ps3 and rsx

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beyond noob
the rsx is 7800gtx based.

will rsx graphics be inferior to upcoming dx10 games written for 8800gtx and r600?

the rsx is 7800gtx based.

will rsx graphics be inferior to upcoming dx10 games written for 8800gtx and r600?

Sorry, but this sort of question isn't suitable for this board. If you want to ask about specific areas that may be different, such as texturing or branched shaders or poly-counts or post-FX or resolution or frame-rates or number of sprites or colour fidelity, do so.

If you want to ask 'will PC games look better than PS3 games?' which seems to be the case (and RSX doesn't operate in isolation, so it's nigh on impossible to measure it's performance without considering the role Cell has to play making your question unanswerable), that question, as well as being beaten to death before, doesn't fit here.

For an answer as best covers your question though, as a service because I'm feeling generous, taken in isolation, yes, RSX, based on year old tech with a 128 bit bus, will be inferior in performance new technology on far faster busses :)shock: Shocker!! !:oops: ), but whether translates to better looking games is a totally different argument that has lots of non-technical performance related influences. This has all been covered before though. Just persue the forum.

Please use the search function first, before creating threads. There's already been plently discussion on RSX.
Thread Locked

Sorry mito, that type of threads are locked in here.
I know that you're new to the Console boards, so I'll give you a quick lowdown on the way this board operate. Well, Shifty already did cover some points, it seems.

I'll just add that all the gritty details you want to learn about recent (and not so recent) consoles can be found on the forums, detailed, discussed to no end. That's why we don't allow threads with simple, too vague, questions as topics (The likes of "What is the most 'powerful' Xenos, RSX,chocolate covered waffles or the Dreamcast CLX2?"), because of their vague natures, these thread tend to generate a very high level of static and very little technical discussion.
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