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LiteOn iHOS104-06 Blu-Ray Drive (ZipZoomFly)
$50 w/ Free Shipping
Don´t know if it´s loaded but it´s 4x read speed.
So yeah iSupplies BD drive price should be way off, thanks corduroygt for enlightning us.
Its tray loaded.
ps3 is slot loaded. There are no slot loaded drives for sale. So its hard to compare. Its obviously a custom model that is being produced just for the ps3. Even if you look at the internals of the slim its a custom drive with custom dimensions
I don't think you can point at an oem drive that is diffrent than whats in the ps3 and claim its to expensive. If no one is making slot loading drives for pcs and if it needs a diffrent form factor then its obviously going to comand some price premium over oem drives that a retailer can just dump on the market if shipments are low.
Also the speed of the drive doesn't matter. 2x drives wont cost any less and after a point he drive will simply be replaced with the faster drivers.