ps death rate


beyond noob
Since mid-2003 I had lost 3 power supplies. They just died on me. I've been using 450w models. They usually died during summertime.

Everytime they died, I was scared to death that something could have happened to my dear components, some slight damage whatsoever.

So far so good. I just installed a new 450w ps.

Do you guys experience such high ps death rates?
I've only ever lost one PSU in 20+ years.

I went on vacation with the machine turned off for 3 or 4 weeks, when I got back and turned it on it was dead.

So I'd say loosing PSU's at the rate you are is very unusual.
Note: the PS died last friday while playing Project: Snowblind. I was trying out some augmentations and the computer went totally silent.

Interesting that the ps was still alive, because the motherboard's power led (green) was still on.
I've lost no PSU since ever having a pc, from an amd 133mhz, to a k6-2, a celery 500, a duron/athlon 750/1ghz(same 250 watt psu from celery 500 to 1ghz t-bird) and my latest lame 350 watt codegen, only got rid of it because I doubted it could power a 6600GT, and overclocked 2500+.
Replaced with enermax 420 watt for xmas btw.
I lost one,my brother lost one, my father in law, and a good friend lost one, but they were all no name shit power supplies.

I haven't had a good brand fail me yet.
I've never lost a power supply either (although I have replaced one for a friend). Probably not far off fifty PC's in that sample.

I recommend surge protection. I wouldn't plug a PC into the wall without it or preferably a UPS in the way. I don't think there's any wired connection in my home office network (PC's, monitors, printers, fax, stereo, mixer, etc. etc.) that can evade surge protection somewhere along the way.
I've lost one in about the last 7 years, but that one died pretty spectacularly in a fit of sparks and smoke. (Along with the mobo it was hooked up to. :? )

It was the last time I used a power supply that came with a cheap case, it was when I got me religion about only getting good quality power supplies.

Considering how much is spent on the rest of the rig a $50-60us power supply starts looking really cheap. ;)
According to this spec I read somewhere, the ideal PSU should have the following amperage for 12V:


Opinions and criticisms are very welcome!
I've never lost a PSU. Worst thing that has happened is that the fan has started to sound bad, but nothing else. And I can't remember that I've heard from any RL-friends that they've lost PSUs (except for fans making a lot of noise).

And in at least one case it's rather strange that the PSU didn't give in (and took the friend with it). The fan on that PSU had started to make a lot of noise, so the solution he came up with was as easy as effective. He put a screw driver into the fan to stop it from turning. :oops: In spite of several attempts, nobody managed to get through that sticking long metal objects into PSUs isn't a good idea.
He ran his PC like that for half a year. Nobody touched his PC.

Btw, it would be interesting to see the correlation betwen borked PSUs and smokers. Neither I nor my friends smoke, but I've seen some realy messed up PCs that had gone through the smoking torture.
noname cheap PSUs nowadays suck, I had two of them fail within a few weeks or months (one technically working but it ouputs 13.3V :oops: , it's unusable because of unstability and potentially dangerous)

They were replaced by 350W Fortron PSUs, inexpensive and easily available.
A simple sign of quality : they are much heavier than crap standard PSU

Old noname PSU still work ^^

The only other one I lost was from a IBM P133, due to Lightning striking quite close :), it killed the ADSL modem too. The PSU was still working, only the fan had "melted".
mito said:
According to this spec I read somewhere, the ideal PSU should have the following amperage for 12V:
Opinions and criticisms are very welcome!

This is completely false. 16 amps on 12v is nothing these days. The problem when talking about power supplies is that it is mostly the overall wattage that is described. To make matters even worse, many power supplies are specced at the draw, not the output. That is to say, they claim 500 watts, but that is what it can take in and then, given the effieciency, you get less out, into your actual system. Better/more honest brands will talk about the sustained output, not the peak draw.

Another problem is that PCs used to depend heavily on the 5 volt supply for the core components. Newer PCs are more dependent on the 12 volt supply, as evidenced by the dedicated 12 volt four-pin CPU supply connector. This means there has been a shift in what voltages is used where and in today's PCs the 12 volt line is much more prominent than before and more important than the 5v or 3.3v.

16 amps at 12 volts is only 192 watts. Some CPUs are close to thirsting this, but of course they have capcitors helping out. If you are looking to add some real 3D hardware, also drawing from the 12v line, you will need even more.

Nvidia wasn't kidding around in their specs for a high powered PSU when releasing GF6. Nobody wants to pin themselves under the mercy of the power supply, but at some point you have to accept that you need adequate power to maintain a system; Nvidia card or not.

I would say that a good starting point for a modern PC is around 20 amps on the 12 v and this being sustained. Many trash brands want to give the impression that they give power, but you can often get away with less if it is truly sustainable. 16 amps could be acceptable if, and only if, that level is a guaranteed minimum and the PSU can peak higher when needed.
to compare things :

old (1999) noname 250W : 10A on the 12V
brand new "350W" crap : 12A (on a cheap PC with a Prescott 3ghz :oops: )
Fotron 350W : 16 A
I've lost 2 PSU's within the last year.
The 1st one was a generic 350W PSU.
A PX 2500+@ 2.45ghz and 1,85vcore.
Exchanged the 9700PRO@ 9800 PRO for a x800 XT PE.
The PSU went with a loud bang. Nothing else harmed though. Death because of overload obviously.

2nd PSU was a Enermax 431W PSU with 20A on the 12v rail. I thought it's good enough for my system (the one in my sig).
When i tried to go past 450mhz on my Ultra the PSU went out for the very last time. I have quite a lot stuff hooked up to the PSU though i must admit.

Had an OCZ Powerstream 520 (30A on 12v) in the meantime wich obviously had no problems but it was too loud for my silentsystem.
Currently using a 30 bucks LC Power 550 (24A on 12v rail). Yeah it's cheap but it's rails are rock solid and it comes with a 120mm fan i hooked up to my fan control. Silence finally!!!