4.
You see people walking past enemies or having hilarious melee combat, where they keep missing each other.

The heavy motion blur and the weight/inertia of controls/player movements coupled with the fact that your constantly sprinting, make MP very disorienting (and this is just after one game). Does anyone feel motion sick during long MP sessions?

Also the netcode isn't very good, (even on local servers) there is a fair amount of lag and 'teleporting'. There is also funny tendency for people to kill each other simultaneously, this happened to me 3/4 times in one game. I wonder if that's also a netcode issue, where the game has trouble determining who shot first due to latency etc.
Should read Scott_Adam's advices:

Once I figured out how to fire the standard assault rifle with the dot sight at long range, everything was good.

Basically, if you tap the trigger, you get almost zero recoil. You can fire pretty fast just by rapidly tapping the fire button. At long range with the dot sight, you can be very accurate and deadly. The other big thing is to learn not to use dot/iron sights unless you're far away. When you're mid to short range, just shoot from the hip. There's enough lag compensation and aim assist that you really don't have to be very accurate. Just fire short bursts.
Also the netcode isn't very good, (even on local servers) there is a fair amount of lag and 'teleporting'. There is also funny tendency for people to kill each other simultaneously, this happened to me 3/4 times in one game. I wonder if that's also a netcode issue, where the game has trouble determining who shot first due to latency etc.

I think this is on purpose, it's how predictive code works. I prefer it, as it attenuates HPB/LBP issues -- most games do it, to be honest. There's still the issue that the LBP will see and react to enemies first, it doesn't however disconsider what the HPB did because of his ping. It's not really anything new, I remember playing on Zero Ping servers 10 years ago -- instagib was fun with zero-ping.
I've tried to play the MP more, and I simply cannot get into it. I tried it a lot during the beta, and again a few days ago (and a bit more tonight) and it simply does not resonate with me. I won't make suggestions as to what they can fix / change, I just think it's not my type of MP game.

I don't think I'm going to play MP at all any more :(

I know what you mean. I'm still just at the beginning of getting into the whole MP experience, but I'm getting used to it quick. What I noticed (especially in our play session), is that there's a large discrepancy between some of the games I've played.

The first few matches I played yesterday, were in a rather large level and I found it to be very frustrating, because nearly all the players were gathered around a corridor throwing grenades and sniping from one end to the other. Within a few minutes, I was racking up the deaths with little to no successful kills. That many of the players also had better weapons (or better weapons suited to this kind of gameplay) didn't help much, unfortunately. Then the next few levels I played with the same players, I started getting a lot of kills (more than deaths) which I think is mainly due to the very different strategies in different levels. The standard weapon also wasn't at such a huge disadvantage either. By the time I played my last game last night, I had also unlocked a sub-machine-gun which I have to say upped the pace I'm playing at by a lot. I can walk into 1-on-1 and be successful. The best asset though, is still a combination of learning the weapons, the maps and of course the controls (as I'm sure you willingly did in R2 as wel). The path is difficult, but very rewarding.

Don't let those few hectic games ruin the experience for you. There are some very good games and are (IMO) quite dependand on the map rather than the people you play with. Maybe by the time we'll see each other online again, I will know a bit better which maps are fun to start getting into the MP. I'm still learning too.


BTW: When I played R2 with you the other day and a quick game of RFOM (SP), I noticed how light the controls were. It's kind of strange, but meanwhile, I have to say I much prefer the weighty feel of KZ2. It's not CoD by any means (which will always be the reference thanks to the framerate IMO), but I can see how KZ2 would take a lot getting used to after being a regular R2 player.
Thats what I have learnt in my 3 days playtime too. I keep tapping the trigger for a assault rifle and the kills are much quicker.
In Helghan Industries , I find a safe spot and snipe with my assualt rifle. Tapping keeps it very accurate.

It's not always the best way though. If you're in a hurry to kill someone, and you can't go for a headshot (because the head isn't in view for instance), then aiming low and just keeping the trigger pressed will do the trick at long range better and faster. Also, at closer range, short bursts may be more efficient, but they're never faster. I keep the trigger pressed at close range and almost always win or stalemate. Speed is of the essence here and the lag/aim assist helps enough.
In my experience, both have their places, but most of the time, tapping the trigger lets you retain more control over your weapon and in close-range-battles against someone skilled, that can decide quickly over who walks away alive. If you hit the trigger full on, you may not be able to focus your hits on your opponent while he attempts to circle you. By the time you'd get a clean shot, you may not have enough bullets left to finish the kill. Then you're toast.
My experience in MP has been painful, playing mostly as engineer.
There are times that I shoot in the face of the opponents with the shotgun and they simply don't die, but then, they shoot me with a fuc... pistol and I go away?! Don't tell anyone but I put my controller into pieces 8( - must buy another one... really.

With the ps3 controller I am a handicapped person - I hate the controls.

This is my second fps game in console, being the first FC2, and even playing solo I found it terrible (controls). I think I just have to give up and return to CS (at least to increase my moral).


Killzone 2 fault! 8)
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I have three of those in a draw now.... Must do some anger management! Mind you I keep breaking the left stick and I've managed to rebuild two from the remains of the others. So its not that bad.

I have three of those in a draw now.... Must do some anger management! Mind you I keep breaking the left stick and I've managed to rebuild two from the remains of the others. So its not that bad.

So I have 2 more to go! 8)
Maybe an excuse to my wife - change for the DS3.
My experience in MP has been painful, playing mostly as engineer.
There are times that I shoot in the face of the opponents with the shotgun and they simply don't die, but then, they shoot me with a fuc... pistol and I go away?! Don't tell anyone but I put my controller into pieces 8( - must buy another one... really.

With the ps3 controller I am a handicapped person - I hate the controls.

This is my second fps game in console, being the first FC2, and even playing solo I found it terrible (controls). I think I just have to give up and return to CS (at least to increase my moral).

Killzone 2 fault! 8)

The reason you have been dying is because some people have earned the Magnum pistol and use that against you.

The Magnum is just as powerful if not more powerful than the shotgun and I've lost to it plenty of times. You're advantage is its slow rate of fire and small hit zone.

As for shooting someone in the head and you still lose...don't know what to tell you there. I've seen it. It happens, especially during laggy games but thankfully not a lot.

If this is only your second FPS on consoles so you need to put your overall performance in perspective. Did you think you were going to dominate people who've been playing Halo, COD, Resistance, Socom etc games on consoles for years?

If you're only getting mildly beat down I would think you're actually not doing too bad considering you haven't really played FPS on consoles.

That said you sure picked a tough game to cut your teeth on. Hardcore FPS players make up the majority in KZ2 MP...its going to be a bit rough and you will definitely pay your dues.

Play some R2 co-op. It'll help you get used to console FPS controls with a PS3 gamepad and you'll have the benefit of a lot of hardcore players on your side instead of trying to utterly destroy you.

Then again, console FPS may just not be for you.
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So I have 2 more to go! 8)
Maybe an excuse to my wife - change for the DS3.

You seriously broke your controller !?! :oops: ...lol, I've seriously underestimated you're frustrations.

Err...just leave KZ2...uhm...console FPS alone...

I wouldn't want anyone to come up missing or seriously injured :LOL:
This is my second fps game in console, being the first FC2, and even playing solo I found it terrible (controls). I think I just have to give up and return to CS (at least to increase my moral).

CS is a beautiful thing :) No pretender on consoles can stand up to the true FPS king for gameplay reasons. I went back to it last weekend and took a bit to get in stride but man, that game is just downright awesome. A proper CS2 would get me back to PC gaming for shooters immediately.
The Magnum is just as powerful if not more powerful than the shotgun and I've lost to it plenty of times. You're advantage is its slow rate of fire and small hit zone.

I dont think the magnum is any slower than the shotgun. I dont like the shotgun so i dont use it much, but the magnum doesn't feel particularly slow compared to it. The shotgun is terrible, up close its a once shot kill (which is why many noobs like it) the big hit zone makes it easy to get a kill or two. If the enemy is more than 15 or so metres away, you dont do much damage at all. I think the shotgun up close is more powerful, (if your really really close) but its close. The magnum will kill the lower hp classes etc in one shot, a heavy i think goes down in 2. The magnum on the other hand is imo remarkably accurate if you crouch, its also has the advantage of being 100% effective at any range.
CS is great, COD4 comes the closest to replicating it's feel on the consoles.

With KZ2, I'm already at the rank where you unlock the SMG and shotgun, and I usually place either 1st or 2nd.

The simultaneous death thing happens rather often, which is very unusual for an online FPS.

And melee is really hard to figure out, numerous times I've tried to melee a guy at close range, only to have him shoot me. It's too ineffective, you need multiple hits to kill enemies and it's very hard to judge range, also if you miss (thanks to the narrow FOV) you have to fumble around trying to find the guy again.