Project Gotham Racing 4

PGR4 is the top of my to get list. I love the driving model and the graphics satisfy my general next gen dissappointment :)
Holy shit!

That's a great shot in general - but what on earth is going on with the (what looks like) black plastic strip with the license plate on the back of the car? The texture looks awful!

This game is looking amazing though - the rain effects on the windscreen when using interior view are especially astounding to my humble eyes. All that melded with gameplay I know and love... I'm happy!
As beautiful as this game is, surprised it's not getting more attention! Not a lot of people buy it?

Remember the PGR4 has yet to be released in Europe and although GAME UK has said my copy was posted today, I can't see me getting it for a week or two, yet. Regards Royal Mail !!
reflection galore!


It'd seem that focusing on 30fps instead of 60 like Forza2, Bizarre had a fair amount of resources to work with in order to get all the bells and whistles up. Having played a lot of forza2, I really do like the 60fps but then again, I really do love the way PGR4 looks. I'm leaning towards 30fps with all the bells and whistles at this point.
Heard that this game doesn't support letterboxing at 1280x720. Real shame. For this reason alone I can't play this game :cry:
reflection galore!


It'd seem that focusing on 30fps instead of 60 like Forza2, Bizarre had a fair amount of resources to work with in order to get all the bells and whistles up. Having played a lot of forza2, I really do like the 60fps but then again, I really do love the way PGR4 looks. I'm leaning towards 30fps with all the bells and whistles at this point.
Perhaps some of the best reflections ever. You really do have a good eye for photos, I must admit.

I still prefer the 60 fps for racing sims but PGR4's framerate is so smooth and the graphics so beautiful and realistic that I don't mind it running at 30 fps. The game runs smoother than PGR3. I know it sounds weird but I remember noticing very small little hiccups and stutters while playing PGR3, especially after I purchased Forza, although the motion blur helped inmensely.

I still have PGR3 so I'll test this out later on and see how everything runs in PGR3.

Some more pics:





Heard that this game doesn't support letterboxing at 1280x720. Real shame. For this reason alone I can't play this game :cry:
Shouldn't the graphics look stretched while playing at 1280x720p in 4:3 screens? PGR3 did support letterboxing at 1024x768.

Cheers m8
Shouldn't the graphics look stretched while playing at 1280x720p in 4:3 screens? PGR3 did support letterboxing at 1024x768.

Cheers m8

Most 360 games rendered at 720p over VGA at 1280x1024 get a letterbox. So your top and bottom of your display have black bars, and the game fills your 1280x1024 screen with a 1280x720 image in the middle.

Most games that DON'T do this are NOT native 720p rendered, hence why PGR3 didn't. Hey Quaz51, the demo is out. Can you check this out?
While the game is not letterboxed, the image is not stretched as in PGR3. However, the game suffers from severe aliasing, which leads me to believe that something along the lines of Halo 3 is happening.

Nice photos.

While the game is not letterboxed, the image is not stretched as in PGR3.

So it is 5:4 aspect at 1280x1024? If so, the good guess is it is upscaled from 800x600?

However, the game suffers from severe aliasing, which leads me to believe that something along the lines of Halo 3 is happening.

I have seen a bit of HD captures and the aliasing is very minor at 720p. 720p w/ 2xMSAA sounds right on 720p displays.

Kind of stinky as I have a CRT and LCDs and no HDTV :|
So it is 5:4 aspect at 1280x1024? If so, the good guess is it is upscaled from 800x600?

The resolution seems a bit higher than that. It might be upscaled from 1024x768.

I have seen a bit of HD captures and the aliasing is very minor at 720p. 720p w/ 2xMSAA sounds right on 720p display.

That's one of the reasons why I was looking forward to this -PGR3 was a complete jaggie fest- and that's why it sucks not to have the game properly letterboxing the image.

I thought that might be a problem with non-720p native games, but not this time around. Granted, the final result with 5:4 screens is not as bad as in PGR3, but even with the latter you could use letterboxing by lowering the resolution to 1024x768.

The worrying thing is that this is becoming a trend, even with the latest titles from MS Gaming Studies. Many sports games such as the latest ones from EA -FIFA 08, NBA Live, Skate- or PES 2007 and many others seem to be cut by the same pattern. Most of these are upscaled from lower resolutions, ruining the whole experience. I'd rather have two nice black bars than having to put up with some nasty jaggies.
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IGN said:
PGR 4 takes you on a tour across the world. You'll race up the misty hills of Macau, battle through the narrow roads of London, and get some air on St. Petersburg's notorious humpback bridges. The cities look impeccable in PGR 4. Step into the photo mode to stop the action and check out all ten beautiful locales. While the cars do suffer from some serious jaggies, the models are spot-on. This isn't the prettiest racer on 360, but it's still a good-looking title.

IGN said:
The car models look fantastic and you have to love having fully-realized dashboards. The cities also look beautiful. The jaggies, however, hurt considerably.

8.1 from IGN, 9.1 from IGN UK.

I have to question the jaggies on cars comments. I have seen a lot of captured 720p video and screenshots (both from Blim and other sites), not BC released media, and I am not seeing the aliasing they are talking about.

I asked Hillary if he is using a VGA cable, but no reply yet.
I have to question the jaggies on cars comments. I have seen a lot of captured 720p video and screenshots (both from Blim and other sites), not BC released media, and I am not seeing the aliasing they are talking about.

As well encoded as a video might be -which is always the case with Blim Blim's-, jaggies are often smoothed out thanks to the mandatory compression. Aliasing is apparent in cars, but it's not that bad. The worst spot would have to be the grills of the cars.

On the other hand, he might be playing via VGA cable on a widescreen monitor. Many of those are set-up using a resolution of 1280x1024. He just might be noticing the issue I've already pointed out.
Strange he cited that issue, it's confirmed to have 2xAA@720p, jaggies should hardly be noticeable, I'll have to take a look at the demo myself today or tomorrow...

Yeah, I know nearly a dozen people with the game and haven't heard this one yet. And the 720p user videos I referenced don't appear bad.

As well encoded as a video might be -which is always the case with Blim Blim's-, jaggies are often smoothed out thanks to the mandatory compression. Aliasing is apparent in cars, but it's not that bad. The worst spot would have to be the grills of the cars.

Compression doesn't wholesale hide aliasing though. I see plenty of aliasing in capture videos. Further, if you look at the screenshots Blim captures you can actually count the aliasing steps. I know--because I did! If I can SEE the aliasing on near vertical/horizontal surfaces in classic aliasing patters, sorry, I don't buy that aliasing on the cars would magically be totally obscured to the point Hillary is seeing them REALLY bad and I am seeing very nice 2xMSAA (sans areas with alpha blending).

Aliasing is apparent in cars, but it's not that bad. The worst spot would have to be the grills of the cars.

I thought you said it suffers from severe aliasing??

However, the game suffers from severe aliasing, which leads me to believe that something along the lines of Halo 3 is happening.

Is it severe or not that bad? Are you on a VGA cable (only? or testing an HD TV as well?)
Sorry, I was talking about two different things.

Aliasing is an issue if you play it at 1280x1024. It becomes almost a non-issue at the native resolution -720p 2x AA-. I have only tested it with the VGA cable on a 5:4 monitor, but the second part has been confirmed to me by several people who have played the game on HDTVs. Aliasing is still there at 720p, but it's hardly a problem.
Sorry, I was talking about two different things.

Aliasing is an issue if you play it at 1280x1024. It becomes almost a non-issue at the native resolution -720p 2x AA-.

Thumbs up for clarification.

Which makes me think that we are right to guess Hillary is using the VGA cable. Which poses an interesting question: If 95% + of consumers (above and beyond SDTV) are using component or HDMI, and that is the norm/standard, why use VGA? It is almost like grading graphics for HD systems by using SDTV.

Now I think that SDTV resolutions ARE relevant in reviews as a side blurb, but it seems curious to use SDTV as your metric. I understand that SDTV and VGA are supported, but are we going to begin commenting on issues in SDTV resolutions (like muddiness and blurriness?) Are the HD market impact of TV scalers (e.g. the few CRT HDTVs that have issue with 720p signals) for blanket statements like: Game_X doesn't work in HD on HDTVs when, indeed, the issue is quite limited in scope? Surely an issue to note in the text, but a far cry from the conclusion (i.e. Game_X doesn't work in HD on a small number of HDTVs, which is quite a contrast).

I am curious if IGN will respond to my inquiry. They typically don't.

All that said, major suckage for me because I only have PC displays :devilish: I guess I could run in 720p on the CRT and then squash the image manually.
Keep in mind that 2xMSAA is hardly perfect due to the limited sampling positions. One particular angle will get the AA, and another won't.

R520 2xAA mask

If I recall correctly, generally the two red dots should be enclosed by different polygons in order to get the "AA shades". Note that this pattern should be good for first person shooters with the view weapon general pointing in the direction bisecting those red dots.