Prince of Persia 2 confirmed

London Geezer

February 03, 2004 - Buried deep within Ubsoft's third quarter financial results, it was revealed that because of the strong success of Prince of Persia across all platforms in various regions, the company has already begun development of a sequel. While no details other than that were discovered in the release, we did call Ubisoft ourselves for an additional comment. Unfortunately Ubisoft had no official statement regarding the announcement other than what was revealed in the financial results.

A strong contender for 2003 Game of the Year and the winner of several awards across multiple platforms by IGN and other publications, Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time was one of last season's most acclaimed pieces of software (and a personal favorite among several members of the IGN staff). You can bet your bottom rupee that we'll be back with more on Sands of Time 2 as soon it becomes available.

POP was one of the best games released last year, sadly it didn't sell as well as it should have (big rolleyes to the gamers around the world who are too busy playing games such as FIFA or bloody DOA)... I think it barely touched the 1 million copies mark, over all platforms...
High hopes for this one...
Yeah last PoP U.S sales numbers I saw had it at 550,000 on all platforms. I was suprised to see that PoP apparently sold over 2 million in Europe though. So everyone thank Europe for PoP2 :LOL:
Teasy said:
Yeah last PoP U.S sales numbers I saw had it at 550,000 on all platforms. I was suprised to see that PoP apparently sold over 2 million in Europe though. So everyone thanks Europe for a PoP2 :LOL:

Oh thats good news then... There was LOADS of advertising at least here in the UK, on TV, the tube, on the streets and the places like HMV and Virgin where they actually sell the thing, whole walls made of big PoP adverts... Amazing...
What happened to the first reply to this topic? Disappeared.

Anyway, PoP is one I mean to pick up, just haven't got around to it yet. Glad to see it sold well over here in Europe.
Gerry said:
What happened to the first reply to this topic? Disappeared.

Anyway, PoP is one I mean to pick up, just haven't got around to it yet. Glad to see it sold well over here in Europe.

Whose reply was it? Yours?
I loved Prince of Persia. I was suprised by how similar it was to ICO, and even more suprised that I still enjoyed it despite that fact. Excellent mechanics.. I just wish it was longer. Viva la PoP2!!
I havent finished PoP, but i still much prefere ICO to it. As good as PoP was (with all its faults too), Ico is still probably my top game this generation. Incredible...

PoP still felt like a "game with the cheesy plot", you know, the "sands of time" the killing monsters, the turning back time....

Ico was just simply beautiful, you and your princess to rescue. Find the way out and that's it. It was blissful and atmospheric simplicity.
london-boy said:
Whose reply was it? Yours?

I won't embarass the person who put it up, but it was basically saying that the IGN article was nothing more than made-up speculation. Perhaps they subsequently noticed the part that mentioned the fact that it was in the financial report and deleted their reply.

ICO is one of the few PS games I would have really liked to have played on the Xbox. Darn proprietary systems...
Teasy said:
Yeah last PoP U.S sales numbers I saw had it at 550,000 on all platforms. I was suprised to see that PoP apparently sold over 2 million in Europe though. So everyone thank Europe for PoP2 :LOL:

Yeah, Euro-GCN owners still don't have it. It's kinda :cry:.
I havent finished PoP, but i still much prefere ICO to it.
I have to second that exact sentiment - PoP is a very pretty game, but it failed to captivate me in the way ICO did, or for that matter, the original PoP.
Speaking of ICO, I've on a re-playthrough with it since last week :p And before you point and laugh for taking so long with a "short" game - I don't play for long stretches, and more importantly I tend to take my time with ICO - you know, looking around the sunny scapes, swimming, chasing the birds... ahem... :oops:
Yeah one of the reasons that 2 million number suprised me is that I still haven't even seen PoP on either GC or XBox here in the U.K. It might be out on XBox, but I haven't seen it anyway. So those 2 million + must have all been sold on PS2 in Europe (or the massive majority if it is now finally out for XBox).

Also I remember when PoP was released on PS2 in the U.K and a game store owner I knew hadn't sold a single copy in the first week. I asked him about it a month ago and he said it hadn't sold well overall since release in his store. I know its only one store but this sort of game me the impression that it wasn't doing to well in the U.K. So I was VERY suprised to see that number for European PoP sales, to the point were at first I thought it was a mistake. But the numbers are right from UbiSoft's financial report so....

BTW yep its a bit sad that UbiSoft seem to have cancelled PoP for GC in Europe. Doesn't really make much sense either AFAICS. Although personally I'd just have imported it from the U.S if I'd wanted it on GC. Instead I just played it on my PC.
Fafalada said:
I havent finished PoP, but i still much prefere ICO to it.
I have to second that exact sentiment - PoP is a very pretty game, but it failed to captivate me in the way ICO did, or for that matter, the original PoP.
Speaking of ICO, I've on a re-playthrough with it since last week :p And before you point and laugh for taking so long with a "short" game - I don't play for long stretches, and more importantly I tend to take my time with ICO - you know, looking around the sunny scapes, swimming, chasing the birds... ahem... :oops:

Yeah i think ICO is the game i've played through the most in my life, i must have played through it at least 20 times... It's such an amazing experience... POP is more of a "game" which i know is a weird thing to say but i always felt ICO was "something else". I have no idea how that little internal Sony team could pull off such a beautiful piece of software, but ICO really was one of a kind. Saying it was "different" would not exactly explain it, there are many games that are "different" (don't know, Stretch Panic by Treasure for example). But they always felt like "games", unlike ICO.
Teasy said:
Yeah one of the reasons that 2 million number suprised me is that I still haven't even seen PoP on either GC or XBox here in the U.K. It might be out on XBox, but I haven't seen it anyway. So those 2 million + must have all been sold on PS2 in Europe (or the massive majority if it is now finally out for XBox).

Also I remember when PoP was released on PS2 in the U.K and a game store owner I knew hadn't sold a single copy in the first week. I asked him about it a month ago and he said it hadn't sold well overall since release in his store. I know its only one store but this sort of game me the impression that it wasn't doing to well in the U.K. So I was VERY suprised to see that number for European PoP sales, to the point were at first I thought it was a mistake. But the numbers are right from UbiSoft's financial report so....

It has been released on Xbox. But the really sad thing is while Xbox and PS2 version have been lowered in price, the GCN version is going to be realeased at full price :cry:
I did find ICO beautiful.. but I'm more impressed with mechanics. I guess I just got sick of chasing black things around with a stick and trying to pull Yorda (that is her name?) out of pits.

PoP's story never really amazed me.. nor did the game amaze me artistically like ICO (though it did have its moments.. like that staircase at the end was really nice). But the actual mechanics were wonderful. I sat down to play it and under 9 hours later I was done and I started it again.
gurgi said:
I did find ICO beautiful.. but I'm more impressed with mechanics. I guess I just got sick of chasing black things around with a stick and trying to pull Yorda (that is her name?) out of pits.

PoP's story never really amazed me.. nor did the game amaze me artistically like ICO (though it did have its moments.. like that staircase at the end was really nice). But the actual mechanics were wonderful. I sat down to play it and under 9 hours later I was done and I started it again.

Yeah when i say beautiful i do take everything into consideration, mechanics, graphics, sound... everything...
Teasy said:
Yeah one of the reasons that 2 million number suprised me is that I still haven't even seen PoP on either GC or XBox here in the U.K. It might be out on XBox, but I haven't seen it anyway. So those 2 million + must have all been sold on PS2 in Europe (or the massive majority if it is now finally out for XBox).

Still isn't out on Xbox (which explains why I haven't got it yet). 20 Feb according to Amazon, and indeed it does seem to be £10 cheaper than it was. They have the Gamecube version down for the same release date and the same price.