PS3 2005 launch?

Kutaragi told in the last year that the schedule of the next system was set exactly 1 year after the PSP's. At that time no one took it seriously, but now it seems it's the case IMHO.
one said:
Kutaragi told in the last year that the schedule of the next system was set exactly 1 year after the PSP's. At that time no one took it seriously, but now it seems it's the case IMHO.

If that's the case what would we be talking, PS3 this Christams Japan, March launch US?
jvd said:
It may have been thier intentions to have 65nm ready but it doesn't look to be the case.

I was allways highly suspicious of them being a year ahead of intel and even ibm themselves .

Toshiba and Sony are pursuing the 65nm and 45nm production processes indiependently of IBM is what I remember reading back in th eday. In fact, it's Sony helping IBM get their East Fishkill Cell line to 65nm. Of course, IBM is still doing their own 65nm thing, and helping AMD get there. So who knows, maybe some of the info I read back in the day got muddled, or something for tangled is going on.

But whatever the case I'm not expecting anything 45nm this year, that's for sure. If the Cell inside PS3 launched at 65nm, that would be a pleasant surprise.

65nm isn't far-future tech though - Intel just finished demonstrating some 65nm working chips at IDF, and claim they will be able to commercially produce on the process by the end of the year.
xbdestroya said:
65nm isn't far-future tech though - Intel just finished demonstrating some 65nm working chips at IDF, and claim they will be able to commercially produce on the process by the end of the year.
As put in the other thread, Kutaragi usually speaks like a visionary but is a hard realist after all. Even Nintendo DS could enjoy a good lead over the PSP, this time I think he will go a safe bet to realize his "once in a lifetime" challenge with the Cell. Or perhaps I'm tricked to believe so and he may give a big counterturn at the last minute... I don't know. But one thing is sure, a big information war must be fought among the related parties right now... 8)

The Cell unveiling was the first move, then MS replied by the announcement of the exclusive Japanese designers, "Your foot is insecure already!" Nintendo is just smiling mysteriously.
PC-Engine said:

I dunnoh, my prior post suggests they're starting volume production right about now.

And then there's stuff like this from the end of last year...
Toshiba has developed a new method for suppressing thermal instability and current leakage in MOS transistors that supports advanced CMOS fabrication at 45nm gate lengths and beyond.

Still who knows, but these are very recent.
Saw this at GAF...
the New Flash bar says:
21:36 É\ÉjÅ[ÅAéüê¢ë„ÉvÉåÉXÉeÇ?îNì‡Ç…î!=îÑLJÅBã?ê—í·ñ¿Ç?ë?äJÇ<sum>ÇÈãNîöç‹Ç…
"21:36 Sony, Next gen Playstation will also be released this year.
Priming for the depression

Needs verifying...I can't take this anymore!!! :p
Pugger said:
Final development kit for XBOX360 were rumoured to due in August!

According to ACERT93 that makes xenon launch in 05 nearly impossible or the games just plain old sh*tty. 8)
If they know excactly how powerful the machine is going to be, it shouldn't be too hard to make the game run for example 5fps on inferior dev kit, which would run fine on final hardware, or something like that. :)
blakjedi said:
Acert93 said:
No "final" dev kits means no games, no games means no release.

I have not heard of final dev kits for xbox 2 either...

Just because you have not heard about them does not mean they do not exist. Did anyone hear when the xCPU taped out? Do we know what M-Systems is doing for the Xbox? Do we know what part Sis made and what parts TMC and NEC are manufacturing? What version and revion of the dev kit is MS on? There is a lot about Xbox 360 the general public knows very little about. Just because you have not heard about something does not mean it does not exist. People with vital information are under NDA. It is said MS has been changing specs and dev kits on a pretty regular basis, do we even know what is in the most recent revision?

Also, what I said is being taken out of the original context.

Dev kits are sometimes changed even after launch, so I should clarify what I meant though (which is pretty clear in context). A final dev kit is not as important as access to silicone very similar to the final product. (This is what I meant in context, as I was stating it is hard to get good results, let alone exploit, a chip that has not been seen or tested). They need a way to benchmark the final silicone against their game code. R500 taped out in the winter. Developers have a very good idea of what is going into the machine. RAM amounts may change or small clock speed changes, but the system has been set for a while.

On the other hand nVidia's CEO stated they are aiming for the PS3 GPU to tape out at the end of 2005. As noted on this forum very little has been said to US developers, outside of EA, about what should be expected about the GPU outside the realm of "it is faster than a 6800GT". That tells us squat about the feature set--is the PS3 going to have vertex shaders? Will it perform similarly to the NV40 in SM 3.0? Oh wait, it wont be an SM 3.0 part at all... While the PS3 GPU should tape out to give US PS3 developers about the same amount of time to work with their GPU as Xbox 360 developers have gotten to work with the Xbox GPU, if PS3 launches in early Spring 2006 in Japan you are looking at a very short time for developers to actually work with final silicone.

You can believe whatever you want, but the less time you give developers with real silicone is not a good thing for a console launch. If all your games have been developed on emulators and projected targets while your competitors have been working on final hardware it will show. Even if the PS3 is 2x as powerful overall compared to the Xbox 360, if developers only get access to final hardware at the last moment I would bet Xbox 360 games would look (smoother, better looking) and play better. But from what I have heard PS3 developers have gotten dev kits and have access to CELL, so the only question is the GPU. And in that regards the games may undershoot a lot in the first gen if the final HW is a lot better--but that is not a bad thing. Better to underestimate the HW and get smooth games than vice versa.
They could be playing it safe though. Get this running decently on a dual-G5, then we can safely assume it'll run okay when we get the final dev-kit. Finding they've overestimated could be a hell of a job to clean up, and they aren't under any undue pressure to make the most of the hardware at launch, as all devs face the same problems and there won't be a lot of choice. It's not like there's going to be 50 RTS games and comparatively bad visuals are going to lose you sales!
Shifty Geezer said:
Maybe that's why all these next-gen screenshots we've been getting have been overly impressive?

1. Are you suggesting the impressive screenshots are PS3?

2. Which screenshots have been overly impressive? 99% of the comments here on the forums have been complaints about how bad stuff looks, not how good. Links?

3. What kind of gap are you expecting between the R500 and the PS3 GPU? If they both ship in 2005 the GPUs will both be in 90nm. We have already been hinted to expect a traditional GPU for the PS3 (i.e. it will have VS), so what do you expect to see better in PS3 shots over Xbox 360?