Project: Spark [XO]

I never played the original, so I guess i'll wait for reviews before i give it a go. I don't mind PS games, but frame rate can be hurting at times.
That or just wait it out until I have nothing to play, this backlog is way too huge.

edit: it is rather unfortunate that there seems to be a high degree of negativity on this one because it is being made with project spark.

I'm not sure how I feel about that.
a) On one hand gamers have been asking to death for new IPs, new games, they don't want the same game over and over again with just better graphics.

But it appears when they get something out of the ordinary the game does not sell well as they should, so people are definitely speaking loudly, but ultimately saving their wallets for games they are familiar with.

b) On the other hand, people want a game they are familiar with with updated graphics and art, some different puzzles, but generally speaking the same game.

(b) will definitely outsell (a) by a mile despite the crowd speaking loudly about (a). It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation. As for whether or not Project Spark is capable of making a great game, one does not need to look at far as Dota, Counter Strike, LoL, Natural Selection, DayZ, etc to see how effective mods can be. This might be a step in the right direction in getting people to use Project Spark more, but they really need to change the transaction system to encourage play and modding.
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I tryed project spark, and the thing felt very akward, clunky and generaly unfun. Now if they can nail the gameplay feel and level design style of conker, I'll be happy to give it a go. That game had a very distinct style, and one that I liked a lot. Also, if I can go and create my own conker levels using conker's movement and the same assets and modules as this, I'll probably spend some time with the editor as well.

Unfortunately, I hate the art direction on this thing. The style they went for is not terrible, but the execution is quite cheap - to my eyes at least.
Unfortunately, I hate the art direction on this thing. The style they went for is not terrible, but the execution is quite cheap - to my eyes at least.
Yeah... his model looks like a better n64 direction? I quite liked Live and Reloaded, so it's a bit jarring to see him all solid vs the alpha shells/fur.


I tried out PS on Win8.1, but I couldn't really stand it tbh. :p
I do find the majority of most games on Project Spark to be very amateurish, in both game play mechanics and overall polish. But I think that is an issue with the games being made, and not the editor itself. Though I could be wrong, perhaps games cannot be built with tight controls.
Yeah... his model looks like a better n64 direction? I quite liked Live and Reloaded, so it's a bit jarring to see him all solid vs the alpha shells/fur.

Actually, I don't entirely hate the enbelished n64 thing. I don't like the visual style of Spark itself. It wen't for a patchworky, craftsy look much like LBP, but LBT did it so much better, and so did their other paper game. Spark also loves the carved wood/stone thing, sort of LowPoly as artstyle thing, which is not ugly on its own, and I've seen some indies nail it, but can easily look ugly. Its about finding the right places to leave the sharp edges and flat facets in a way that the overal volume and silloutte is represented the its most striking way possible, and keeping facet size consistent and minimalistic. Spark fails at that, and Tomorrow children does too. Spark also loves them spirals and and curvy warped shapes, something Tim Burton movies are full of. Again, something that can look good, but can easily feel overdone, and tiresome. Exactly the case with spark. It also loves them old-genish "dirty textures" with too much ambient occlusion baked into models making them look like 100 year old disgustinly dirty wooden figurines.
With conker, they captured pretty well the look and feel of conker's characters and environments, but unfortunately all the ugly signature Spark's look is still there as well.

Sidenote: 1920's beep-bop. I love it.
There's more to Project Spark than just the forest world. There are arctic, desert & space worlds too. There are so many games where you couldn't tell it was even made with Project Spark.

Tommy McClain
There's more to Project Spark than just the forest world. There are arctic, desert & space worlds too. There are so many games where you couldn't tell it was even made with Project Spark.

Tommy McClain
How very true. I should be investing more time in this game creator if at least just to prototype mechanics.
These are decent efforts, creators are definitely getting better as time goes on. They just need Team Dakota to make it run better.

There's more to Project Spark than just the forest world. There are arctic, desert & space worlds too. There are so many games where you couldn't tell it was even made with Project Spark.
I'm really looking forward to trying this, I've been interested in creation tools since Activision's Game Maker for the Commodore 64, which spurred me on to learn 6510, 68000 and 80x86 machine language - couldn't afford C compilers back in those days!

Roll on Microsoft's free Windows 10 upgrade for Windows 7 users :yes:
Looks like they have decided to become an incubation engine & are going completely free. This was posted to Reddit yesterday...

Hi r/xboxone!

Some big news I wanted to share with you all out of the Project Spark Community! On October 5, we'll be rolling out the biggest change to our platform. First and foremost, Project Spark will entirely free. All paid content will be unlocked for everyone. We're pivoting from producing DLC and active feature development to encouraging more user generated content and opening up the experience. 3 brand new content packs are also coming on October 5th and will be available for free: Noxious Bog, Complex Primitives, and Dragon's Ascension.

In light of these changes, all players who have purchased Project Spark digital content on or after July 28, 2015, purchased a retail disc and activated it by product key redemption on or after July 28, 2015 or have a remainder balance of purchased in-game tokens will be entitled to Microsoft Store credit equivalent to their money spent. Microsoft Store credits will be awarded automatically to all users within 30-60 days after October 5.

Unfortunately, future work on Conker's Big Reunion episodic content has been cancelled. This was a hard choice for our team but was necessary with our shift in focus.

If you have any questions, leave a comment or send me a PM. I'll be checking this thread throughout the day. Thanks!

Read the full announcement here!

Read about all the new content coming here

Read about updated and revised achievements here.

Read the full release notes here.

TD;LR: Project Spark will be completely free on October 5th. Our goal is to empower a community of creators and this shift in focus helps us accomplish that.

Mostly cool, but too bad about the future Conker content though. Will be interesting to see if they try to turn it into XBLIG/XNA though.

Tommy McClain
Yes. Free for everyone, everywhere it runs. WinOS and XboxOne.

It was mostly free to begin with, just had to pay to get more building content or more campaign characters. I bought some content when they had a half price sale last year and I'm not upset at them going completely free now. I used Bing credits converted to Live points, so it was still free to me.
The writing has been on the wall for a while on this one, especially once it went completely free for all content. Despite the long warning time, I thought they'd get some sort of extension given its been a year or so since any income generation and it hasnt seemed to impact the quality of the game or free marketplace for user addons.
The only creator tool I know that's been truly successful is LBP*, and that has fizzled out I think in version 3. All the others people have tried over the years haven't taken off. The things people really get into are by accident, so Minecraft. I guess people need incredibly simple to begin with, and they just experiment with a tiny ruleset. Then you can start adding stuff and they are already comfortable with the system. Is my guess.

* Edit: And reading up, it didn't do well at launch but slowly grew sales. But then I suppose Minecraft had a similar growth.
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LBP is still quite active, but only slightly less ambitious (not a complete 3D world). Minecraft is definitely a thing but in terms of actual game creation (mods excluded) still very limited. Above everything it needs a decent game in the package that people want to play enough to own it even before a lot of content was created. Project Spark failed there very badly.