Post interesting facts about yourself....

1. I have a heart condition that basically means i cannot work. Or, i can, but the best remedy is spending all day emailing my friends and posting on B3D.
2. I have a strange brain condition that basically means i am attracted to guys.
3. I am 22 and i've already shagged 10 times more than most people will in their whole lives. With 100 more people than most people will ever meet in their whole lives.
4. Apparently i'm quite sexxey.
5. I'm Italian but i don't like Italians. Especially the guys, they think they're all that, when really, they haven't seen me. And they always act all superior. When it's obvious that i'm superior to all of them put together. Did i mention how i think differently from Italians?
6. Women seem to be very attracted to me, and i take pleasure out of teasing them, even when they know about my above mentioned brain condition. Especially in clubs, where i'm usually shirt-less. It's much more fun playing with girls than with boys, cause at least u don't have to worry about having to take them home and shag them. U know, sometimes you just wanna go out to have fun, without the "pulling" thing bothering you.
7. I will write a book. Writing a book was my first real dream and it will always be my ultimate dream, and one day i will fullfill my destiny.
8. When i'm bored i mess around with Maya (6, if anyone wants to know. LOVING THE HAIR). I seem to be a better animator than a modeller. Or at least, animation seems to interest me more than modelling things, which is a total pain.
9. I'm getting into modelling. Fashion modelling, not Playgirl kind of modelling.
10. I'm one of the funniest persons i know. Sometimes i just burst laughing all by myself for a joke i thought about. All by myself.
11. I'm very nasty. When i want to hurt someone, words are my best medium. And i'm usually successful. The bad thing is that sometimes i hurt with my words when i don't want to.
12. I hate sorry's. Poeple should not make mistakes, at least not the stupid ones, thinking they're "safe" cause they can always say sorry afterwards. HUH HUH, doesn't work like that.
13. I'm training very hard at the gym and i've almost reached my goal. Just a bit of work here and there and i'll be a fully fledged muscly-gay-club-attending kind of body. Almost there. Not like people are complaining as it is today.
14. When i start talking, i don't know when to stop.
15. Sometimes it's hard to make me start talking. Especially when surrounded by strangers who somehow "expect" something from me.
16. I think modesty is useless.
17. <--- I CAN COUNT!!!

That's it for the moment.
hey69 said:
2. I have a strange brain condition that basically means i am attracted to guys

hurry to the brain doctor, they CAN help you !

We tried everything, they said it's uncurable. We even tried shock therapy, where they put me in a room with 18 hunks, and spend the next 24 getting gang raped by these footballer kind of fit sexy guys. But it didn't work. I still want more.
london-boy said:
16. I think modesty is useless.

Seconded, people seem to expect you to be all modest so they can then say "oh no, you are good really". It's just daft, why bother? Call it like it is, and if people don't like it they're ugly and thats their problem not mine.

17. <--- I CAN COUNT!!!

sytaylor said:
london-boy said:
16. I think modesty is useless.

Seconded, people seem to expect you to be all modest so they can then say "oh no, you are good really". It's just daft, why bother? Call it like it is, and if people don't like it they're ugly and thats their problem not mine.

Yeah i mean, even now, it's obvious that my post was the BEST in this thread. So why be modest about it? :LOL: :devilish:

I'm such an idiot ;)
Well at least i'm upfront about it.
See, in clubs i usually go:
"I don't believe we've been properly introduced! Good Evening, i'm an idiot!"
That usually does the trick.
1. I have liked someone I can't have for the past three years (who happens to be my best friend). It feels like I've been dumped when I wake up in the mornings. Not really doing myself any favours as a far as this situation goes.
2. Been on Blue Peter twice, playing in a band. Also Albert Hall, Radio 2 etc... lots of cool stuff.
3. 1/2 Chinese and an 1/8th Irish, so I'm actually more Chinese than I am English, which is a bit weird.
4. Have two heart thingies: a prolapsing mitral valve and an electrical problem that sometimes sometimes causes SVT (240bpm+). Neither are serious.
5. I can't eat in social situations - I get nauseous and barely touch my meal as a result. Not sure exactly why it happens (likely its something to do with points 1 and 6) and it totally fucks me over.
6. Biggest procrastinator EVER, probably as a result of always being able to get away with doing very little work and still get top grades when I was younger. Don't start most coursework till the early hours of the morning on the day it's due in and rarely attend lectures. Not proud of it - failed 1st year EE in dramatic fashion. A bit better these days.
7. Hated first two years of uni (though would never admit it). Had a bit of a turnaround in summer 2002 - changed course to Comp Science & e-Business and should be on a for a 1st if I sort out 1 & 6.
8. Have had one GF and one sort-of. Never dated and never been chatted up (dont' think so anyway).
9. Closet freeskier - I'm getting into that dangerous territory where I know the names of awesome moves etc but can't actually pull any of them off (like fat kids who watch too much football).
10. Been asked whether I want to write for 2-3 hardware sites over the past couple of years. Always decline because when I start reading up on stuff, soon enough I hit something that requires a moderate amount of brainpower and give up. :rolleyes:
Basic said:
I have seen LOTR (3 DVDs) non-stop, sitting in front of my computer. Only break was between DVD 2 and 3 to fetch a pillow to support my back (that started to ache a bit).
STRUTH ... have you had a surgical bladder upgrade or something?
Simon F said:
Basic said:
I have seen LOTR (3 DVDs) non-stop, sitting in front of my computer. Only break was between DVD 2 and 3 to fetch a pillow to support my back (that started to ache a bit).
STRUTH ... have you had a surgical bladder upgrade or something?

That reminds me, i need to go for a piss.
13. I'm over 30.
14. I've given a load of my sperm to a lesbian couple in a cup, because they wanted to have a baby (their second, the first one was not from my yield). I'm excited to see the result this spring, everythings gone fine this far.
15. I have double fingernail on my left hand thumb.
16. I would also like a picture of sytaylors' Big Thing, and a picture of a naked london-boy.
rabidrabbit said:
16. I would also like a picture of sytaylors' Big Thing, and a picture of a naked london-boy.

Well, him being part of the human population who have a normal brain and is attracted to the opposite sex, it's probably not going to happen. And if it is, I wanna see.

RE: me...
I don't have naked pics of me.............................................
11. I am the only person with my name in Britain. Yes... Harry Vagina.

12. Once ordered a drive-thru McD with no car.

13. Been told "you're very good-looking.... but nah", after which I concluded that it's my personailty which lets me down.

14. I might be working for Big Blue this summer (dun dun duhhhh...).
*chortle*. Seriously... only person in the UK called Paul Toler. Plus I have a Chinese name, "Lim Fung Kee", which is only slightly made up.

So rabidrabbit, the kid will have a gay dad and two lesbian mums? Wowser.
london-boy said:
rabidrabbit said:
16. I would also like a picture of sytaylors' Big Thing, and a picture of a naked london-boy.

Well, him being part of the human population who have a normal brain and is attracted to the opposite sex, it's probably not going to happen. And if it is, I wanna see.

RE: me...
I don't have naked pics of me.............................................

You have a point about teasing the opposite sex to that which you are attracted to, it is quite fun... (for the record I haven't lied either) :p